At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 64 Broken, Can't Quiet Night

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!After Pei Yilin returned from the night shift, Song Qian was hiding in the bedroom holding Qian Mengmeng.

Today, everyone saw her with ambiguous secret smiles on their faces, which made her look cold behind her.

Pei Peipei even leaned forward and backward with a smile, wishing to record all the scenes from last night and show Song Qian a replay.


From now on, she will never do this again...

How to meet people!

"Mengmeng, why don't you go back to your room to sleep?" Pei Yilin asked.

"Mummy said, let me sleep here tonight." Qian Mengmeng didn't mind and confessed that Song Qian was the main envoy.

Song Qian used Qian Mengmeng's body to block Pei Yilin's gaze.

So guilty.

She didn't even dare to look at him!

"Go to the children's room to sleep." Pei Yilin whispered, "You are so old, you can no longer sleep with Daddy and Mom, you know?"

"Why can't it?" Song Qian was anxious, "My daughter, I can do it!"

"I am also my daughter now." Pei Yilin was indifferent, "Moreover, I am the head of the family, listen to me."

With that, Pei Yilin picked up Qian Mengmeng and walked to the children's room.

Outside the bedroom, Pei Yilin kissed Qian Mengmeng on the cheek.

He said: "Daddy is already thinking of a way to cure your illness, don't worry, neither Daddy and Mommy will leave you."

Qian Mengmeng nodded and kissed Pei Yilin, "Daddy, then you have to take good care of my mommy, don't bully her, I will leave her to you."

It's like the tone of the father-in-law entrusting his son-in-law to the marriage.

Pei Yilin smiled and gently pushed Qian Mengmeng's little nose with his nose, "Okay!"

Qian Mengmeng happily returned to the children's room and played with Cheng Xian again.

"The organization urged and asked us why this action was so slow, and no news was sent back." Cheng Xian's voice was very small.

In case it is known that he and Qian Mengmeng are Interpol, it will be in trouble!

"Almost soon!" Qian Mengmeng smiled, "When Daddy and Mommy's relationship gets deeper, I will show them."

Cheng Xian can only nod in agreement.

Right now, he doesn't want to worry about what work is not working, how to cure Qian Mengmeng's disease is the top priority!

Pei Yilin came to the study and first called Dr. Hao.

He asked: "Have you found a cure for the cute disease?"

Doctor Hao sighed, "How can it be so fast?"

"It must be fast!" Pei Yilin said coldly, "Otherwise, you will accompany my daughter to see the king and let the king send her back!"

With that, Pei Yilin hung up the phone.

He looked out the window, his black eyes shrunk as the night light spread like a long dragon.

Song Qian was nervous and stupid walking around in the bedroom. Pei Yilin's intention to send Qian Mengmeng back to the children's room to sleep was so obvious that she couldn't pretend to be stupid.

But she really didn't want to relive the events of last night with him tonight, and simply lay on the bed, pretending to be asleep.

Pei Yilin went back to the bedroom after a while, and when he saw Song Qian hiding directly in the bed, he felt annoyed and funny.

"Hey... so tired! Should you give me a ride?" Pei Yilin asked.

Song Qian didn't answer.

"Did you fall asleep?" Pei Yilin deliberately lowered her voice and asked.

If Song Qian squinted at Pei Yilin at this time, he would see a smirk on his face.

After waiting for a while, Pei Yilin continued: "Last night was too exciting, and tonight is too quiet, maybe those listeners will not be comfortable!"

Song Qian gritted his teeth and felt that Pei Yilin was really a demon-level figure!

Wouldn't he be shy?

I am embarrassed to mention such words!

Seeing Song Qian still not speaking, Pei Yilin's voice became colder and lower: "Really can't get up?"

Song Qian's lying dead is in progress-

Pei Yilin suddenly opened Song Qian's bedding. She trembled all over, pretending to be forced, closing her eyes and staying still.

Pei Yilin didn't take it apart, he looked at Song Qian, her legs bent, her hands folded, her long hair scattered on the four sides, cotton pajamas completely blocked her good figure.

Her pajamas seem to be in this cute style, the only one that is sexy, he tore it to pieces last night.

Pei Yilin frowned and began to regret his rudeness last night.

However, the pajamas in front of me can't be torn apart!

She is the most beautiful without wearing it!

Thinking, Pei Yilin pressed Song Qian, Song Qian couldn't hold on anymore, and took advantage of the situation to avoid it.

At this moment, a big hand has grabbed her.

"You will be punished for cheating." Pei Yilin's low voice contained a temptation invitation.

Song Qian seemed familiar with this side of Pei Yilin.

"Don't... don't come." She conceded, "I'm so tired, my whole body hurts, and my body is bruised everywhere, as if I've been beaten."

Pei Yilin's laughter overflowed from her chest, "Are you complimenting me for being great?"

Song Qian is dumb, who would dare to say that he is not good?

"Do you miss me?" Pei Yilin asked.



