At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 281 Come a grand proposal

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"Rolland, I will not give up."

After reading the photo, the belief in Lie is more determined.

"How must you?"

The curie is clearly not agreeing with his insistence. "Where is the grass in the world, even if you don't like me, this world's excellent woman is so much, why can't you find one from it?"

"I can't find it, I can't find the shallow."

Yu Chi Lan is like a memories, and the voice is gradually low. "That one is a long year.

I have encountered her in that time, I was destined for this life, I would only guard her, when she is forever knight.

"Rolland, help me bring new snacks to shallow children.

I am driving now to find you, you just have to come out.

The voice of Chi Chi-blue prayed passed through the microphone, and the Rollan is a little uncomfortable. It can only let him drive, and immediately go outside.

Yu Chi Lan listened to the joy, and immediately drove away.

He quickly drove him, naturally did not find it, after he left, his door was knocked by a masked woman with a black yarn, and the person who was looking for, it was his mother - Ye Xin.

After the Ranknon's call, she came to the door, she had just waited for two minutes, and a black Rolls Royce stopped in front of her.

"who are you?"

The curved looks at the Ravency, although this model and , but she is still determined, this time is not the blue, and even this car may be someone else. blue.

"you do not need to know.

The cold voice came from inside, and the curly walked and walked, but I just got two steps, I was caught in the car, let her exercise, can't say anything. Come.

"Doctor, I advise you to struggle.

Here people, they can't help you.

The man smiled, and she hugged the curly, and the fat palm was only erased somewhere in the towering of the Rank.

The curie and hate, and Ling Hao's eyes stared at the eyes of the man, and it seems to see what the person's appearance.

"Don't look like a true woman, curly, since you dare to chase men, then you should not be afraid of men to take the initiative to do it.

The man smiled, he went down, he was able to block the mouth of the curly.

"Looking for death!

However, he still can't act, and some people have launched an attack toward him.

The offensive of the people is not fierce, and even some newcomers unique to an indecisiveness.

"People who are dead are you, boy!

Wang San twisted, first throwing Qillan to his own car, then closed the door, and rushed to the Qing Dynasty to fight.

Wang San's power is not good. Although it is not more than Yilin, it is more than enough.

His as the party saw him, no longer waiting for him, and left the throttle.

Wang San looked at the partner left, browned slightly wrinkled, as he wanted to take the killing of the blue, his back suddenly came back to the murder of a swreetle.

He frowned and didn't see the face of the other party. A light bullet did his life.

"Ghost King?"

Yan Chi Yaowei looked at the black mask of the people.

"it's me.

Have you sent me a sister? "

The ghost king wiped the rush, and quickly walked to Yan Chi, deeply smelled, and the taste into the nose easily evilted the ghostworm.

Just in Fang Zi's madness, the sad sentiment is far away. He smiled and leaned out his hand: "Give me something, I sent my sister.

And you should now have more important things to do.

"Well, it's true.

Yu Chi Lan is bitter, and the top step is given to the ghost king. He turned to leave.

"You wait."

The ghost king hooked Hao Chi blue, gave him a gun, when he was puzzled, the ghost king smiled, "I saw it just now.

Those people, they are not good to deal with, I will not with you, you will rather you.


Yan Chi-blue knew this time some danger, did not hesitate to pick up the gun's gun, he sat in the car and quickly left.

The ghost king was sent to the blue and left, turned around and walked toward the house.

"Sister, I am back.

I have a good thing to bring you.

After the ghost king entered the house, immediately stepped toward the Song's room.

Along the way, a maid did not have a situation, seeing him frown, he fought his hand to touch the waist, and he walked carefully.

Jiemo took ten seconds, the ghost king came to the door of Song, close to the door, listened to the breathing sound of the long and familiar with the long, the ghostwang was tone, and he turned to the hall, and he returned to the lobby. The thing gave on the table, he sat in front of the table.

Look outside, he looked at the scene of the scene that I just saw at the scene.

