At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 35 Drunk, what is he going to do?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"There is absolutely no problem with this!" The old man Chong Song Qian promised, "It happens that today we are going to a mental hospital for a performance. I think her aura is suitable for playing a tree. Let's teach her first."

As he said, the old man led his group of students to Pang Bingshuang, let Pang Bingshuang dance and sing.

"You...what's the matter with you?" Pang Bing roared, suddenly shaking his mind, "Song Qian! Do you dare to lie to me? Do you still want to live?"

Song Qian put on a look of ignorance, "Anyway, I don't lie to you, and you didn't intend to let me live."

"You stay away from me!" Pang Bingshuang roared.

But those people didn't seem to see Pang Bingshuang's indifference, and they were still passionate.

Moreover, everyone was an elderly person, and Pang Bingshuang couldn't hit them hard, couldn't touch them, couldn't beat them, otherwise, the reputation of the Pei family would be destroyed by her.

Song Qian walked far away, and when he turned his head, he saw Pang Bingshuang being held with his hands, dancing like a puppet.

And Pang Bingshuang also shouted at Song Qian's back: "You wait! I will kill you!"

Song Qian returned to the villa without pressure, Xiang Yuqing just prepared the food and sent it to Pei Yilin, Song Qian also secretly followed.

This is Song Qian's first visit to Pei Yilin's company.

The style of Muhua Group is high-end and high-grade only from the appearance. Xiang Yuqing has Pang Bing's dual support, and it is easy to get in.

Song Qian could only call Kang Lu and said, "Can you come down and pick me up? I can't go in without a work permit."

"Why are you here?" Kang Lu asked hurriedly, and then saw Xiang Yuqing carrying the lunch box.

"Have you seen Xiang Yuqing? Let her go to Pei Yilin, and then you come down to pick me up." Song Qian arranged.

Without asking why, Kang Lu hurriedly greeted Yuqing, and then went to pick Song Qian in person.

"Have you eaten?" Song Qian asked Kang Lu.

Kang Lu shook his head, "It's not yet time."

"Well, I bought you a lunch box." Song Qian offered a copy to Kang Lu.

Kang Lu's eyes lit up, his face flushed, and he asked, "You, did you buy it for me?"

"Yeah!" Song Qian moved forward lazily, "Today, I can finish work after rushing to Yuqing. This lunch, even if I invite you!"

Kang Lu knew about the contractual relationship between Song Qian and Pei Yilin, he took the lunch, his heart warmed, and Song Qian smiled softly.

Coming to the door of the president's office, Song Qian heard Pei Yilin's very bad tone and Xiang Yuqing's grievance that he squatted forward.

Song Qian pushed the door and walked in, and said to Pei Yilin loudly, "I'll get the marriage certificate!"

Xiang Yuqing was stunned and asked Song Qian, "Didn't you go to see your old friend with your aunt?"

"Really?" Song Qian pretended not to know, "I went to apply for a marriage certificate!"

With that, Song Qian handed Xiang Yuqing the fake certificate he had bought.

Xiang Yuqing opened the marriage certificate and suddenly cried again, ", are you and her?"

Pei Yilin knew that this must be Song Qian's ghost.

However, she moved swiftly. He only hinted yesterday that she could do anything casually. He opened one eye and closed another. Did she act today?

"Married!" Pei Yilin announced cheerfully.

"Wow -" Xiang Yuqing's signature cry sounded, "How can you treat me this way? I should be your wife!"

Pei Yilin and Song Qian looked at each other and smiled. They seemed to have more affection if they were more affectionate, and their sweet happiness was so envious of others.

"Bought a bento, let's eat together." Song Qian said, opening the lid.

The dishes look very appetizing, but they are super spicy that Pei Yilin doesn't like.

Xiang Yuqing choked up, as if seeing a glimmer of hope, and said, "Lin doesn't like peppers."

Song Qian held the mentality of deliberately rectifying Pei Yilin and said: "Yilin said that as long as I love it, he loves it."

Pei Yilin's dark eyes flashed in the depths, and Song Qian wanted to make him suffer a bit when he seized the opportunity, and always on occasions he had to accept.

Song Qian picked up the spoon and gave Pei Yilin a mouthful of rice, together with a big chili, and said gently: "I'll feed you."

Xiang Yuqing's eyes widened, and she didn't believe Pei Yilin would eat.

Pei Yilin coughed slightly, since he was going to be corrected by Song Qian, he certainly wouldn't make her feel better.

He took the meal that Song Qian had fed, and then kissed her.

Song Qian's eyes widened, she was about to push Pei Yilin's hands away and was completely pinched by him. She was helpless to take the food in his mouth.

Xiang Yuqing ran out crying, Song Qian bit Pei Yilin's mouth in one bite. He had a pain and could only let go.

Song Qian hurriedly vomited everything out of her mouth, and drank a few large mouthfuls to rinse her mouth.

Did she eat the rice in Pei Yilin's mouth?

Isn't it disgusting?

"You are abnormal!" Song Qian angered.

Pei Yilin is still coughing, "You should give up."

Song Qian gritted her teeth and saw the torn skin on Pei Yilin's mouth. She really regretted not biting harder just now!

But Pei Yilin seemed to be in a very good mood, looking at Song Qian provocatively.

"If nothing else, Xiang Yuqing and Auntie will all leave today, and my mission is complete." Song Qian said crudely.

