At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 45 His daughter, his identity!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Yin Baoer is an unparalleled computer expert and a great hacker.

Song Qian looked at Yin Baoer, holding a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and said, "My daughter and her friend have been kidnapped. I have to find them."

Yin Baoer hurriedly asked, "Are they the two kids I met during the last meal?"

Song Qian nodded.

Yin Baoer quickly got serious and said to Song Qian, "Give me the computer, I'll look for it."

Song Qian's computer knowledge is basically self-study. She doesn't like to play this kind of high-tech stuff very much, and she doesn't have deep research. Now when it comes in handy, she always feels that it is not enough.

But with Yin Baoer's help, the search was much faster.

At this time, Fang Zi from Australia called Pei Yilin madly.

"Investigation?" Pei Yilin asked.

"How can it be so fast!" Fangzi was embarrassed, "to tell you something, Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian were kidnapped, and, if you can't find any clues, you can help."


When Cheng Xian left, he told Pei Yilin that he was going to find Qian Mengmeng, and he wanted to live with Qian Mengmeng. He didn't stop him. He always thought that they were good.

Pei Yilin hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?"

"I'm abroad, how can I know the specifics? It's just that when I talked to Baby Qian, she felt like she should have cried. She is such a strong woman, but Mengmeng is her weakness, so you can help her ..."

Pei Yilin hung up the phone before Fang Zi finished screaming.

damn it!

Song Qian came to him today, definitely because of Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian!

She must have searched for all the people who could be found without an answer before coming to beg him. She was so desperate at the time and only hoped that he could help her, but he was cruel to see.

Pei Yilin really wanted to slap himself in the face, and apart from anything else, he picked up the car key and went to Dark Night Empire, ready to activate the search mode.

At the same time, Yin Baoer also found clues.

"The car that kidnapped Mengmeng and Chengxian disappeared here. With this red dot as the center, there are only a few suspicious places next to it," Yin Baoer stated.

Suddenly, Yin Baoer said in a puzzled voice: "Huh! Going around here is the headquarters of the Dark Night Empire!"

Song Qian's eyes shook--couldn't it be the Dark Night Empire who kidnapped Qian Mengmeng and the Constitution?

"You stay here, I'll check it!" Song Qian asked and got up.

"No! I have to go with you!" Yin Baoer hurriedly followed, "I have a token, I can take you in."

"You can't let anyone know about this." Song Qian didn't know why he gave Yin Bao'er so much trust. "I'm not sure who killed the two children, just in case..."

Song Qian didn't finish. She knew that the other party had kidnapped the child for a purpose. Now that there is no news of their life or death, it means they are still alive.

"However, there is heavily guarded, how can you get in?" Yin Baoer reminded.

"I have a way." Song Qian said softly.

She can't break in, don't you know how clever?

When he arrived at the headquarters of the Dark Night Empire, Song Qian looked around from the outside. There were many guards and it was difficult to get in.

The dark night empire has great influence all over the world. It is said that the leaders of the country have friendship with their leaders. Some people even say that their leaders are the supporters behind the leaders.

It's just that these legends have been passed around, and no photos of the leaders have flowed out. The leaders still exist secretly and great.

Song Qian never thought that one day she would come here-she had a festival with the leader of the Dark Night Empire.

Because, through various inquiries and invasions, she finally knew that the leader of the Dark Night Empire was Qian Mengmeng's father.

Every time that man was mentioned, Song Qian's teeth would itch with hatred.

But, after all, the other party was too strong, and the man never stopped looking for her.

She didn't know whether he wanted her to get her skin peeled, cramped, bone stripped, or other cruel criminal laws, but she knew that if she let him know about Qian Mengmeng's existence, Qian Mengmeng would definitely be taken away.

So when Yin Baoer said that the place where Qian Mengmeng disappeared was close to the Dark Night Empire, Song Qian wondered: Could it be that the leader has found her and knew Qian Mengmeng's existence?

However, this doesn't make sense!

If the boss of the Dark Night Empire knew about Qian Mengmeng's existence, he would definitely follow Song Qian in the first place!

Song Qian approached the Dark Night Empire cautiously, dodged by several groups of bodyguards.

The guards become stricter as you go in.

The front is actually an infrared isolation area!

Song Qian sighed lightly. She knew that after this, she could enter the heart of the empire.

Fortunately, her special glasses can not only see the night as day, but also see infrared.

She moved forward cautiously. The headquarters was very quiet. She had already heard Qian Mengmeng's voice.

Song Qian tried to force herself to calm down, listening to the movement around her with her eyes closed.

"She is there!" a male voice shouted.

Soon, many bodyguards came out and pointed their guns at Song Qian.

Song Qian's forehead was covered with fine sweat. She was so tired and she was still very weak, but for Qian Mengmeng and constitution, she had to persevere.

Song Qian dodged, grabbed a bodyguard's gun, and ran in desperately.

The gun fell like rain, and Song Qian could only hide and flee, and had to find a way to get to the seat where Qian Mengmeng was.

She knew that those people didn't want to kill her, but wanted to catch her alive for interrogation.