He thought that he had himself, and Yin Bao did not recover so quickly.

However, he didn't expect that Yin Baoer's heart's loved ones was so deep. Just went back to the parents to sweep the tomb, let Yin Baoer once returned to the furnace.

Now, she not only remembers the love of the opponent's mad, but also remembers that he has lied her.

Although, she did not say something blame myself, but looked at her painful eyes, the ghost king felt this is the biggest pain.

He can't stand it around them. He can only fake it with the following, continue to protect them in the dark.

And Just now, Fang Zi hugged Yin Bao into the room, and Yin Baoer looked around his neck, and the affection between them, but the ghost king couldn't stand it again, and it could not continue to stay around. He can only choose to drive, and protect Song Shao.

"Ghostwear, you are back?"

Just as the ghostwoman thinking, Yan Yulin's silent voice passed.


The ghost king should not be awkward, ask: "Song is wakeful? I have something to find him.

"She woke up, she is also looking for you.

Yan Yulin suddenly talked, continue to say, "she should know that you have come back.

"Yes? I know it.

The ghost king took a deep breath, went to Yan Yulin, and watched him deeply.

Love is negotiable, today, tomorrow.

No marriage certificate is guaranteed, how do you live in this day? "

"And this is a gift I gave you.

The ghost king took a folder from his backpack, and gave it to the hand, ", I hope, you will not let me down."

"of course not.

Yan Yulin opened the folder, only looked at the things inside, and the corner of his mouth got a faint smile.

"It seems that I have to do anything tomorrow.

That is late, I am afraid I can't play with him.

Yan Yulin said happily.

"He didn't have time to match you.

Now, he should be anxious to save the Rool.

The ghost king should go and go to the Song's room.

The ghostwear is so fast, it seems that I don't want to say any more, let Yan Yulin frowned, I thought about a moment, he faded to himself and the Song shallow, and followed the pace of ghostwear. Door.

"Xiao Hao?"

The sound of Song is coming from the inside, in the wood door, Yan Yulin can hear the sound of the inside of the table and chairs, and a low low, caught the cry.

Yan Yulin sat quietly, determined that the sound was not from Song, he turned and left, and called Yin Ben called.

At that time, Yin Bao had just washed, suddenly received the phone call from Yan Lin, but she was slightly stunned, but she still took it quickly.

"Wellin, is there anything?"

Yin Baoer's gentle voice made Yan Yulin slightly, and then he immediately understood the reasons why ghostwear crying.

I am afraid, it is because Yin Baoer has recovered memory, seeing the sweetness between Fangzi mad and Yin Bao, knowing that he is waiting to go, only in vain, I have chosen the gods, come back? Just, even if this is the case, I still can't let my lost heart, so the ghostwear will choose to talk to Song, vent it, is it? " ?"

Yin Baoer saw that the phone did not respond, even called a few times.

Yan Yulin came back from thinking, smiled slightly, he faintly opened: "Baoer, you recover memory.


Yin Bao smiled slightly.

I am very embarrassed with the martial arts, we decided, we will go with you.

I want to make a mistake for me to make up for you.

"no need.

Yan Yulin refused, "You just need to get my marriage certificate from the madness.

Here, there is a ghost king to help, there will be no mistakes.

"is this okay?"

Yin Bao has some doubts.

If it is before, you secretly give two people to the two, she may not be angry.

But now, her personality has changed, and you have made that thing to make her.

If you don't ask for her opinion, I am afraid ... "

"Did you see about her opinion? How can I ask for it, is it late to ask her?"

, the eyes are bright.


Women like to marry.

Even if your beloved man is not in the face of everyone, only one knees in front of her, holding her beloved flowers, and willing to protect her vows in her life, and no one will refuse.

However, the personality of the shallow sister is quite special, you want to conquer her, but also have a lot of things.

Yin Baoer prompts, "For example, hot air balloons proposes, such as letting a nursing man doing an individual wedding ring?"

"This ... I think about it.

Yan Yulin wrinkled.

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