At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 222 Please leave me a woman!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"You said your name is Mengmeng? Pei Yilin is your daddy, Song Qian is your mommy?" Jia Yuanyin smiled and looked at Qian Mengmeng.

Just now as soon as she entered the room, Qian Mengmeng introduced her to her cutely, saying she was Qian Mengmeng. She came to bring her mother Song Qian home to reunite with her father, hoping that Jiayuan Yin would fulfill her little wish. .

"Yes." Qian Mengmeng blinked and smiled sweetly.

Although, she knew that Kawara Silver in front of her was not a good crop, and she knew that she was extremely threatening to Song Qian.

But, it seems that when she was talking just now, she seemed to be a little gentler when she mentioned Daddy, and then she turned suddenly?

It seems that she seems to hate Mommy, but she likes Daddy a little bit.

Qian Mengmeng stared at Kayuan Yin, wanting to see something from her eyes.

But Kawara Silver was hidden too deeply. Even Qian Mengmeng, who pretends to be smart, only got some plausible information after careful observation.

However, whether it is correct or not, it is a fact that this plus original silver has always been bad for his mommy.

It seems that she once forced Mommy to go to the garden to pick up earthworms!

Thinking of her lovely mommy suffering such pain for her own sake, Qian Mengmeng's eyes were misty.

But thinking that the masked woman in front of me forced Mommy to do that, her small heart became surprisingly angry.

Although she was indeed very sick during that time and made her mummy desperate, but such a hateful woman bullying her mummy like that is absolutely unforgivable.

The deeper Qian Mengmeng’s hatred towards Jiayuan Yin grew, the sweeter he smiled on the surface. Although she still carried a cunning that did not belong to her age, her loveliness from the inside out still succeeded in making Jia Yuan Yin. Yuan Yin put down his guard.

However, Jiayuan Yin's feeling towards Qian Mengmeng is still as bad as before, and has not improved at all.

After all, she is Song Qian and that person's daughter, and that person...

Jia Yuan Yin's eyes dimmed faintly, and a faint sorrow and anxiety filled his mind.

They haven't seen each other for a long time. I don't know what the meeting will be like this time.

Will he be as indifferent as always, or will he add a touch of tenderness and be amazed by her appearance?

Thinking of the messages sent back by her men these days, Kahara Yin's eyes rose with hope and a smile in his eyes.

He is so gentle to a vulgar fan like Song Qian, and he will treat himself as an immortal person, he must be a little better, even a hundred compliant, she is what she said?

Kawara Silver thought very well in her heart, but she was still a steady person, so she didn't immediately express her thoughts, but looked at Qian Mengmeng with pretended eyes.

"Mengmeng, does your daddy love you and your mommy very much?" Kayuan Yin asked tentatively, but a fierce flash of eyes flashed through his eyes.

After all, although she likes Pei Yilin's passion, she can't accept this passion for others.

"Does it hurt? I didn't feel it." Qian Mengmeng pouted, as if a little lost. "My daddy still thinks I am the child brought by my mommy, and he feels a little grudge against me. If he really loves me If you don’t, you won’t let me disappear and don’t come to me now. And to my mommy, hey..."

Qian Mengmeng's voice was dull, as if he wanted to confuse Jia Yuan Yin.

But Jiayuan Yin is very smart. Although she felt a little more relaxed when she heard Qian Mengmeng's words, she still put on an expression that empathizes with Qian Mengmeng.

"Mengmeng, maybe your daddy is busy, so I didn't have time." Kahara silver explained.

"Really?" Qian Mengmeng raised his misty eyes and looked at Jiayuan Yin with a pitiful appearance.

"Auntie, you seem to know my daddy very well?" Qian Mengmeng flatly said.

This woman is really more difficult than she thought, she can no longer use the same way that she treated Liu Xuan to treat Jiayuan Yin.

She had to collect information from Mommy, Aunt Bo'er, and Cheng Xian, to get a good understanding of Kawara Silver, and then move.

"Well, yes." Kahara Gin said with a light smile, and admitted without hesitation, "We used to study together. Although he was very cold at that time, his heart was very good, and his academic performance was also very good. It."

As if recalling something, Kahara Yin's eyes were soft.

Seeing Kayuan Yin, who has always been hypocritical and vicious, showed that gaze, Qian Mengmeng's brows were frowning like Koyama.

She was planning to enumerate a lot of daddy's viciousness to scare this woman away!

However, seeing a woman's intoxicated expression like a girl thinking of spring, is it possible that she really likes Daddy?

Moreover, she was once classmates with Daddy?

Qian Mengmeng inexplicably remembered the sketch "You at the same table" that he had seen before. When men and women sit at the same table, they are likely to have ambiguous feelings.

This plus the original silver, shouldn't it be one of them?

Qian Mengmeng frowned, thinking that Jia Yuan Yin had been putting pressure on Mommy these days, making the relationship between Mommy and Daddy more and more tense, and she felt that this possibility was increasing.

And under such circumstances, if you say bad things about daddy, not only can you not let Jiayuan Yin give up his daddy, but it may even speed up the speed of Jiayuan Yin's grabbing daddy.

Qian Mengmeng is very confident in her daddy. She makes sure that her daddy has deep roots in her unique mummy, and he will not be tempted by the lure or temptation of the original silver.

