At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 46: Pursuit, Mommy is very popular!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Song Qian was stunned. The shame of six years ago is now in front of her, but Pei Yilin, a man, made her feel sad and mixed.

Without knowing that the other party was the leader of the Dark Night Empire, she had imagined countless possibilities. She would kill him, eat him, cramp bones, and destroy the dead.

Later, knowing that the other party was the leader of the Dark Night Empire, the only thing she thought about was hiding.

Because the shame of Tianda is not as intense as the pain of losing Qian Mengmeng.

But right now, Song Qian faced Pei Yilin, only to find that she could do nothing in any way.

It just felt dark in front of her eyes, and her body that had been super-attached and overdrawn could no longer support her.


Pei Yilin was guarding Song Qian's side. Now that she knew his biggest secret, he should kill her mercilessly.

However, he allowed her to lie on her bed and even called Dr. Hao to see her.

This is really incredible to many people.

"How can such a beautiful little beauty get tortured like this on your hands?" Doctor Hao said regretfully and blamed, "She was poisoned for you before, and now she has a fever of 41 degrees Celsius, and she hasn't For dinner, if she hadn't had a good body, she would have gone to see the king of Yama long ago."

"What about now?" Pei Yilin said coldly.

He shouldn't listen to what will happen to Song Qian, if the woman he likes is so fragile, he will go to bash Cupid!

"Life is saved, but you must eat on time." Dr. Hao said, "Moreover, I advise her not to get pregnant within this year, otherwise, adults and children are at risk."

Pei Yilin nodded, and his big palm stroked Song Qian's forehead, which was still hot.

Thinking of her showering outside the villa, apart from self-blame, all he has left is heartache.

He always thought he would be strangely happy seeing Song Qian uncomfortable.

Those who dare to provoke him to Pei Yilin and those who dared to betray him, no matter who they are, they can only end up asking for death.

He even repeatedly told himself that the heart that had been soft to Song Qian countless times, her behavior was a hundred times worse than him, he had no need to pity her at all!

But now, he tasted the consequences.

In the end, she won!

"Mengmeng..." Song Qian's voice was very soft, and her brows were tightened. "Mengmeng...where are you?"

At this time Qian Mengmeng was sleeping next to Song Qian, holding Mommy tightly and not letting go.

"Mommy, I'm here!" Qian Mengmeng responded in a low voice.

But Song Qian was still in a coma, just whispering Qian Mengmeng's name.

"This child's leukemia should also be treated earlier and find a suitable bone marrow transplant in time." Dr. Hao said.

Qian Mengmeng put her little hand on her lips and made a "hush" motion to the people in the room.

Qian Mengmeng asked: "Uncle Pei, Dr. Hao, Cheng Xian, can I not tell my mommy about my leukemia?"

To Shang Chengxian's puzzled eyes, Qian Mengmeng continued: "Grandpa Xiao has secretly helped me find a suitable bone marrow transplant. I don't want Mommy to worry about it."

Pei Yilin's eyebrows moved. Qian Mengmeng had always called him "Daddy" before, but this sudden change made him really uncomfortable.

Moreover, Qian Mengmeng's leukemia is really annoying.

These two mothers and daughters, one is on the verge of dying, the other is on the way to death, are they sincere to add to him?

If you don't know them, it doesn't matter how many times you die.

But now...

He forbids them to die!

"Please help me keep it secret." Tears flashed in Qian Mengmeng's big eyes. "Mommy almost had a dystocia when she gave birth to me. Later, because of the need to take care of me who only sticks to her, she even had a confinement. People were struggling, and then I fell into a serious illness and spent all her savings... If she was told that I had leukemia, she would collapse."

Qian Mengmeng was lying in Song Qian's arms, and tears fell silently.

She sent Mommy back to Daddy, hoping that Daddy could take care of Mommy.

She worries that one day if she can't give Mommy a happy life personally, there will be someone by her side.

Pei Yilin looked at Song Qian and Qian Mengmeng, he had never had such a strong affection.

He grew up holding a golden key in his hand and was used to the way his family never loved him. He did not even hear his parents call him "baby".

"Okay, let's keep it secret for you." Pei Yilin whispered, "It's just that what happened in the Dark Night Empire tonight, you will treat it as not happening in the future."

Pei Yilin knew that this was dangerous, and once his identity was revealed, many things would be involved.

But he couldn't kill Qian Mengmeng and Song Qian or Cheng Xian, leaving them by his side is his best way to protect them.

Qian Mengmeng nodded and reached an agreement with Pei Yilin.

It wasn't until early morning that Song Qian opened his eyes weakly.

Touching the warmth of her daughter by her side, she subconsciously hugged her daughter tightly, fearing that it was just a dream.

"Mummy." Qian Mengmeng opened his sleepy eyes, "Are you hungry? The porridge is warmed in the kitchen, I'll bring it to you, okay?"

"It's okay if you're fine." Song Qian whispered, her tone full of rejoicing.

"Mummy, do you have something to eat! You are hungry and thin, and you can't hold your baby Mengmeng anymore." Qian Mengmeng said coquettishly.