More and more bodyguards came to chase Song Qian, and everyone didn't even need a gun.

Song Qian gasped, her body strength was not enough to support her for too long, she needed a quick fight.

Seeing the room named the interrogation room, Song Qian opened the door and rushed in, holding a gun in one hand, but did not open it.

Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian were both inside, and Pei Yilin was also inside, and a dozen bodyguards pointed their guns at Song Qian.

"Mummy!" Qian Mengmeng shouted worriedly.

Pei Yilin's face was calm and there was a dark surge behind him.

He came here just now and heard his subordinates said that he had caught two children, indicating that they were sneakily following Fang Zikuang, which might have been sent by the enemy.

But the subordinates are so happy and hope to report something after the trial. Pei Yilin just learned about it.

It was Fang Zimad. Although he knew that someone was following him, he handed over the matter to his subordinates as if he were okay. He still rushed to Australia to work, and didn't even see who was arrested.

Song Qian gritted her teeth and pointed a dozen guns at her. If she was alone, she would be able to escape.

It's just that Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian are still being held there, how could she leave alone?

Looking at Qian Mengmeng again, there was a blood stain under his nose.

"Mengmeng, what's wrong with you!" Song Qian asked anxiously.

"Mommy." Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian were completely fine. Although they were arrested, they didn't hurt themselves because of their abilities. "Don't worry, it's just that the weather is too dry and I have a nosebleed."

The nosebleed is Qian Mengmeng's old problem, and Song Qian feels a little relieved at the same time wondering.

If the boss of the Dark Night Empire was arrested because he knew that Qian Mengmeng was his daughter, wouldn't he be tied to Qian Mengmeng?

What is going on here?

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian, she seemed to be ignoring him deliberately, not treating him here at all.

"I want to see your boss." Song Qian said to one of the bodyguards, "Why arrest my daughter and this child?"

Pei Yilin secretly looked at the subordinate who was so overjoyed and explained with cold eyes.

The subordinates knowingly, hurriedly said: "Why do you say we can see our boss? There is evidence that they are both undercover agents sent by the enemy!"

"We are not!" Qian Mengmeng explained with a throat, "We are so young, are you absurd?"

"Small?" The subordinates didn't smile, "It's been so long since I caught you, you are all right, but our bodyguards are already disfigured by you!"

Qian Mengmeng laughed, "That only proves that we are naughty!"

Cheng Xian looked at Pei Yilin and said, "Uncle Pei, I think Mengmeng was in a bad mood after being driven out of the villa, so I promised to take her to listen to the sound of the plane taking off, but they had to say that we were undercover."

Song Qian didn't know whether he should be relaxed or nervous at the moment.

The easy thing is: The leader of the Dark Night Empire probably didn't know that she and Qian Mengmeng were the products of that wrong night that year.

The nervous thing is: How could Qian Mengmeng and Cheng Xian be arrested as undercover agents?

"Let them go." Pei Yilin said coldly, "For the rest, I will talk to your leader."

The subordinates knew Pei Yilin's true identity. Upon hearing this, he remembered the unhappy look on Pei Yilin's face just now when Pei Yilin came in, and guessed that these two children must have a close relationship with Pei Yilin.

Moreover, looking at that little girl, how could she feel similar to Pei Yilin!

Could it be that Mr. Pei's illegitimate child?

Wouldn't he have suffered a lot!

The subordinates dare not say anything, "Yes!"

The bodyguards who raised their guns at Song Qian also lowered their guns at the same time.

Song Qian didn't care about other things. He hurried to hug Qian Mengmeng, checked her carefully, and asked, "Are you really okay? Are you injured? Did they not touch you at all?"

Qian Mengmeng said comfortably: "Mommy, your daughter is a little devil, and they are the only ones who suffer!"

Song Qian asked Cheng Xian again: "How about you? Are you okay?"

Cheng Xian nodded.

Seeing that both babies are safe, Song Qian is completely relieved.

She took the hands of the babies and stopped when she passed Pei Yilin.

Song Qian didn't look at Pei Yilin, she just guessed in her mind: Pei Yilin and the boss of the Dark Night Empire must have a very good relationship.

Otherwise, if he said to let people go, those people let them go?

"Thank you, I will pay back this favor." After that, Song Qian took the children and left the place quickly.

She didn't want to have any direct contact with the leader, beware that he would recognize her.

The air-conditioning around Pei Yilin was surging, wondering how to tie the woman who was so courageous to make him feel up and down.

At this time, a subordinate ran up to Pei Yilin and said in a low, depressed voice: "Master, it's not good, something has happened!"

The sound seemed harsh at the moment of silence.

Song Qian trembled, she turned her head and saw her subordinates bowed their heads in front of Pei Yilin, fearful.

Meeting Pei Yilin's gaze, her eyes trembled.


So, Pei Yilin is the leader of the Dark Night Empire?

And Qian Mengmeng’s father is Pei Yilin?

It's no wonder that Qian Mengmeng and Pei Yilin always look a bit similar. Both are allergic to seafood, and even the actions they sometimes do are the same.

Is this... because of blood?

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