At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

The 282th chapter handles a marriage certificate!

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" , there are many ways to marrying.

You can find it online, or find someone who is relatively rich in love.

For example, our company's Biyun Tao, I think it is good.

Yin Baoer continues to recommend.

Yan Yulin listened, his face became more black.

That Biyun Tao, even women will not chase, will marry, don't tease!

"Baoer, this matter, you don't have to worry."

You only need to raise your body.

When I finished the mana, I hang up the phone.

Yin Bao listened to the beep from the phone and laughed.

This , usually have a set of business, but treat women, but ... "Hey, when a talented man is part of a fool.

Yin Baoer sighs.

Fang Zi madly handled the things of good fortune, personally putting things well, is preparing to bid farewell to Yin Bao to send things to Yu Yulin, just heard Yin Baoer inexplicable wonderful sigh.

"Bao, are you talking about me?"

He smiled and pushed the door, putting things on the side, and the probe would hold the waist of Yin Baoer.

"You think too much.

Yin Baoer quickly flashed and did not let him succeed.

"Baoer? Isn't it?"

Fangzi mad and pitiful.


Yin Baoer replied without hesitation.

When Square was mad, he was impetuous, and he looked at Yin Bao. Seeing Yin Baoer also picked him, he immediately returned to the normal state, smiling, telling him that he is preparing to give .

"This, or later."

, there is still an important thing, if you now train this marriage certificate, but also let the shallow sister or Meng Meng's little ghost, the result can not be good ... "

"Important things? What? Add a silver?"

Fangzi madly heard his eyebrows.

These days, they did not stop looking for cascading, but they couldn't find some information about adding original silver.

Ji Zhaobi is the same as the evaporation of the world, which makes the square a day, but he immediately immediately bites.

After all, I will live to see people, and I want to see the dead.

Addition of the original silver is very large. If they can't find the original silver, it is to let Song shallow come within the danger.

"If it is a casino, that baby, you have to have passed with me now.

Fangzi frenzy dignifier opens.


Yin Bao shook his head: "It is a more important thing.

If you want to tell you in your own, you will go to him.

I have something here, after processing it, I will go to you.


Fang Zi squinted, and Yin Bao took care of himself. He looked at her floral waist, and asked a long kiss, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of Fang Zi, Yin Baoer's brow is locked, inexplicably, she felt that the breath around, she used to like the way, like being taken away.

In the dark, a pair of eyes stared at Yin Baoer's back, like the feeling of shadow, so Yin Bao's brow, she picked up the phone, I want to contact Fangzi mad.

A sharp voice rang behind her, she looked back, a darkness fell, Yin Bao was trying to hide, but she was hiding by her wrist, she fierce struggled, shouting, but heard that this should not be The sound of the appearance here ... though, the sound is much smuggling than before, a lot of harsh, Yin Bao is still recognizing the identity of the person.

Jiao Hui, she, didn't you die? "Yin Baoer, it seems that you have recovered memory.

Then I must also be in your hand.

Jiao Hui smiled and quickly shrewd into Yin Baoer's mouth. When Yin Bao became vigorously, she took her skin into her skin, let her calm, soft to the ground.

"Yin Baoer, you are mad, now the feelings should be good? So, use you to threaten him for me, will there be an effect?"

When I was smiling, a fast action, she pulled Yin Bao to disappear in the night.

In Switzerland , Ye Xinyi looked opposite the face similar to the original silver but there was no trace of cascading. "Who is it added?"

"I, it is to add a silver.

The woman smiled, and it seems to be calm and panic, so Ye Xin laughed.

"is it?"

Ye Xin snorted, "Then you should know, is looking for you? If I give you to him, I should get some benefits.

"You will not.

The woman smiled and smiled. "Mrs didn't forget, and we used to be a partner.

Whether it is now, or the future, as long as I have a request for the lady, the lady must help me.

Otherwise, the things that the lady cherish will be at any time.

"Why don't I?"

Ye Xinnan, the gods shook the earth, staring at the woman, "You come here, what is going on, maybe it.

As long as I have, you want, I will give you.

"Mrs. This is.

The woman nodded and seems to be very satisfied with Ye Xin's performance at the moment.

