At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 183 How can you hate him?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!The corner of the ghost king's mouth sneered. He thought it was unlikely that Pei Yilin would escape. As long as he didn't have Yin Baoer's help, he would never see Song Qian alive.

"President Pei, as long as you successfully break through the encirclement of the vulture, you can see Song Qian and have a chance to save her!" Ghost King reminded.

"I know." Pei Yilin snorted coldly, first frowned and glanced at the narrow bridge in front of him, before staring at the big tree hanging Song Qian not far away.

The big tree has a history of hundreds of years, and the trunk is very strong, even the branches are very thick.

And Song Qian is now hung on a very thin rope. The other end of the rope is tied to a stone bench not far away. A faint yellow light flashes on the stone bench.

In the wind, the pale yellow shook, but there was no sign of extinguishing.

"What is that?" Pei Yilin frowned, "Candle?"

"Yes." The King of Ghosts chuckled, "Candles, we use lampshades to protect the candles that are specially used to burn the rope. Once the candle burns the rope, Song Qian will fall and fall heavily to the ground. Maybe, It will fall into meatloaf. But, maybe, if the wind is strong, Song Qian may be blown off the high platform and go down to the cliff to enjoy the blessing!"

"What did you say!" Pei Yilin's voice was cold.

At this moment, he could not hear any news that Song Qian might be killed.

"I didn't say anything." Seeing Pei Yilin's behavior, the ghost king immediately stopped his stimulation and started talking about the main point.

"And the remote control in my hand controls the burning speed of the candle." The corner of the ghost king's mouth chuckled, "President Pei, the candle burning speed is not fast, it is estimated that it will take an hour to burn the rope!" It is clearly joking.

"President Pei, let's start. Song Qian faces not only candles, but also the vultures flying in front of you. If you don't solve them within fifteen minutes, we can only let them visit Song Qian. Now." Ghost King said viciously.

As soon as the ghost king's voice fell, Pei Yilin rushed over.

Even if the plank road in front of Pei Yilin is very narrow and dangerous, he still has no fear.

The ghost king looked at Pei Yilin's leaving figure with a faint smile on his mouth.

Great show, it's really about to begin!

"Qin Xirong, you are really enough." Yin Baoer hurried to the pool and saw Qin Xirong sitting leisurely under the parasol and drinking a Margarita cocktail, his face was cold and cold.

"Parrot, don't be angry. Drink some wine and be shocked." Qin Xirong smiled, holding up a cocktail and sending it to Yin Baoer.

But without waiting for Qin Xirong to take two steps, Yin Baoer flew out a nail and nailed it to the chair she was sitting on.

"Run back to your pool obediently. Otherwise, I will kill you now." Yin Baoer raised the gun and pointed it straight at Qin Xirong's forehead.

Although Qin Xirong hadn't seen Yin Bao'er's greatness, she had heard some words from others.

She knows that Yin Bao'er is the best at using poison, and she knows that her poisonous nails are almost always hit.

Therefore, Qin Xirong snorted coldly and secretly said "I don't know what is good or bad", and then slowly finished the cocktail in her hand before jumping into the ice pool with a puff.

"You two, carry them down and bring them to the Lord." Yin Baoer walked to the edge of the pool and handcuffed Qin Xirong before quietly calling the two men who followed him.

"Yes." The two men got the order and immediately lifted the brothers who were lying on the ground. Yin Baoer walked over, gave them some medicine, and waved a few people away.

"Yin Bao'er, you will regret it if you treat me like this--" Qin Xirong flashed a trace of resentment under her eyes, and said coldly, "I have ordered people to put the viper to Song Qian. If you don't arrive in time, even if she Will not fall to death, and will be bitten to death by a poisonous snake!"

"You, you vicious woman." Yin Baoer's face turned pale when she heard the words, and then she sneered and changed the things in her hands.

"Qin Xirong, you should pay the price for what you did." Yin Baoer threw a small sachet into the shark pond, and then quickly left.

Qin Xirong looked at the back of Yin Baoer's hurried departure, with a cold smile on her lips.

Yin Bao'er, I don't believe that your speed can match the speed of that viper.

Qin Xirong thought that Song Qian would be bitten by a poisonous snake, but never expected that Yin Baoer would have bought Song Qian anti-poisonous insects and anti-vulture drugs.

Even though the cobra had already regarded Song Qian as something in the bag, under the influence of those drugs, they still did not dare to get close to half a minute.

Yin Bao'er looked at Song Qian from a distance, and saw that she was very uncomfortable, so she couldn't bear to walk over.

"Are you finally willing to see me?" Song Qian looked at Yin Bao'er with a complicated tone.

She had long known that Yin Baoer was a parrot and was under Jiayuan Yin. She had always wanted to ask why, but Yin Baoer always avoided her.

Yin Bao'er did not answer Song Qian's words, but said, "I will kill them for you!"

She was not worried that these cobras would hurt Song Qian, she was just worried that Song Qian would be sick again when she saw them.

When Yin Baoer first met Song Qian in the organization, Song Qian was being forced to pick up the earthworms. She vomited so badly that she almost vomited out the internal organs.

