At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 188 Useless people, there are useless places!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Qin Xirong." Jia Yuanyin interrupted her, "I know all about you and the parrot. Do you want to hide what you did?"

Qin Xinrou's eyes dimmed, and it seemed that nothing she had done had escaped Jia Yuanyin's eyes. What consequences would she have now?

"Master!" Qin Xirong cried miserably, "I was wrong, it's my fault, I shouldn't do things without authorization, but I also want to help the Lord test Song Qian, and I want to help her act more realistically. ."

Jia Yuanyin snorted coldly, and saw Qin Xirong's drama in his eyes, very contemptuous.

"What happened to the family crest?" Jia Yuanyin completely ignored Qin Xirong's cry and asked coldly, "I have given you so long, you seem to give me a satisfactory answer."

"Master..." Qin Xirong's face turned pale when she heard of her family crest.

During this time, she has been looking for her family crest, but she found nothing.

"What's the matter?" Kahara Yin's voice was cold, "Isn't the family crest found?"

Kahara Silver's voice was very low, with strong pressure.

Qin Xirong knew that this was a sign of Jiayuan Yin's anger.

Qin Xirong's eyes were full of fear, and she trembled fiercely: "We have not found the family crest."

When the words fell, Qin Xirong sensed that a cold breath was coming, and Qin Xirong quickly said: "We almost turned the Pei family upside down, but we didn't find the family crest. Maybe the family crest is on Pei Yilin, Lord Come on, I have been trying to get close to Pei Yilin all this time, wanting to bring the family crest over."

"Obviously, your effect is not ideal." Jia Yuanyin looked at Qin Xirong faintly, "Qin Xirong, you are not doing business well. It is absolutely impossible for the organization to keep you. Come, bring her down!"

Jia Yuan Yin gave an order, and two people immediately came to Qin Xirong.

These two are not others, but the two who helped Qin Xirong put the snake under Song Qianshu just now.

"Master?" Qin Xirong knelt on the ground abruptly, her face pale.

She knows what Kawara Silver’s "bring her down" means, it means to break away from the organization, and it means to fall into the situation of being surrounded and hunted down again.

Do not!

Don't go back to that state!

"Master, the subordinate knows it is wrong. The subordinate will definitely get the family crest back to the master as soon as possible, and I beg the master not to give up the subordinate." Qin Xirong glanced at the two standing next to him and said eagerly.

She knew that Kawara Silver brought these two people up with no ulterior motives.

Nothing else, because these two people are not the people Kawara Silver usually uses, but the people she threatened to hurt Song Qian just now.

Could it be that they didn't hurt Song Qian, but went to Jiayuan Yin to sue himself?

As if responding to Qin Xirong's speculation, Kawara Yin snorted coldly.

"Qin Xirong, your courage is getting bigger and bigger. What are the rules of the Star Trails Alliance, I am afraid you have forgotten completely. Since you like to kill each other so much, then you go back to Joyce and take good care of it. Be your secretary."

Jiayuan Yin had already told Qin Xirong where she was going.

Qin Xirong let out a sigh of relief when she heard that, but then thought of Samuel, she became nervous again.

"My lord, I will definitely perform well. In three days, bring the family crest over." Qin Xirong eagerly promised.

She had already broken Samuel's heart, and if she went back, she was pretty sure Samuel would not make her feel better.

She had seen Samuel's methods of punishing people, fierce and abnormal, she did not want to fall into his hands.

"No need." Jiayuan Yin's Leng Ran seemed to announce Qin Xirong's death.

Qin Xirong's face turned pale and white, and hurriedly said: "Lord, please, I will definitely get the family crest back, I swear!"

"No need!" Jia Yuanyin interrupted Qin Xirong coldly, "Don't take her down yet?"

As soon as Jia Yuan Yin's voice fell, the two quickly came to Qin Xirong and pulled her away like a mop.

Jia Yuanyin looked at Qin Xirong's back, his face cold and cold.

She least likes to use useless people.

Since Qin Xirong no longer has the value to seduce Pei Yilin, she should go to her original place to play her surplus value.

"Lord, we have already handed Miss Qin to Xiao Honglian." A few minutes later, the two who had originally left returned to Jiayuan Yin.

"Yeah." Jia Yuan Yin nodded, "It's time to get the penalty for what you did!"

"Yes." The two were stunned when they heard the words, and then they left quickly.

After the two left, Ghost King and Yin Baoer came to Kawara Silver.

"Ghost King, you go down first." Kawara Yin glanced at Yin Bao'er lightly, and said, "I have something to talk to the parrot."

The ghost king glanced at Yin Bao'er, his face a little embarrassed.

He didn't want to leave now, he didn't know what Jiayuan Yin would do to Yin Baoer.

Kawara Silver frowned as he watched the performance of the ghost king, his expression cold and cold.

"Ghost King, if you want to stay with the parrot, you can." Jia Yuan Yin pretended to be tentative, and a vicious flash of eyes flashed.