Song Qian nodded and choked: "Well, Mommy eats. Mommy eats a lot, and then he holds Mengmeng and doesn't let go, and never let her run away again."

At this time, Pei Yilin, who was sitting on the sofa, got up.

Song Qian sat up very vigilantly, coughing several times because of the arc of movement.

Everything around her was familiar and unfamiliar, and there was an obscure flash in her eyes: How could she be in Pei Yilin's bed?

Song Qian just glanced at Pei Yilin briefly, with a cold voice: "Mengmeng, let's go."

Qian Mengmeng looked at Song Qian, then at Pei Yilin, waiting for him to solve it.

"Can't go." Pei Yilin's voice couldn't be heard. "Qian Mengmeng was fed poison by me, and she needs to take the antidote once a day. If you leave, she will die."

The black line on Qian Mengmeng's forehead was straight. In order to keep Mommy, how could Daddy even tell such a lie?

Moreover, Daddy is too stupid!

He clearly knew that she was Mummy's heart, and even threatened Mummy with her body. Mummy would only hate him!

"You stay and continue to play my fiancée and daughter. If my true identity is known to outsiders, Qian Mengmeng, I will die!" Pei Yilin walked out with a harsh word.

Song Qian stunned on the bed, thinking of breaking Pei Yilin's body into pieces for the thousandth time, but after all, it was stopped for the thousandth time.

Song Qian, who had suffered a serious illness, lay in bed for a full week before healed, but after he recovered from the illness, she also gained five pounds.

These days, Aunt Wang would force Song Qian to take various supplements every meal to improve her complexion.

At the dinner table, Song Qian gave a light cough, and Pei Yilin immediately put down her chopsticks and looked at her, but she wiped the corners of her mouth and continued to eat.

It has been so many days since she re-lived in. She has no objections, but she has not said a few words with Pei Yilin, and even brief eye contact is rare.

Qian Mengmeng decided to ease the cold war between Daddy and Mommy.

"Mummy said it's so boring to stay in the villa for so long!" Qian Mengmeng suddenly said, "Daddy, tomorrow is Saturday, can you take us out for fun?"

Song Qian put a black line on his forehead, looked at Qian Mengmeng, and said, "Mummy has a task tomorrow, so I can't go play."

"What task?" Qian Mengmeng and Pei Yilin asked in unison.

Qian Mengmeng looked at Pei Yilin and made an OK gesture at him to signal Daddy not to be impatient.

"Mummy, do you really don't want to go out to play with your baby? I have played the piano well these days." Qian Mengmeng pretended to be obedient.

"Hmm..." Song Qian thought for a while and said, "Then Mommy will accompany you to play on Monday, okay?"

Pei Yilin's complexion became ashen, Song Qian clearly knew he was going to the company on Monday, so he deliberately avoided him.

"Then it's settled!" Qian Mengmeng smiled and said to Pei Yilin: "Daddy, Monday!"

Pei Yilin really wanted to say "no time" directly, but when the words came to his lips, he still couldn't bear it: "Okay!"

Song Qian felt like being sold by her baby girl.

Is it because she told her daughter that there is a possibility of development with Pei Yilin, so her daughter is now matching them?

Song Qian put down the dishes and said to Qian Mengmeng: "Mommy is full and a little sleepy. Go back to the room and rest first."

After Song Qian left, Qian Mengmeng moved the stool to Pei Yilin's side, sat on it, and whispered, "Daddy, you like my mommy, don't you?"

Pei Yilin looked slightly stagnant and did not answer.

"Then I'll take it as your default!" Qian Mengmeng said with joy, "But daddy, you made a mistake! How can you say you gave me poison? Mommy will die of heartache!"

These days, Pei Yilin gives Qian Mengmeng a pill every day, which is the medicine Qian Mengmeng must take for leukemia.

"When you go to the amusement park on Monday, you must behave well! Otherwise, mommy will really be chased away by others! My mommy is very popular!" Qian Mengmeng warned.

Pei Yilin still eats his own food, but his mind has long been thrown out of the sky.

After Qian Mengmeng tried his best to explain, he already knew that Song Qian went to see Yuchi Haolan to teach him piano, and the two of them were not like what was written in the newspaper.

Thinking that Song Qian would be chased away by others, he wanted to kill all those who might covet Song Qian.

Pei Yilin couldn't help thinking: If there is only one man left in the world, Song Qian will definitely die of him!

Cheng Xian looked at Pei Yilin coldly, and muttered: "Uncle Pei, you deserve it! I don't know how to cherish it when you are by your side, and I believe that the reporter's words are so angry. Now Aunt Xiao Song is sad, and you still show up. How tall and tall can you catch others?"

"You kid, don't talk nonsense!" Pei Yilin looked like he was going to hit someone, "Who said I want to chase her? He has a stinky and hard temper, and he doesn't even know how to be soft. He has a so-so face and a body that is not protruding. Alice, like a bean sprout!"

After listening, everyone in the villa can't wait to despise Pei Yilin: Is your own vision so bad?

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