At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 63: Beasts, use punishment to make you surrender

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"You... don't... don't!" Song Qian was shocked, unable to cover it, and pushed Pei Yilin open with hands and feet.

She won't run anymore, I'm afraid she really won't be able to escape tonight!

Pei Yilin grabbed Song Qian's hands and raised her whole person.

When she thought that Song Qian's husband had done a lot on her, and also made a daughter out, Pei Yilin felt a terrible breath all over her body.

He was more determined than ever, and more enthusiastic than ever.

Song Qian bit her lips tightly, and under Pei Yilin's treatment, she tried her best not to make a pleasant sound.

She can only explain weakly: "Really not! No one has touched me!"

Damn man!

Qian Mengmeng is his daughter!

His eyes are missing, can't he see it?

The two father and daughter are almost carved out of the same mold!

Moreover, from start to finish, the only man who has touched her is him!

Why is she the one who gets punished every time at the end?

Song Qian took a sigh of relief, and when she reached her lips, she turned into a pleasant voice, "Hmm--"

As if he had been rewarded, how could Pei Yilin willing to release people.

He was mad with jealousy on the one hand, and on the other hand was an impatient need. As soon as his belt loosened, he ate Song Qian thoroughly.

Song Qian was so wronged, but under the control of his body, he uncontrollably followed Pei Yilin crazy.

This night, no matter how good the soundproofing of the villa is, I heard the lingering voices of Pei Yilin and Song Qian, one louder than one louder...

The sun rose high, and Song Qian's eyelids moved, realizing that her fingers couldn't move anymore and her body was sore.

She has never been so tired during the devil training.

But last night, Pei Yilin used various methods, in various places in the bedroom, she had been devastated by him so that she had no energy left.

In the end, when she was too tired to sleep first, Pei Yilin continued to work on her.

To be precise, she thought she passed out in the end.

"I'm so hungry." Song Qian's voice was very small, "so hungry."

Only then did Pei Yilin opened his eyes, moved closer, and stayed nostalgic on Song Qian's lips for a long time and refused to leave.

Song Qian stopped doing useless struggles, just said, "I'm hungry."

She wanted to drive.

Since she likes Pei Yilin, and Pei Yilin is Qian Mengmeng's daddy, why does she want to escape instead of confronting him?

The man in front of me, no matter what, he feels special to her!

Pei Yilin touched Song Qian's haggard face with distress, and asked her to be asked several times by him hungry, which seemed a bit unkind.

"Little fairy, it's really not enough." Pei Yilin said, stubbornly planting a new strawberry mark on Song Qian's neck before completely giving up the entanglement.

"Should lunch be served or eaten?" Pei Yilin asked.

Listening to his tone, it seemed that he could give her all the favors.

"Come up." Song Qian answered with closed eyes, "I have no strength."

"The little mouth is so sweet!" Pei Yilin whispered, and the pride of men was met with unprecedented satisfaction.

Seeing the blush on her white face, he smiled contentedly.

After dinner, when Pei Yilin went to the company, Song Qian lay in bed again for a whole afternoon, and finally got up when she felt full.

The clothes in the closet are back. Song Qian has reason to doubt: Did Pei Yilin and Peipei collude about what happened last night?

"Mummy." Qian Mengmeng quickly slipped to Song Qian, "You and Daddy..."

"Huh?" Song Qian flushed again.

Qian Mengmeng said quickly: "I didn't hear anything last night!"

Song Qian was speechless. She had been lying on the bed for so long. Tiredness was on one hand, and on the other hand, she didn't know how to face the other people in the villa.

As long as I think back to last night, the scene and the sound, I can even think of it with my toes, how many people have heard her call.

Damn Pei Yilin!

Can't he be lighter?

She has to be a little louder...

"However, Mommy’s voice last night was so beautiful! It’s better than the sound when I was sleeping." Qian Mengmeng jokes, "Daddy must have bullied you severely, right? Look at Mommy, where is your body red. Green, or where can my baby girl pinch it for you?"

Song Qian wanted to find a hole in the ground, " need, you still go and eat something delicious?"

Don't bother your mommy asking here and there, it's really shameful!

Qian Mengmeng was curious and couldn't stop the car at all.

She continued: "Yes! Last night, Mommy, you kept shouting, "No, no, let me go." Cheng Xian also said to knock on the door so that you and Daddy won't affect the children.

"Haha! Thanks to Sister Pepe and I, we successfully stopped him and didn't let him come!" Qian Mengmeng asked for credit.

"Good girl." Song Qian couldn't help it. "Can we change the subject?"

"No!" Qian Mengmeng was very interested. "Mommy, you made up with daddy, right? You kissed and touched, didn't you?"

Song Qian didn't know whether to shook his head or nodded. Why is her precious girl so persistent in this regard?

Qian Mengmeng continued to ask: " won't leave Daddy in the future, will you? Daddy will also love you very much, will you always take care of you?"

Unable to withstand Qian Mengmeng's repeated questioning, Song Qian could only say: "Mommy has to deal with important matters immediately!"