"No, the subordinates will leave now." Knowing that his secret had been revealed, the ghost king accelerated his departure.

Yin Baoer had been standing coldly, even when she watched the ghost king leave, she did not change her expression.

As soon as the ghost king left, Kahara Yin looked cold, and said coldly, "Parrot, do you know where you went wrong?"

Upon hearing this, Yin Baoer replied: "I shouldn't have ruined Qin Xirong's face."

"Since you know, why do you want to do this?" Jia Yuan Yin likes Yin Baoer's cleverness the most.

She sighed and continued, "Parrot, you are a member of the organization. Your every move must be linked to the interests of the organization. You hurt Qin Xirong without authorization. Do you know how much loss it will bring to the organization? ?"

"The parrot is so good at it, and it has failed the owner's expectations." Yin Baoer said apologetically.

Kawara Silver glanced at Yin Bao'er, and continued to speak coldly: "Parrot, what happened to you, the ghost king told me. I don't think you need to retain any strength for a once indifferent brother. But for an organization Members, your methods shouldn't be so harsh."

Adding Yuanyin was referring to Yin Baoer's mercy when he dealt with Fang Zikuang and the cruel and vicious punishment of Qin Xirong.

"Master..." Yin Baoer frowned.

Only then did she know that her every move was being monitored by Kahara Silver.

"The parrot knew it was wrong." Yin Baoer responded lightly, "May the master punish you."

"Go down and get twenty whips." Kahara Yin ordered, "Come back to me later."

"Yes." Yin Baoer nodded and left quickly.

"Cut off any contact between the parrot and Song Qian, and from today, they are not allowed to meet in private." Jia Yuanyin looked at Yin Baoer's departure direction and said coldly, "Ghost King, if you want to protect her well, it should not be so obvious Let me share the worries for her. The parrot is the organizer, and her death is the ghost of the organization!

"Yes." The ghost king just came out of the dark, with a humble expression, "Master, the subordinates will do it. However, Wu Fangyun and others have escaped from Pei Yilin's control. Are we going to tell Song Qian about this? "

The Ghost King thought about what Song Qian had just said, and hesitated: "Master, Song Qian left with Kang Lu this time is a matter of rights. She is not trying to oppose our Star Trail Alliance."

"Really?" Jiayuan's silver eyes were cold, "Ghost King, you talk a lot. Even so, we don't need to tell Song Qian about this. I keep them for their own use. Pei Yilin will meet for Song Qian this time. Taking risks with his body. When Song Qian is trapped by the law, he will naturally excuse Song Qian at all costs, and then our SK Group should show its power."

"Yes. The subordinates will arrange for someone to do it." The Ghost King understood what Jia Yuan Yin meant, "Song Qian'an will definitely be charged with enough to serve more than ten years in prison."

"Yeah." Kahara Silver waved his hand, seemingly tired.

The King of Ghosts knew her temperament and left in a hurry.

Here, Kahara Yin is deliberately trying to figure out Song Qian, but over there Song Qian is in danger without knowing it.

Pei Yilin's serious injury and Fang Zikuan's disappearance made her frown, and she did not loosen it for a long time.

Kang Lu has been with Song Qian since he came back with Song Qian.

Even though his injury required him to rest in bed, he still only asked the doctor to bandage it briefly, and then continued to follow Song Qian.

At this moment, seeing Song Qian frowning, he couldn't help but step forward, wanting to comfort her.

"On the president's side, Dr. Hao has already visited. He has injected the president with snake venom serum and has done some treatment. Although the president is no longer in danger, he is still in a coma." Kang Lu thought Song Qian was there. Worried for Pei Yilin, he continued, "If the president wakes up and can see Bodyguard Song, he should be better sooner."

"No." Song Qian frowned. "No one will feel happy and recover better after seeing someone who hurts him. Kang Lu, you stay here and watch Pei Yilin. I want to go out. ."

"No." Kang Lu refused, "President Pei wakes up to see you, he will definitely blame me."

Kang Lu didn't want Song Qian to go out at this time, he was worried that she would encounter accidents.

"Don't worry, he won't blame you." Song Qian paused when he heard the words, and then continued, "I need to go to the Blue Mountains, Fang Zi Kuang is still there."

"Bodyguard Song..." Kang Lu was embarrassed, "I'll go with you."

"It's useless for you to go." Song Qian glanced at Kang Lu's injured leg, "get a good rest here, it's enough for me to go there alone."

"You are not allowed to go anywhere!" Song Qian was interrupted by a cold drink.

Song Qian frowned and turned around and saw Pei Yilin, who should have been lying on the hospital bed, walking towards her at this moment.

However, it seems that he was injured by the poisonous snake and her needle, and his current steps are still a bit vain.

"Where do you want to go?" Kang Lu saw Pei Yilin coming and immediately stepped forward to help, but Pei Yilin flung him away and stared at Song Qian.

He was so badly hurt by her that she didn't want to go out instead of visiting him?

Pei Yilin's heart is very upset.

But besides his unhappiness, he was deeply lonely.

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