At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 44 Fierce revenge, please save her!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Song Qian searched the entire community but did not see Qian Mengmeng, and did not answer Qian Mengmeng's phone calls.

Tuning monitoring!

Song Qian hurriedly walked to the security room, without saying anything, knocked the security out first, and then turned on the surveillance.

Surveillance showed that Qian Mengmeng had walked out of the community by himself, and he looked panic and anxious.

What happened?

Song Qian wondered if Qian Mengmeng would go back to the villa to find Pei Yilin.

It is unlikely.

Song Qian immediately rejected his own ideas.

She knows Qian Mengmeng, and she knows that Qian Mengmeng sometimes protects her mom to the point of super short-term protection, regardless of right and wrong.

Today, Pei Yilin had such a big fire, and Qian Mengmeng should not go back because he ordered them to go.

Song Qian could only call Xiao Honglian.

When I heard that Qian Mengmeng was gone, Xiao Honglian sighed and flew into thunder.

"I said Song Qian, I think you are my boss now! Every day you are instructed to help you do this and that! Since Qian Mengmeng went by herself, what are you going to worry about?" Xiao Hong Lian asked.

"It feels wrong this time." Song Qian said softly, "Help me, Mengmeng can't be in trouble."

Xiao Honglian was taken aback. The relationship between him and Song Qian can be said to be as good as a close girlfriend. It is common for them to expose their scars and scold each other, because this is how they get along.

But the first time Song Qian used the three words "help me", Xiao Honglian hadn't adapted to it yet.

"Wait for a while." Xiao Honglian said.

Song Qian stood at the gate of the community and waited. She looked ahead, the sun was shining on her, but she felt the unprecedented cold, and she couldn't help trembling.

After about half an hour, Song Qian felt that it was longer than a century. She was like a patient, looking tired and nervous.

"Something happened! I found out that Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian were kidnapped by a group of people, but there is no clue about who those are." Xiao Honglian said.

Song Qian opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound dumb.

What Xiao Honglian said was that there was no clue, which meant that he could not find anyone who kidnapped Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian.

How to do?

"Do you think about it carefully to see who is offending?" Xiao Honglian's tone was rare and solemn.

She offended Pei Yilin, Xiang Yuqing, and Pang Bingshuang.

These three names popped up in Song Qian's mind. Any one of them would be enough money to die a hundred times!

"I suggest you go to Pei Yilin and ask him to help find money Mengmeng. Not to mention how powerful his family is. Just because he is familiar with the leader of the Dark Night Empire, he can investigate a lot of things." Xiao Honglian proposed.

Song Qian hung up the phone, quickly called Fang Zikang and shut down.

She squeezed her hand, guessing that Qian Mengmeng must have gone to see Cheng Xian just now, and then the two were kidnapped together.

Song Qian believed that Pei Yilin would not be so boring to move Qian Mengmeng, that daughter is now in the hands of the bad guys, one more minute, there is more danger.

Regardless of other things, Song Qian immediately walked to Pei's villa.

Not wanting to involve other people, Song Qian sneaked into the villa from the route she chose. She was able to succeed every time in the past, but this time, she was caught as soon as she entered.

"President Pei ordered that if you dare to approach the villa for half a step, you will have to die." The bodyguard's voice was cold and merciless, "For the sake of getting to know one, you should go out quickly."

Song Qian said quickly, "I am looking for him in a hurry!"

"Please leave quickly, otherwise, we will be welcome." The bodyguard gave Song Qian an ultimatum.

Song Qian knows the strength of the bodyguards in the villa. Everyone is selected through a layer by layer. Even if three or two are not her opponents, she can only finish the game if there are more.

But Song Qian also understood that except for Pei Yilin, no one had the strength to help her.

In any case, she will see him.

Even in the past, she hoped that he could help her this time.

Song Qian's lips twitched awkwardly. Where is the relationship between her and Pei Yilin in the past?

He was just fighting for face with Yuchi Haolan.

At the door of the villa, Song Qian has been waiting.

The sun was so big that her thin body was exposed to sweat and she was sweating.

She gritted her teeth and waited, but she didn't believe that Pei Yilin would never come out.

After standing for several hours, from noon to afternoon, Song Qian did not eat or drink water, feeling that his physical strength was gradually exhausted.

At this time, Pei Yilin's car came back.

Song Qian moved his eyebrows before moving his steps to get closer, and saw Pei Yilin and Xia Erlan sitting together, they were kissing passionately.

Song Qian's pale face became even more ugly, and when she heard her heart broken, she suddenly rushed to stop the car.

The car stopped at a sudden stop, only three centimeters away from Song Qian, and Song Qian almost had the illusion of his soul being knocked out.

Pei Yilin's cold air flow solidified into ice, his fists were very tight, and he wanted to get out of the car to scold Song Qian.

Is she going to die?

Even if she doesn't want to live, don't die in front of him!

Will make him... sad.

"Drive over." Pei Yilin said coldly.

Song Qian could understand the lips and understand Pei Yilin's unfeelingness, and his eyes became moist beyond control.

"President Pei." Kang Lu couldn't bear it, "Bodyguard Song has been loyal during his tenure."

Pei Yilin's surface violence is getting worse, but his heart is already chaotic.

Why did Song Qian come to him?

He thought that they should be dead forever.