After speaking, she ran away.

Qian Mengmeng was chasing after him. Song Qian worried that her daughter would fall and she would be ashamed. In a hurry, she ran into a tough chest.

"Baby Qian, you hit it yourself, so I have to give it a hug." Fang Zikuang said, he was about to hug Song Qian.

Song Qian quickly stepped away.

She suddenly discovered a problem: in front of Pei Yilin, she would become dull; in front of other men, she was still very flexible.

Could it be that this is the legendary one thing drops one thing?

Ouma Karma!

Can you stop making jokes with her!

"I'll drop it!" Fang Zi Kuang pointed at Song Qian, "Last night you definitely did it with Brother Yilin!"

As if discovering the new world, Fang Zikuang continued: "Look at your neck, hands, and legs. They are all traces of love after love!"

Song Qian looked at herself subconsciously, she hadn't paid much attention just now.

Now, I am embarrassed and lost to the country of Java!

Song Qian closed his eyes, "I...I go to the bathroom."

Fang Zi Kuang shouted at Song Qian's back: "The toilet is here, why are you going outside?"


She never wanted to see the bad silver of their human face and animal heart!

"It's rare for Mommy to be so shy!" Qian Mengmeng concluded, "I must be very kind to Mommy, and Mommy will be very happy in the future."

Thinking about it, Qian Mengmeng's eyes couldn't help but moist.

Will Mommy only need daddy and no baby girl soon?

Although Qian Mengmeng's purpose in bringing Mommy to Daddy's side was to hope that Mommy would not be too sad after losing her, but it still feels uncomfortable to think that Mommy no longer needs her!

At this moment, Qian Mengmeng felt itchy under his nose, and when he touched it, it turned out that he had a nosebleed again.

How to do?

Will she be going to die soon?

She hasn't seen Daddy's and Mommy's wedding yet!

"Mengmeng!" Cheng Xian quickly took the tissue, "Sit down, I'll wipe it for you!"

"What's wrong with you?" Fang Zikuang asked, "Is it dry in summer? Then drink more water!"

Qian Mengmeng still had an innocent smile on his face, and said, "I know! I will drink more water!"

Fang Zikuang didn't care anymore. He was ordered by Pei Yilin to get things. Fang Zikuang's eyes lit up when he saw Xia Erlan.

"Xia Meimei, let's meet again!" Fang Zikuan greeted enthusiastically.

Xia Erlan smiled reluctantly, and did not do too much to respond.

It was clear that she was seduce Pei Yilin last night, so she seduce Song Qian to Pei Yilin's bed?

What a big joke!

Seeing Xia Erlan's dim eyes, Fang Zi Kuang concluded: "It's rare that a woman is not interested in me, you are the first!"

At this time, Peipei's voice came: "Am I the first?"

Fangzi looked at Peipei lazily, and asked in surprise, "Are you a woman? Why don't I know?"

"Your sister has such a good figure, dare you say you didn't know that I am a woman?" Pei Peipei said, deliberately straightening her chest.

When Pei Peipei saw Fang Zi Kuang, the two of them had to quarrel, as if only in this way would life be full of sunshine.

"Sister?" Fang Zikuang said, "You are too messy in this generation, right? Little niece, yell'uncle' obediently, and uncle will buy you sweets."

"Fang Zi Kuang, you are shameless!" Peipei's aura is very strong, "Believe it or not, I will kick you out with one kick!"

"Only you?" Fang Zi Kuang's expression of disdain, "Did you forget the last time I locked you and the tiger together?"

Pei Peipei twisted her fist, looked behind Fang Zikang, and said in surprise: "Auntie, you are finally here!"

Fang Zikuang immediately looked back, he was not afraid of everything, just because he was afraid of Pang Bingshuang.

Every time Pang Bingshuang catches him, he absolutely must introduce him to his partner and let him get married.

However, there was no one behind him.

Pei Peipei took advantage of this opportunity and flew to Fangzi with a fist.

Fang Zi Kuang turned around and blocked him, but he didn't know that there was something more ruthless: Pei Peipei kicked him towards his lifeblood.

"Woo-" Fangzi was so painful that he covered his "little duck", "If my happiness is ruined by you, I will lock you with the key!"

With that said, Fang Zi Kuang quickly left to find a doctor.

Pei Peipei smiled triumphantly and said, "I'm helping Bo'er treat you! Make sure you won't be disabled, just be honest for a month!"

When Fang Zikuang's figure was completely invisible, Pei Peipei calmed down, flushing on her cheeks.

Qian Mengmeng looked at Peipei in a puzzled manner. Why did my sister just behave fiercely and fiercely at her son, so she became gentle in a second?

Seeing Qian Mengmeng looking at it, Pei Peipei quickly returned to the original state and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I ate a lot of biscuits. They were too dry and bleed." Qian Mengmeng explained.

Pei Peipei said "Oh", "Then I will go to your mommy to play and make fun of her. It's not bad to think of it!"

Pei Peipei smiled and ran. It seemed that the good things in Pei's family were about to come!


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