"This is something that Jiao Zhao is handed over.

When the woman went to Ye Xin, I handed a piece of paper to Ye Xin and turned away.

Ye Xin wants to send people to stop, but think about what he has just said in front of Ye Jiabao, and she and the secret secret of adding the original silver, she immediately broke this idea.

Ye Xin picked up the paper, only looked at it, panicked.

It turns out that this paper is nothing else, it is .

Ye Xin looked at the font, nervously gave a later call, and determined whether he was safe.

However, Yu Chi Lan is a busy voice of Dudu, even if it is connected, he can't hear anything.

Such a quiet, so that Ye Xin is very fearful, she can't find a blue blue and blue, I have to call the Cao Zhan Silver.

"Gao Jin, where are you? Blue is getting you again, you will give him me!

Ye Xin dials with the call of the original silver and blames.

On the other side, Jiao Zhanqi just changed his clothes and took Yin Bao to sit on the helicopter.

The mobile phone is located, she picked up the Bluetooth headset, the voice is calm, "Miss Ye, you always trade fairly.

Now, since I can live back, I will definitely let Yan Yulin eat the suffering.

And your son,

That place, it is not very far, as long as the lady has heart, I can always find it.

"Well, I have other things, I have to say it with Miss Ye.

Miss Ye, are you listening? "

There is a deep pressure in the faint discourse.


Miss Jiao Zhao only told it.

It seems because the heart is late, Ye Xin's tone is much softer.

She is in this performance, please add the original silver, add the original silver and smile, and told the game: "Let the Lie, the game, the game, I want Song Shali and Qi Yulin to pay for them.


Ye Xin should be concerned, "Then, Jiao Zhao, will we go to the treasure?"

"Go, why not?"

The sound of the original silver is very determined. "No matter what you give me the truth, or fake, I can finally get treasure.

Ye Xin, you know my means, I also know your bottom line.

If you don't want us to complain each other, then follow me.

Rest assured, I will not treat you.

"Yes, Ye Miss Ye.

Ye Xin replied.

Jiao Zhihua listened, this is a matter of comfort, and she once thought of many times, informing Ye Xin.

Ye Xin listened to the nod to the head and told Jiao Zaibei. She will be done according to the order of the addition of the original silver ordered, and asked the original silver.

After all, if you want to continue the game, you must appear later.


I will let her, as long as you wait in the game at the scene.

Other things, I will arrange for you.

Jiao Zhailin said.

This kind of thing that did not give any promises, let Ye Xin heard.

She really wants to grasp the original silver asking for a clear, but far away from thousands of miles, two people have a call, but she knows that this is impossible, I can only temporarily endure, indicating that I will go according to Jia Jin. I hang up the phone.

Time, very fast, but it is very slow.

Fang Zi mad airlines, just arrived at the side of Yanyin, I was also handed over to Qi Yulin in the future, and there was news that Yin Baoer did not see.

"What? Where is she going? Is there a video in the organization?"

Fang Zi madly sleepled, and the marriage in his hand dropped to the ground.

"It has a video.

But the man is wearing a black dress, and the face is also a black mask. We can't even see that she is a male.

However, the video shows that Baoer met her, and he had a festival with her.

Moreover, we listened to her, she wants to threaten you with Baoer, let you use her ... "

The night empire is carefully reported.

"okay, I get it.

Fang Zi madly, and the heart suddenly had a clear answer. This person is not someone, but they think she is dead.

It was still alive, and I have been lurking around him and Boa, who left, she attacked Bao, led to this happening.

"Send a video to each of the Lord, you will contact Z City's customs and airports, let them intercept this person.

Although Fangzi is mad, it is still calmly instructing.

The night of the night empire listened, saying that he will do it in accordance with the monk of the monks, and the square hangs up the phone, and the four marriage certificates scattered on the ground.

Among them, the two were he did for Yan Yulin and Song, and the other two were doing him for himself. The above two people took a photo of him asleep with her.

I remembered that when I went to the marriage certificate this afternoon, the marriage registration organs had a narrow smile, and the eyes of Fang Zi mad were more firm.

His baby, he is hard to call back the memory of memory, he has to protect her well.

He would not let her suffer a little harm no matter how big the danger will be faced.

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