At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 36: Rude, Passionate Love

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"You go out first." Pei Yilin said to Kang Lu.

Kang Lu helped Song Qian to sit on the sofa and looked at her worriedly before he had to leave.

Song Qian's hands were almost sour, and he mumbled: "Why are you like Mengmeng? Just a few cold medicines, and they are not bitter and difficult to swallow?"

"Song Qian." Pei Yilin approached her, "Are you a fairy?"

Song Qian blinked his shiny eyes, and under the influence of alcohol, his reaction was a little slow.

"Why are you scolding me?" Song Qian raised his tone and asked aggrievedly: "Why do you always bully me?"

Pei Yilin was puzzled, "If you are not a fairy, you won't confuse people's minds, why..." Why does it always give him a sense of helpless powerlessness?

"What did I do wrong again?" Song Qian pursed his lips and guessed: "Is the meal I just ate too expensive?"

Pei Yilin stretched out his hand and stroked Song Qian's face, palm pressed against her temperature, it was very warm.

"You don't need cold medicine." Pei Yilin held Song Qian's hand, "Have you ever heard that when a mild cold is cold, can it be cured by doing a lot of exercise?"

Song Qian tried to think about it, and then said, "I have heard of it."

"Then you help me heal the disease." Pei Yilin's voice coaxed, with the power to deceive people.

Song Qian's eyelashes were trembling, and she clenched her teeth, but Pei Yilin's tongue turned into the most advantageous point, prying her tension away, and kissing her passionately.

Pei Yilin did not classify himself as a man who could not control beautiful women, but every time he met Song Qian, even if it was just a simple physical touch, his heart would be filled with desire. It was purely aimed at Song Qian will come out.

Song Qian’s mind is empty and chaotic. She clearly understands what Pei Yilin is doing to her. Logically speaking, she should kick him off, but she is very passive. Fall back, better accept his sudden gentleness.

He pushed up her clothes and stroked the softness of her chest with a big palm, so cautiously that his urgency and rudeness would hurt her.

He was so contradictory in his heart, he wanted to take care of her feelings, but he wanted to taste her beauty as quickly as possible.

Between repression and urgency, he was impatient.

As if returning to the dark night that couldn't see people six years ago, Song Qian was shocked and quickly grabbed Pei Yilin's hand.

"No, no..." She was not ready to accept a man.

Pei Yilin quickly sealed Song Qian’s unwillingness. He finally faced the idea that he had wanted her for a long time, and stopped fighting the body's clamor. The blood in his body was roaring, and he wanted to enjoy it and sway...

Song Qian was so suppressed by Pei Yilin that he couldn't push, and he couldn't yell, and his body still echoed with him. There was even the thought of "following him" in his mind.

Is this the rhythm that drives her crazy?

Song Qian was half awake and half drunk, Pei Yilin's strong muscles pressed against her, inducing a tremor in her heart.

And her shy and confused expression stimulated him even more.

Pei Yilin attacked suddenly, Song Qian had already been defeated before he knew it, and had to accept and obey.

Sweating and sweating, Song Qian, who had only had one experience, was helpless and nervous. She didn't know what to do, so she could only close her eyes and let the body's reaction dominate her sanity.

Pei Yilin couldn't control himself at all. He told himself to be lighter, but his desire for Song Qian made him unable to stop. How could it not be enough, especially her voice was so beautiful that he didn't need the last trace of strength. Will give up.

Song Qian passed out in the endless happiness. Pei Yilin was so happy. After holding her intimately and kissing for a long time, he buried his head in the softness of her chest satisfied...

When Song Qian woke up, it was almost dusk.

She looked around and found that Pei Yilin was not there, and her clothes were already put on, but after some torture, her limbs were sore and weak, leaving a lot of bruises.

Song Qian bit her lip, frowning tightly, and a wave of unsuitable images attacked her brain.

Even buy it!

What did she do this afternoon?

This time it's over!

It seems that she not only needs to quit gambling, she also has to quit drinking!

Taking advantage of Pei Yilin's absence, she'd better run away!

Song Qian picked up her bag to cover her face and opened the office door, slipping faster than a mouse.

At this time, Pei Yilin was answering the phone. He was worried about waking Song Qian, who was exhausted, so he came out to answer the phone.

"President Pei, Miss Xiang packed up and left, and the chairman's wife also took a plane and left." The person on the other end of the phone reported.

Pei Yilin raised the corners of his mouth, and complicated things were always so simple in Song Qian's hands!

Thinking of the happiness she brought to him in the afternoon, he hung up, thinking about how to reward her tonight, or to love her more.

Pei Yilin returned to the office, but where is Song Qian's figure?

Except that the sofa has not been restored to its original state due to excessive exercise for too long, reminding Pei Yilin that everything in the afternoon is not a dream.

Pei Yilin's fists were clenched, the happy expression on his face obviously disappeared, and he picked up the car key and hurried home...

Song Qian hid in her bedroom and refused to come out, lying in the bathtub, she could clearly see the bruises made by Pei Yilin on her body.