And if Daddy is not tempted, the perverted woman Jia Yuan Yin will definitely take a vicious way to deal with herself and Mommy immediately.

I have constitutional protection, coupled with my own ingenuity, it is no problem to deal with the original silver.

But mommy...

Thinking of the news he told him some time before Cheng Xian, Qian Mengmeng was extremely worried.

Hey, Mommy has a baby in her belly, and her actions are definitely not as good as before.

Although she knew that she was alive, Mommy would no longer be subject to Kawara Silver, but it was impossible for her to fight Kawara Silver with force.

Mommy is already weak, so she will definitely be restrained in order to take care of her baby.

And Jiayuan Yin, she has a large organization like the Star Trails Alliance, and Xiao Honglian's assassin organization serves her, she can defeat Mommy if she finds a powerful assassin at random.

"Hey..." Qian Mengmeng sighed quietly, embarrassed by the current situation.

Jia Yuan Yin was recalling the only moments when she and Pei Yilin were still in harmony, with a slight smile on the corners of her mouth, dreaming of what a warm scene would be if the two met.

No, she just thought of Pei Yilin walking in here, looking at herself affectionately, and she was interrupted by a sudden sigh.

"What's the matter?" Jiayuan Yin frowned and looked at Qian Mengmeng, his eyes full of impatientness.

This nasty little guy is not satisfied that he feels about her daddy?

Qian Mengmeng was still worried about their situation. Upon hearing Kayuan Yin's question, she immediately opened her big eyes and said with a strong smile: "Pretty auntie, there is nothing wrong with me. Just, hey... I won’t talk about that."

"What's the matter?" Qian Mengmeng's hesitation made Yuan Yin irritable again, and she spoke coldly, her eyes shooting at Qian Mengmeng like a knife.

If it was another child, it must have been howling and crying, but Qian Mengmeng just sobbed aggrievedly.

"Auntie, you're so fierce... fierce... My father, I like gentle women the most." Qian Mengmeng was good at covering her eyes, crying fakely, and seemingly kindly reminded Jiayuan Yin, "There was once The woman named Liu Xuan was too fierce to make my dad angry, so she was thrown to the boss. And my mommy, although my dad doesn’t like her, she is better than she is very obedient, especially obedient, so My daddy can't bear her..."

"After all, women in this society are too tough. How can a truly powerful man let a woman overwhelm him?" Qian Mengmeng sighed quietly and muttered softly, "My daddy, big Masculinity is very strong. It is easy to get him interested in a person with a strong character, but it is... harder to make him fall in love with such a woman!"

Qian Mengmeng was chattering and observing Kayuan Yin's expression from the corner of his eye. Seeing that she was not irritable at the beginning, she was still calm and calm, and Qian Mengmeng's heart tightened.

Mom, Mia, this plus the original silver is really hard to deal with!

Her emotions do not affect her at all, how can she stimulate her and let her nature show a little bit?

Qian Mengmeng frowned and watched Kawara Yin thinking. As he was thinking, a cold "report" suddenly came from outside the door.

Immediately after Kawara Silver said faintly "come in", a bearded man dressed in black with a worried expression knelt in front of Kawara Silver.

"Tianxiao, what's the matter?" Kahara silver shouted coldly.

She didn't like the gentle image she created, and was ruined by the sudden appearance of her subordinates.

Although she had thousands of ways to kill Qian Mengmeng, it was 100% possible that she had imprisoned Pei Yilin.

Instead of just exposing her original face to Qian Mengmeng, and then letting her tell Pei Yilin with her jealousy...

Pei Yilin originally rejected her because of what he did when he was young, and now let him know that he has not changed at all, and he will definitely not have any favors with him.

"Master, my subordinates have two things to report. The first thing is that Pei Yilin's people are already waiting at the door, do we want to welcome them in together; the second thing is that Yin Bao'er is advocating to punish those women. Guard, the female guards are now rushing towards the chain bridge."

Tian Xiao grabbed his mind, suppressed the anger in his heart, and continued, “Although Feng Xiaoxiao and Huawen do have some untimely things, they did not betray the Lord. The subordinates think that the parrots have no right to punish them.”

"Oh? It's just something untimely?" Hearing this, Jia Yuan Yin's eyes flashed with a vicious look, and she could see the video clearly.

As members of her Star Trails Alliance, they always ridiculed each other and fought each other for the sake of a prisoner. Do they really think that by not speaking, they have acquiesced to their behavior?

Kawara Yin was very angry, but when facing Tian Xiao, her expression was still faint, "The parrot was hired back with a lot of money. I can trust her character, but if she has a little selfishness..."

Kawara Silver's long and narrow eyebrows swept across Tian Xiao, and the strong low pressure immediately made him straighten his back, and then he continued to speak for a moment.

"Lord, there is indeed Huawen and Feng Xiaoxiao's fault in this matter. They shouldn't be jealous for a prisoner, but the parrot is going to punish them like that, which is too much." Tian Xiao gritted his teeth and continued, " Both of them have a bit of meaning to their subordinates, and the subordinates are about to ask the Lord to marry one of them to their subordinates! Tian Xiao, please, save one of them from punishment."

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