At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 223: So I love you so much

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Okay, I see." Jia Yuanyin listened, did not agree or deny, faint gaze swept across Tian Xiao's whole body, a touch of indifferent arc hung her mouth, "Go and bring Mr. Pei here first. , I have my own consideration for the parrot."

"Yes." Tian Xiao replied unwillingly and left quickly.

Qian Mengmeng watched this performance intently, with a sweet smile on his lips.

There are many thoughts in her heart. On the surface, this is a scene of punishing subordinates by adding Yuan Yin, but in fact, this is also a means for Jia Yuan Yin to test herself.

She wanted to see what kind of soul was in her five-year-old body, and whether it was as difficult to deal with as she expected.

"Pretty aunty, what are these Huawen, Feng Xiaoxiao, and parrots? Are they names? That's weird." Qian Mengmeng asked suspiciously. She scratched the top of her head with her white fingers. She seemed to be entangled in this matter. "They are all animal names. Does their mother like small animals so much?"

"Mengmeng, do you think of a name like this too?" Kahara silver twitched at the corner of his mouth when he heard this. It seems that she gave this code name?

Did this little girl laugh at her on purpose?

Kawara Silver looked at Qian Mengmeng, this clever little girl hadn't spoken since Tian Xiao came in just now.

Although she pretended to be boring and playing around, Jia Yuan Yin still saw her cleverness, the cleverness she inherited from Song Qian, so knowledgeable about current affairs, so she couldn't bear to give up easily.

However, no matter how smart the person is, as long as it is related to Pei Yilin, as long as Pei Yilin values ​​it, she will take it away from him.

"I don't want it. I have it!" Qian Mengmeng pouted, as if shyly speaking, "It's the current name, Mengmeng. When "Red Cliff" was released a few years ago, Mommy gave me a name. , It's called Mengmeng, it's a pony on the TV."

"Mengmeng, stand up?" Jiayuan Yin's mouth twitched when she heard this. As far as she knew, Song Qian didn't seem to have such a second time, right?

"Yes." Qian Mengmeng stretched her waist and made a look very sleepy and sleepy, "My mom is so weird, I can't understand it sometimes. Auntie, I've been lethargic since I got sick. , This is really not a good habit. I have to correct it later."

Qian Mengmeng yawned greatly and seemed really sleepy.

"Pretty auntie, my daddy will come in a while, you remember to let him go to my room to find me. I'm so sleepy, I have to go back to make up for sleep." After that, Qian Mengmeng's short legs jumped off the stool. , Walked to the door step by step, turning around without forgetting to ask Jia Yuanyin to ask her to let Pei Yilin go to see herself.

"Okay." Kawara Silver agreed with kindness, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Take Song Qian to Qian Mengmeng's room. Without my permission, the mother and daughter are not allowed to organize walking without authorization." Qian Mengmeng just left, but Jia Yuanyin coldly gave orders. .

Hearing this, someone immediately followed suit and went to Song Qian and told her that Qian Mengmeng was waiting for her.

The man found Song Qian's room and saw that it was empty. He frowned and wanted to look elsewhere.

But when he just walked out the door, he was shot in the eye. He snorted and retreated, but was grabbed by the wrist by the man. Then when he was struggling, the man raised his foot fiercely. Hearing only a sound of "Oh", the bodyguard knelt on the ground, clutching his body somewhere and cried out in pain.

"Go back and tell you Lord, Song Qian has already arrived at that place." After the man attacked the man in black, he did not leave immediately, but indifferently ordered.

The man in black frowned, adding Yuan Yin's punishment to the traitor was too heavy, and he really didn't dare to take this risk.

"It seems that you still didn't suffer!" The man chuckled and took out a pill and stuffed it into the black-clothed population. In the black-clothed person's dumbfounded, he lifted his jaw and forced him to eat.

"What is this?" The man in black bent over and coughed, as if he wanted to take out the pill.

But the pill melted so fast that even though he vomited most of the things that had accumulated in his stomach, the pill still did not come out.

"Don't do it in vain. No one can refuse the pills I studied." The man sneered, frowning and looking at a pool of vomit on the ground. "This pill will make people suffer from death. If you want to try it , Then I won’t accompany you. However, I will leave you with my mobile phone number. You can find me when you have time."

After the words, the man read a series of mobile phone numbers very quickly, and it slipped away like a gust of wind, leaving only the white-faced man in black holding his aching stomach and slowly squatting down. .

There was cold sweat on his forehead, but he had no time to wipe it off, he just kept holding his stomach and groaned.

This medicine is really abnormal!

It's so unbearable!

After a minute of pain in the same place, the man in black finally couldn't stand it, and called the man and told him that he would do as he ordered.

Hearing this, the man smiled at the corner of his mouth, and ordered him to go. He changed his clothes and followed quickly.


Add the original silver in the hall.

