At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 187: She ruined me!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Go and die!" The King of Ghosts narrowed his eyes, put his slender fingers on the trigger, and gently squeezed it down.

Seeing that Kang Lu was about to be hit by the King of Ghosts, his eyes narrowed, and he flashed to the side very quickly.

The King of Ghosts seemed to have already noticed Kang Lu's movements. The moment Kang Lu left, his right hand that had been idle slammed the trigger.

There was a "bang" gunshot, and Kang Lu's face paled.

He was hit in the right leg by the ghost king!

"Kang Lu, stop struggling, you can't escape." The ghost king approached with a smile, like a hell.

The muzzle of his black hole pointed directly at Kang Lu's temple, as if he wanted to kill Kang Lu immediately.

Song Qian hid in the dark, looking at Kang Lu's extremely critical appearance, frowning tightly.

Although, she finally escaped from Pei's bodyguards, and shouldn't show up in front of Kang Lu again.

However, she couldn't bear to let Kang Lu be buried on this blue mountain.

When she was in Pei’s villa before, thanks to his care, she could live more easily.

But now, if she sees Kang Lu being killed by the ghost king for the sake of freedom and for Qian Mengmeng, she feels that she can't do it.

Because of her unbearable feeling for Kang Lu, Song Qian frowned and finally decided to save Kang Lu.

So, when the ghost king raised his hand and was about to press the trigger, Song Qian flew out with a golden needle and hit the ghost king.

When the ghost king was temporarily unable to act, Song Qian quickly came to Kang Lu and took out a needle to put a needle on his leg to help him stop the blood that ran out.

Song Qian frowned at Kang Lu and asked, "Can you still go?"

Seeing Song Qian, Kang Lu’s eyes flashed with deep joy. During this period of time, the news of her has been intermittent, but we can know that she is not doing well. Now I can see her again, and still When he thought he was about to die, a warmth spread from his heart and even the pain was relieved a lot.

"I'm fine, I can hold on." Kang Lu said softly.

"Yeah." Song Qian nodded.

She looked around again and saw that the people who had originally escorted her were looking for her. She immediately shouted and then handed Kang Lu to them.

"You send him back." Song Qian coldly ordered.

In the unwilling gaze of Pei's bodyguard, she slowly walked towards the ghost king.

"Song Qian?" Ghost King frowned.

He knows how much Song Qian attaches importance to Qian Mengmeng, and he knows more about the consequences if Song Qian is seriously injured.

"Are you really going to do this?" The Ghost King looked very cold.

"I have no choice. Kang Lu once saved my life, and I can't let you hurt him." Song Qian paused, and continued, "Ghost King, tell the Lord, I went back with Kang Lu just to steal it. Pei Yilin's family crest. What Qin Xirong did not accomplish, I will accomplish it for my daughter."

Song Qian's eyes were firm, and the ghost king stared at her for a long time before he nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Only then did Song Qian say apologize to him in a low voice, put on a cold expression, took the gun from the Ghost King's hand, and threw it to the Pei family bodyguard.

Immediately afterwards, she took out a silver needle and stuck it on the ghost king, saying: "If you hold on for a while, someone will come to rescue you naturally."

When the voice fell, Song Qian took Pei's bodyguard and quickly left, passing through the generals, and finally came to the foot of Blue Mountain.

At the foot of the Blue Mountain, Jia Yuanyin had secretly set up a manpower. Seeing Song Qian approaching, they immediately shot at the bodyguards beside Song Qian.

The Pei family bodyguards led by Song Qian had already lost more than half of them in the middle of the road. Now that they deal with the large number of people in black, they will naturally fall short.

The situation is very critical.

Soon, there were only four or five bodyguards around Song Qian, but there were more and more people on Kawara Silver.

"Capture Song Qian this traitor back alive." When there were only three bodyguards around Song Qian, the people from Jiayuan Yin stopped shooting and walked slowly towards them.

They seem to be thinking, anyway, there are too many people, and the bodyguards of the Pei family are basically out of combat effectiveness. It is not easy to catch them.

The people from Jiayuan Yin walked towards Song Qian slowly, feeling like a cat catching a mouse.

They were sure that they would block Song Qian, but they never expected that someone would shoot behind them.

With a few "boom booms", the person who added the original silver had already poured a piece.

The rest hurriedly turned around, but they were calculated by Song Qian.

Seeing that the people who added the original silver have changed from the original mighty ones to the current sparse ones, those who came were not in a hurry, playing with pistols, and looked indifferent: "Do you want to go back alive and tell your master, or do you want to die now? "

" you know who we are? You dare to intervene in this matter." The Kawara Silver's people shouted coldly.

"Of course I know. However, since you want to kill Song Qian, you have to see if I am willing." After the words fell, the man quickly started the killing without waiting for the reaction of Jia Yuan Yin's subordinates.

He moved quickly and his expression was very cold. Even with a mask, Song Qian still saw a familiar feeling in his eyes.

This familiar feeling warmed Song Qian's heart. She felt like fighting side by side with her partners for the mission when she was in the "Red Lotus Killer Center".