But when she came, he built a bunker defense line only against her, but when he saw the wetness in her eyes collapsed completely.

Pei Yilin couldn't bear this feeling. He was just a woman, and he didn't allow himself to be overwhelmed.

He even treated himself cruelly, wanting to see Song Qian with other men to hone his heart that would not be disturbed.

But this is not the case. When the driver obeyed the instructions, but conscientiously wiped past Song Qian, Pei Yilin was so angry that he wanted to kill.

Song Qian looked back at the rear of Pei Yilin's car. Every cell in her body was painful, as if she had fallen into an abyss. She was not dead yet, but no one came to rescue her.

The weather in summer will change as soon as it changes. The sun was scorching just now, and now the wind is sweeping, and the rain will be pouring soon.

The sand on the ground was squinted by the wind, Song Qian closed his eyes and stood quietly.

When it was dark, and until the big rain fell on her, she still refused to leave.

Only Pei Yilin can save Qian Mengmeng.

The thoughts in her heart were firm.

Pei Yilin stood alone in the elevator of the amusement park, where he could see the entrance of the villa, where he accompanied Song Qian to his birthday.

Pei Yilin's gaze fell on Song Qian for a moment and did not move away. Even blinking was an extremely extravagant action. Looking at her stubbornness, he felt the tear in his heart.

Song Qian's body was swaying. For the first time, she felt that she was so useless that even her daughter could not be saved.

She raised her eyes, their sockets were red, and she didn't know if it was rain or tears on her face. She slipped into her mouth and it was a bit salty and bitter.

Song Qian wiped her eyes, moved her feet, her legs softened, and she fell to the ground.

She got up in embarrassment, got up, and walked back step by step.

If Pei Yilin refuses to see her, she can no longer waste time here.

With her own strength, even if she is going to grab someone from Hades, she will succeed!

Looking at Song Qian's lonely and lonely back, and even with endless despair, Pei Yilin felt pain that he had never felt before.

He suddenly pressed down the elevator, then chased it out.

Pei Yilin ran to the door of the villa, Song Qian was no longer there, and after chasing forward, she was still missing.

The surveillance call showed that Song Qian fainted on the side of the road and was carried away by Yu Chi Haolan.

Yuchi Haolan!

This man again!

Pei Yilin swept everything on the table to the ground, roaring and furious...

When Song Qian woke up, she quickly sat up when she saw Yuchi Haolan.

"Wake up?" Yuchi Haolan's voice was still gentle, "Do you feel better? You are having a high fever, take the medicine first."

"I'm fine." Song Qian declined Yu Chi Haolan's concern and got up to leave.

"You can't leave yet!" Yu Chi Haolan stopped Song Qian, "You are very weak."

"I have a family." Song Qian said coldly, "Moreover, I only warn you once, no matter how much grievances you have with Pei Yilin, don't involve me."

"What do you know?" Yuchi Haolan asked, but he didn't show any anxiety.

Seeing Yuchi Haolan's gentle and gentle face, and remembering how he pried Pei Yilin's corner of the wall, Song Qian's eyes became more and more mocking.

"Please, Mr. Yuchi, how far away from me in the future!" After speaking, Song Qian opened the door, closed it again, and hurried to the house.

Yuchi Haolan chased for a few steps and then stopped, whispering, "In your heart, am I so dirty and bad?"


Song Qian needs a computer, and then invades major surveillance systems, looking for Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian from place to place.

After Fang Zikuang turned on his phone, he smiled when he saw Song Qian's Nth call, and said with joy, "Could this little Nizi think I'm crazy?" I feel more than good.

"Baby Qian, as long as you miss me, I will fly back to accompany you immediately!" Fang Zikuang is half a joke and half serious.

"Mengmeng and Cheng Xian are gone." Song Qian's voice was trembling, "Can you use the people of the Dark Night Empire to help me find them?"

"Gone?" Fang Zikuang didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. "Could it be that they fell in love and did bad things?"

In the past, Song Qian would wait to pick up the iron rod and go to Australia to make Fang Zi Kuang's brain into the shape of a pig.

But right now, she was like a flat ball.

"The surveillance showed that they were kidnapped at the airport. Neither the police nor Xiao Honglian could find any clues after them, as if they had disappeared out of thin air." Song Qian said.

"Don't worry." Fang Zi said frantically, "I'll call them now to find someone for you."

With Fang Zikang's help, Song Qian's heart was finally relieved.

At this time, the doorbell rang, and Song Qian stumbled to open the door, thinking it was Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian who had returned, but what they saw was Yin Bao'er, who had only met each other.

When Yin Baoer saw Song Qian, his eyes blinked several times.

"Brother Zikuang, you and you?" Yin Baoer's eyes reddened while she was still talking.

Song Qian didn't have the mind to deal with whether Yin Baoer had any misunderstandings at the moment, and went back to the computer to enter the monitoring system.

Yin Bao'er couldn't find anyone who was crazy about Fangzi, then looked at Song Qian, and couldn't help asking, "What's the matter? You seem to be very unhappy."

Song Qian didn't answer, and Yin Baoer simply stayed by her side, occasionally looking at her and occasionally at the computer screen, which was really boring.

"Hmm..." Yin Baoer hesitated for a while, "If you need help, you can tell me. I feel like you are looking for something, but your method of stealing one by one is slower, and I will be faster."

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