"Song Qian has arrived at Qian Mengmeng's room?" Kahara Silver asked coldly, seemingly unbelieving.

"Yes." The man's eyes dodged, and he did not dare to look directly at Kawara Silver. "As soon as I heard the news that Qian Mengmeng was here, Song Qian took Cheng Xian to see Qian Mengmeng. Now they are in Qianmeng. Meng's room is accompanied by Qian Mengmeng."

"Really?" Kahara silver smiled lightly.

"Master, this is a video." Seeing that Kawara Silver didn't believe it, the man in black immediately handed over the video tape that the man had prepared for him to Kawara Silver.

Kahara silver took the video, waved to the person to leave, and hummed into the dark.

"Ghost King, the man just now can't stay. Even the threat from outsiders can't stand it. If he stays here, it will only annoy me in vain." Kahara silver crushed the video tape in his hand, broke it in half and threw it in half When I got to the ground, I didn't even mean to watch the fake video.

When the ghost king heard this, a bright light flashed through his eyes very quickly, but he was well suppressed by him, but he faintly responded with a "yes".

"Go to Qian Mengmeng's room in person. If you don't find Song Qian's news, immediately send a message to Song Qian and ask her to come back and collect Qian Mengmeng's body." Jiayuan Yin said viciously.

The ghost king frowned slightly, responded, and left quickly.

As soon as the ghost king left, Kawara Silver looked at the door with a warm expression and a soft voice, as if waiting for the entry of his beloved.

"Pei Yilin, it's been a long time. When did you actually become shy? When you reach the door, don't you come in?"

Pei Yilin stood outside the door, looking deep into the hall.

Kawara Silver seems to like Chinese-style things very much. It is already a modern society, so she wants to dress up her base as an underground palace, which is really...huh!

"Xu Suyuan, long time no see." Pei Yilin walked in slowly from the door.

The subordinates he was carrying were stopped by the people of Kawara Silver at the door. Now he can say that he broke into Kawara Silver's nest alone, with the goal of course to bring back his beloved wife and daughter.

However, even though he was single-handedly, when facing the large number of people in black, he didn't frown, and he didn't even give them extra glances.

What he was thinking about was to reunite with Qian Mengmeng, Song Qian, and the baby in Song Qian's belly.

Pei Yilin is a very deep person. Although Jiayuan Yin can see through people's hearts, she can't see anything against his black eyes.

It seems that he has no thoughts, pure as a piece of white paper.

But how is it possible?

How could Pei Yilin, the boss of the Muhua Group, the largest consortium in Z City, be a blank man?

Jia Yuanyin frowned and looked at Pei Yilin's deep eyes, and a trace of joy rose in his heart.

She was even more sure of her idea of ​​keeping Pei Yilin by her side.

After all, the water from wells that you can't see at the end is sweeter, and the man who can't see his mind is more flavorful!

"Yilin, why call me so unfamiliar? I remember, when we were studying together, you would still call me Suyuan!" Jia Yuanyin took off his mask and looked at Pei Yilin affectionately with a pair of beautiful eyes. "I haven't seen each other for so many years, don't you miss the time we were together?"


When Pei Yilin heard this, a sneer overflowed from the corner of his mouth. That period of time was a tragic time that Pei Yilin did not want to recall in his life.

Although he is now strong enough to bring Xu Suyuan this abominable woman to justice, he is still unaccustomed to facing her.

After all, no one remembers the days with a femme-hearted girl.

During that time, they studied together in the UK and studied business management together.

Because the teacher who taught them was a harsh old man in the world, Pei Yilin didn't have many classmates, and there were only seven in the world.Among the seven classmates, only Kahara Silver was from Asia.

The same language, the same yellow skin, plus Yuan Yin’s sweet smile at the corners of his mouth made it easy for the very young Pei Yilin to relax his guard and slowly fall into her well-designed game, acting as her The scapegoat for framed the teacher.

Pei Yilin never thought that Jiayuan Yin would deliberately make poisonous tea for the teacher because of a joke made by the teacher to make fun of her appearance.

But this tea was poured into the cup he gave Kawara Silver and served by himself.

The teacher has always loved Jiayuan Yin, and because she is the only girl in it, she has a gentle personality, so she relaxes her guard, and is like a wolf against Pei Yilin.

However, when he poured tea for the teacher, the teacher didn't think about anything. He just glanced at him suspiciously and drank it in one go.

Thinking that after the teacher drank the tea, he immediately fell into a pool of blood, with black blood flowing at the corners of his mouth, and unwilling green eyes staring at him fiercely, Pei Yilin had a crush on Jiayuan Yin.

"At that time, I have forgotten." Pei Yilin said lightly, "Where are my daughter and wife? I want to take them away."

His cold words made no secret of his worries about Qian Mengmeng and Song Qian, and Jia Yuanyin was immediately dissatisfied.

She finally impressed him with herself at that time. How could she let him take away Song Qian and others and leave her life completely?

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