"What did you do to my mother?" Pei Yilin asked.

"You said you won't be held accountable."

"I just want to know."

"I sent her to an elderly hobby class."

Pei Yilin's expression suddenly became weird, surprised, doubtful, delighted, and suspicious. In the end, it all melted into laughter.

"You!" Pei Yilin said in a completely spoiled tone, "My mom definitely didn't expect to be planted in the hands of you little girl liar today."

Song Qian looked up, "You are my supporter behind the scenes. If you count, the credit goes to you."

This guy!

She was obviously worried that Pang Bing would settle the old accounts in the future, so she wanted to pull him to stand on the same boat.

Pei Yilin scratched Song Qian's nose, and she took a step back, wondering what he was doing.

"Cough cough cough--" Pei Yilin coughed again.

"Have you caught a cold?" Song Qian asked.

Pei Yilin drank hot water to moisturize his throat, and then asked, "Are you caring about me?"

Song Qian blinked, hurriedly covered the blush on her cheeks, and said hurriedly, "I'm back to the villa."

"No!" Pei Yilin said domineeringly, "Take you to eat delicious food."

Song Qian pointed to the bento, "It was also bought with money." Can you not be too wasteful, just take a bite!

Thinking of how that bite was eaten, Song Qian blushed again.

"Go." Pei Yilin didn't give Song Qian the right to say no, and took her by the hand and pulled her out of the office.

When everyone in the company saw Pei Yilin and Song Qian, they stood up in surprise and followed the distance.

They have been in the company for so long. When have they seen Pei Yilin, a cold-character, walking grandiosely by the hand of a woman?

Song Qian didn't understand everyone's surprise at her, even if she knew the reason, she wouldn't be surprised.

After all, it is not once or twice that Pei Yilin takes advantage of her suddenly!

What Pei Yilin said is delicious is on the top floor of his company. This is a well-equipped restaurant. Song Qian's eyes are widened by the variety of expensive wines in the wine cabinet.

"It's really a little greedy cat." Pei Yilin said softly.

He still remembered Song Qian's love for wine, and she was willing to take the risk of stealing a bottle of Kandi, it was her birthday that day.

Recalling that day, Pei Yilin didn't know what she was happy about, but she was in a good mood anyway.

"Take what you want to drink." Pei Yilin said boldly.

"Do you pay?" Song Qian asked.

Pei Yilin's eyes dimmed. How stingy was he in Song Qian's heart?

Song Qian smiled. She didn't greedy to pack all the wine away. Instead, she took out the most beautiful bottle for her celebration party!

Pei Yilin glanced at Song Qian, a smirk flashed in his eyes.

Looking at the big meal on the table, Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin again and asked, "Can you start?"

Pei Yilin nodded, and saw Song Qian's contented eating, he also ate particularly vigorously.

Song Qian raised his wine glass, "Haha! Cheers for me to successfully complete the task!"

"You drink well?" Pei Yilin asked.

"Alright!" Song Qian smiled, "Anyway, such a small glass of wine will definitely not drink me down."

This was indeed the case. Song Qian ate and drank. Although he didn't drink, he fell into a trance.

Pei Yilin shook his head helplessly. When Song Qian took out the 60-degree wine, he expected the result to be like this.

Song Qian took two steps, feeling that the floor he was stepping on was soft and there was a buzzing sound in his ears.

Pei Yilin stabilized Song Qian, hesitated for a while, and simply hugged her sideways.

On the way back to the office, Song Qian once again became the focus of the entire company.

"I will go by myself." Song Qian protested in a low voice, "Why do you drink more than me, but you are all right?"

Seeing Song Qian's confused and cute look, Pei Yilin couldn't help but smile.

The employees of the company screamed.

Pei Yilin laughed!

That Satan-like man, Pei Yilin, who had always ignored these two expressions except for his coldness, was actually laughing?

They wiped their sharp eyes. Did they make a mistake just now?

"Why are you laughing?" Song Qian was dissatisfied. "It must be because I was too tired for these two days. I didn't sleep well, so I could not drink enough!"

"Really?" Pei Yilin asked softly, "Why don't you find a time and try it hard?"

Song Qian stretched out her hand and pinched Pei Yilin's nose, "Don't look down on people! When sister was drinking, you didn't know where it was?"

When the employees of the company saw Song Qian's bold move, their eyes burst out.

For the first time everyone came to a conclusion like this: Pei Yilin was in love, and it was the woman he was holding that made him fall in love!

Back in the office, Pei Yilin put Song Qian on the sofa, and when he coughed, he was far away from Song Qian.

"Kang Lu, make a cup of coffee." Pei Yilin said.

Kang Lu's face was not very good. He glanced at Song Qian who was sitting on the sofa again, and saw that she suddenly stood up and stopped Kang Lu, and then fell into his arms because of her weight loss.

Pei Yilin's brows were immediately twisted together, and Kang Lu quickly kept a distance from Song Qian.

"Kang Lu, you are not allowed to make coffee for him." Song Qian's voice is steady and domineering.

After finishing speaking, Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin again and muttered: "You still have a cold now. You can't drink coffee. I have cold medicine in my bag. Drink it with warm water."

Faced with the cold medicine Song Qian found out after a mess, Pei Yilin didn't know how to react for a while.

He rarely catches colds and does not take medicine for a long time. Song Qian is the first woman to give him cold medicine.

This feeling is weird and warm.

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