"It's over." Song Qian wanted to cry without tears, "What should I do in the future!"

Song Qian knocked her head with a headache. When she remembered what happened in the afternoon, she couldn't wait to stay away from Pei Yilin forever.

But she can't put all the responsibilities on him, obviously she also cooperated with him very hard...

Song Qian hugged her body tightly, thinking about six years ago and now again, she couldn't help sobbing in grievance and annoyance.

Pei Yilin was about to knock on the bathroom door, when he heard Song Qian crying in it, he dropped his hand again.

If it is so difficult for her to face, what happened this afternoon should be better treated as a mistake, right?

Pei Yilin had never felt this way before, and when he was eager to meet something, he found that he was empty.

His chest was stuffy and he could only leave silently.

After Qian Mengmeng knocked on the door for the Nth time, Song Qian managed to adjust and leave the house.

Everyone cares about her.

"Bodyguard Song, are you uncomfortable somewhere, do you want to see a doctor?" Kang Lu asked.

Aunt Wang also asked, "Is my stomach hurt? Shall I get you a hot water bottle to apply it?"

"Auntie, are you okay?" Cheng Xian asked.

"Mummy, what's the matter with you?" Qian Mengmeng asked.

Pei Yilin listened to the movement outside in the study. He wanted to go out and see how Song Qian was going, but he also knew that the person she didn't want to see was definitely him.

In case he goes out, Song Qian hides in a panic. As long as he thinks of that scene, Pei Yilin's brows will be flocked together.

"I'm fine." Song Qian said with a light smile, "I just drank too much wine at noon, so I came back to sleep."

"The meal is warming up for you, can you go and eat something? It's really worrying to be drunk until the early hours of the morning when you are drunk," said Aunt Wang.

Song Qian nodded, but he was relieved that Pei Yilin was not seen everywhere.

After dinner, Song Qian sent Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian to sleep, and then walked on the lawn outside the house to look at the moon.

Sitting on the ground, Song Qian raised his head.

She still remembered that Pei Yilin pointed out to her the positions of the stars in the sky. He has always treated her not too badly, but not too good.

But what does he mean this afternoon?

Is it just a simple vent, or does he feel about her?

Song Qian was so entangled that he grasped the grass on the ground. No matter what, Pei Yilin should give her an explanation!

How could he just ignore her without saying a word?

In the depression, Song Qian couldn't help turning around to look at Pei Yilin's bedroom. It was dark, he should have been asleep, right?

What happened in the afternoon seemed to him a very simple exercise, right?

He said, let her help him treat a cold.

"Zhi your sister!" Song Qian sniffed, "I don't know how to find someone else?"

He grabbed a lot of so many women, why did he have to disrupt her life?

Pei Yilin hid behind the curtains in the bedroom and kept watching Song Qian, seeing her sitting there alone, he really wanted to go over and talk to her.

Usually two people sleep in the same room, and she always whispers in his ear, now she is far away from him, how can he adapt?

Just when Pei Yilin couldn't help walking to find Song Qian, he found that Kang Lu had also passed by.

When Song Qian saw Kang Lu, he smiled brightly and asked, "You haven't slept yet?"

In Pei Yilin's eyes, the smile was particularly dazzling.

"I'm used to going to bed late." Kang Lu said softly, "Mind if I sit down?"

Song Qian shook her head, Zhengxian no one would speak with her!

Seeing Kang Lu and Song Qian chatting without a word, and occasionally they could hear the laughter of the two, Pei Yilin clenched his fists and his black eyes were biting.

He clearly smelled a sour smell, and the vinegar jar was himself!

When Song Qian and Kang Lu finally had enough talk, after returning to the bedroom, Song Qian just wanted to sleep well, but was surprised to find that Pei Yilin was sitting next to her bed.

"" Song Qian stammered and looked around, as if there was no place to hide suddenly.

"How much does it cost?" Pei Yilin's voice seemed to come from hell.


There is no emotion in Pei Yilin's dark eyes, "It's not the first time, pretending to be so aggrieved and pitiful, isn't it just trying to ask me for money?"

Song Qian widened his eyes and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"In addition to the fact that you rushed to Yuqing, is it enough to give you eight million?" Pei Yilin asked.

"Pei Yilin." Song Qian felt that she hadn't followed Pei Yilin's words at all. "What do you mean?"

"Don't you love money?" Pei Yilin narrowed his eyes. "You can buy a million virgins. You are just a second-hand item. For the sake of feeling pretty good in the afternoon, I will give you a little bit more and let you Knowing that I am not that stingy."

What does it mean to feel good?

What does it mean to give more?

Is he pitying her, or is he giving her alms, or is he just mocking her?

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin, what happened to her and him this afternoon, is he going to spend her money?

She didn't ask him to be responsible, nor did she ask him to blackmail her. He insulted her like this?

"Not too young?" Pei Yilin snorted, "A woman like you is really greedy. You want how much you want."

Song Qian slapped Pei Yilin with a slap, hitting him with arrogance, and hitting him with greatness!

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