This feeling excites Song Qian, even if she feels unwell, she seems to be able to ignore it.

She smiled at the corner of her mouth and attacked the man in black.Song Qian was a little slower, but with a silver needle to help out, he quickly tied the man's record, stood firmly behind the man, and confronted him together.

"Shashengwan, your skill seems to be weaker." The man smiled, in a happy mood, "These people seem to be dying, shall we continue?"

His manner of speaking made Song Qian feel more familiar.

In the Red Lotus Killer Center, it seems that only one person can be so relaxed in battle.

But that person left the organization later, will it be him?

"Okay. Let's leave." Song Qian interrupted the man and spoke tentatively, "We seem to have fought together."

"We used to be partners." The man said lightly, somewhat lonely, "It's just that I left the organization later."

After the man said, he packed his gun, took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

In the lingering smoke, Song Qian confirmed his guess.

"You are Xu Zhiyuan." Song Qian said lightly. The identity of the "traitor" in the "Red Lotus Killer Center" is a pain that Xu Zhiyuan can never get rid of.

"Yeah." Xu Zhiyuan replied and pinched the cigarette, "Time is running out, I will break it for you. Unexpectedly, the dignified Shashengwan will need my traitor's help someday..."

After speaking, Xu Zhiyuan laughed again, seeming to have deliberately adjusted the atmosphere.

It's just that the tone seems a little sad.

"Thank you." Song Qian murmured. In Xu Zhiyuan's seemingly hearty laugh, she and Pei's bodyguard helped Kang Lu to leave quickly.

After Song Qian left, Xu Zhiyuan shot and killed the remaining people without hesitation.

"Song Qian!" Jia Yuanyin stood in front of the big screen, staring coldly at Song Qian's "betrayal" organization, watching the vicious things she did to the ghost king, watching how she worked with outsiders and ended up being her men.

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, thinking of the revenge Song Qian had told her, she just felt like a joke.

Why did Song Qian get revenge on Pei Yilin for his daughter?

I'm afraid she is just lurking in their star trail alliance, wanting to destroy their star trail alliance with Pei Yilin, right?

Jia Yuan Yin hated Song Qian extremely in his heart, but on the surface it was light.

She picked up the phone and contacted Yin Baoer, asking her to save the ghost king.

"Yes." Yin Bao'er received the call, glanced at the seriously injured Fang Zikang coldly, and ordered not far away, "Take him back, I will deal with him personally."

When the words were over, Yin Baoer turned and quickly ran towards the place where the ghost king was.

Fang Zi Kuang looked at the back of Bao'er leaving, with a trace of loneliness in his eyes.

He thought of Yin Bao'er's brutality when he was fighting with him just now. A bitter arc formed at the corner of his mouth, but it was immediately replaced by a touch of clarity.

Didn't Boer say to take him back?Then he definitely has enough time to ask her carefully what happened and how she would join the organization of their rival and the original silver.

The mind is settled, and Fangzi is madly happy and leisurely.

The man in black grabbed Fang Zi Kuang and took him away, and then contacted Kawara Yin on the phone to tell all of Yin Baoer's performance just now.

Jia Yuan Yin nodded, and Yin Baoer did not disappoint her this time.

"Lock Fang Zi Kuang first." Jia Yuan Yin ordered.

"Yeah." The man in black nodded, ordered someone to go down and deal with it, and then continued: "Master, our people saved Miss Qin. She was terribly scared, and there were two blood stains on her face."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Jiayuan Yin said in a high tone.

"It was the hand of a parrot. I have seen it before. The sachet she threw in the shark pond is not to protect Miss Qin, but to attract sharks. It seems that she wants to kill Miss Qin." The man paused and continued. Said, "However, it seems that Ms. Qin used a cobra to poison two of the parrot's men. She did this."

"Yeah." Jia Yuanyin replied, a vicious flash flashed under his eyes, "Bring Qin Xirong over to me."

Kahara Gin glanced at the video, paused, and continued, "Bring me the two people who had been to the tree."

"Yes." The man in black responded and immediately followed her instructions.

"Master..." A few minutes later, Qin Xirong was taken to Jiayuan Yin.

She was drenched in rags, with tears in her eyes, and there were two deep bone wounds on her pitiful face at this moment.

"What's the matter?" Kahara Yin's voice was cold.

She thought that Yin Baoer was only teaching Qin Xirong a little lesson, who knew that she actually ruined Qin Xirong's face?

Qin Xirong’s greatest weapon is her beauty. Now that someone has ruined her beauty, how can she reuse her?

"Master, it's Yin Baoer...she ruined me." Qin Xirong said bitterly.

After being rescued from the shark pond, Qin Xirong immediately went to the medical center to treat the wound. It was also at that time that she realized that she had been disfigured by Yin Baoer.

damn it!

Qin Xirong touched her face against the gauze and was extremely angry: "If she hadn't changed the medicine that restrained sharks from approaching with medicine that attracted sharks, and tied me firmly to the shark pond, I would not have been injured. Lord. Come on, she and Song Qian are in the same group, they are both Pei Yilin’s people, they don’t know...

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