Later, Yin Baoer saw Song Qian vomiting several times, each time because of mollusks.

Therefore, Yin Baoer knew that Song Qian hated this kind of mollusk, and hated it beyond words.

"No." Even though the severe nausea caused Song Qian to suffer a serious crime, she still refused, "This snake is used by the organization to test me. Bo'er, you can't kill them."

"They are not. They are used by Qin Xirong to hurt you." Yin Baoer frowned, "Song Qian, you are such a strong and decisive person. I don't believe you would think that this kind of thing was used by the organization to torture you."

Song Qian smiled faintly, and a complicated light flashed in his eyes, and said: "Who can be sure that it is not? Bo'er, you and I both joined the Star Trails Alliance later. They cannot trust us 100%. So even if Qin Xirong is mad, she does not dare to put a poisonous snake here without the order to add the original silver."

With that, Song Qian was about to bend down again and vomit violently.

But because she was tied so tightly, she couldn't complete this action at all, instead it made the nausea feel stronger.

"I'll help you." Yin Baoer sighed, hugged Song Qian, and helped her step on the side of the rock.

After stepping on the rock, Song Qian felt a lot more comfortable. She bent over and vomited for a while before looking at Yin Baoer with a little ease: "Boer, thank you."

"Thank you." Yin Baoer smiled lightly, "If you hadn't set up such a game yourself, I could take you away from here now."

"Don't..." Song Qian stopped her, "Bo'er, you know, this plan was proposed by me. If I leave with you now, everything I have tried will be useless, and Pei Yilin will not get him. Due punishment."

"En." Yin Bao'er frowned very tightly after hearing her words. It took a long time before she took out a small sachet and handed it to Song Qian.

"Throw it to whomever you want them to get close to. If you want to risk yourself, I won't give you this thing." Yin Baoer glanced at the fast approaching cobra and smelled her sachet. They were ready to move, as if they had regarded Song Qian as a delicacy in their mouths.

Song Qian's physical condition is clear to Yin Baoer, and she can't let her encounter any more danger.

"I won't let them come close to me." Song Qian had an unidentified color in his eyes, and his voice was faint, "Give it to me."

"Yeah." Yin Bao'er nodded and gave Song Qian a sachet again, "Bring both, then the cobra won't come near you for half a minute."

"I know." Song Qian nodded, trying to give Yin Baoer a smile.

But when she looked at Yin Baoer not far behind, her face suddenly became cold.

There, Pei Yilin had already climbed the chain bridge, and was walking towards the place where the vultures flocked.

"Pei Yilin? How could it..." Song Qian exclaimed, "cock" in his heart.

She didn't think that Jia Yuanyin actually drove all the vultures of the Star Trail Alliance in order to make Pei Yilin suffer.

Those vultures are usually used by Kawara Silver to punish traitors. A dozen vultures are enough for one person to be scarred.What's more, what Pei Yilin has to face now is all, a full fifty?

"And if you want them to stay away from Pei Yilin, I can do you a favor." Yin Baoer said lightly.

There is another sachet in her hand. If Song Qian needs it, she can send it to Pei Yilin.

"No." Song Qian shook his head, "Since this scene has already chosen to start, it must be performed. Bo'er, Pei't worry about it.

Song Qian said decisively, and seemed to hate Pei Yilin.

But Yin Baoer heard the entanglement in her heart from Song Qian's pause.

I'm afraid, even at this point, Song Qian doesn't want to see Pei Yilin die with his own eyes, right?

Looking at Song Qian like this, Yin Baoer sighed quietly, and turned around to leave.

However, before she took a few steps, Song Qian stopped her.

"You don't need to care about Pei Yilin's life and death, this is my business." Song Qian said.

"Well, I won't care." Yin Baoer replied, "There is still something to do with the organization, I will leave first."

"Boer!" Song Qian continued to call her, "What happened to you? Why did you join the organization?"

Yin Baoer paused, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, her face was deserted and indifferent, with a trace of pain.

When she woke up, the memories in her mind were all disordered, she only remembered how crazy she was, but he never gave her a chance.

He even forced her to marry Shang Yu, and the day before the wedding, he asked Shang Yu to drug her and rape her.

She hates.

She has already agreed to marry, why does Fang Zi Kuang still treat her like this?

She couldn't stand the torment, but she could only run to jump off the cliff, but she couldn't be killed, the ghost king saved her and gave her a chance for revenge.

These things, she only remembered the fragments, it was the ghost king who told her the truth and put them together for her.

The fragmentary memories in her mind still make Yin Bao'er miserable, especially when she sees Fang Zi Kuang’s wife written on Pei Peipei’s cemetery, she hates it even more.

I hate Fang Zikuan's love, why Dudu has no feelings for her.

She is not a girl who has no dignity and self-respect. Since Fang Zi Kuang is so unfeeling, she will not show any affection to him again!

"This is the only reason for my survival at the moment." Yin Baoer clenched her fists, "If I don't join the organization, I will not be able to survive, let alone stand opposite you properly."

After speaking, Yin Baoer turned around, and a drop of crystal from the corner of her eye quickly slipped off in the cold wind, leaving a trace of sadness.

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