Song Qian blushed and nodded.

Pei Yilin smiled more satisfied, "I like you who are honest like this."

He leaned close to her, "I was honest with my body last night, and with my mouth tonight."

Song Qian felt annoyed, but didn't realize that this was the first time Pei Yilin had confessed to her in disguise.

One day later, Song Qian thought of tonight, and regretted that he had ignored such an important word "like".

"Hurry up and take a shower!" Song Qian refused, "The smell of air-conditioning all over."

"I'm not going to be lazy." He bit her little earlobe, "wash it clean and come to eat you."

Song Qian's lips moved awkwardly, "Really not."

Pei Yilin was so leisurely to support her head with one hand, and her black eagle eyes softened. He looked at Song Qian, and left one hand to hold her in his arms.

He whispered, "Just do and do. On the bed, there is no woman who has not been conquered by me."

Song Qian was annoyed, "How many women do you have!"

"What do you care about me before?" Pei Yilin smiled funny, "From now on, you will be the only one. After I touched you, I didn't show any interest in other women."

Song Qian's anger was even stronger, and his lie was a bit too fake!

He touched her hard six years ago and made her pregnant with money Mengmeng, and he has been around no less than a woman in the past six years!

However, she really felt a little bit at a loss. She was forced to become pregnant after what happened, and fell in love with him steadily.

"Don't touch me!" Song Qian thought it was too cost-effective, "I... have been hurt by you."

"Huh?" Pei Yilin didn't understand Song Qian's meaning yet.

Song Qian gritted his teeth and said, "Bleeding."

Pei Yilin wondered, Song Qian's "aunt" has only left soon!

He suddenly took off her pants, and she was caught by her hand before she could cover it up.

"Let me see." Pei Yilin said, very carefully, checking like a doctor.

Song Qian felt like he was going crazy, how could a man look there seriously?

"Don't look at it." She was embarrassed, "you did a good thing, and you pretended to care."

Pei Yilin tightened his eyebrows. Last night he was a bit too presumptuous, and he set the record for the highest number of times in one night.

But he didn't expect to hurt her.

Pei Yilin felt distressed when he saw that the soft spot swelled up and there were traces of blood on the panties.

Song Qian continued to cover up, Pei Yilin unceremoniously opened the bedding, and it took a while before he looked up and said, "I call the doctor."

"It's okay." Song Qian quickly grabbed Pei Yilin's hand, "It should be enough to rest for a few days."

"No." Pei Yilin refused, "What if something happens?"

Seeing Pei Yilin caring so much, Song Qian really doubted whether his purpose was to worry that she could no longer satisfy him in the future.

"I called and asked a doctor." Song Qian whispered, "She said it's okay."

"Ask?" Pei Yilin climbed to Song Qian's lips, "male doctor or female doctor?"

"Uh..." Song Qian was ashamed, "female."


"Should I be ashamed to ask the male doctor about this kind of thing?" Song Qian became even more angry for no reason. "If you care so much, I could hear my voice in the whole villa last night, why don't you just talk about it?"

Pei Yilin was stunned for a while, then burst into laughter.

He pointed to her, "How can you be so cute when you are angry?"

Song Qian was defeated.

Pei Yilin had enough trouble, and tenderly kissed Song Qian's lips, but she did not hide, and accepted it cooperatively.

He knew she was exhausted last night, and he didn't take her to work today. He really didn't adapt to life in the office without her.

"No more words to leave, no longer to see that Yuchi Haolan, he is my bottom line." Pei Yilin was serious and serious.

"I can not do it."

Pei Yilin's whole body immediately burst into anger, "What?"

"This is my promise to a friend many years ago. I will find a teacher who is most suitable for Mengmeng to teach her feelings. I think Mr. Yuchi is very good." Song Qian explained, not wanting to make things too complicated.

"But he likes you." Pei Yilin was jealous.

Song Qian curled up his lips and smiled. It is rare that Pei Yilin didn't lose his temper, but instead reduced his anger.

Is it because of her honesty?

"I can't stop who likes me, just like you can't stop who likes you." Song Qian said softly, "Moreover, Mr. Yuchi and I are just friends."

"A lot of piano teachers." Pei Yilin was upset, "Does it have to be him?"

Pei Yilin has reason to believe that Song Qian is hiding something from him.

Song Qian moved Pei Yilin's suspicion and said: "I don't want to say until the matter is clear."

Pei Yilin rubbed Mo Songqian's cheek with his fingertips, "Can't even tell me?"

Song Qian immediately went back: "You don't have no reservations about me!"

Pei Yilin's black eyes darkened, this little Nizi, who was so courageous in front of him, was not afraid of him at all!

"Call me." Pei Yilin suddenly became interested.


Pei Yilin urged: "Call me quickly."

"President Pei."

"Not nice."

Song Qian changed his soft tone again, "President Pei."

"Provoke me?"

"Pei Yilin?"

"No way!"

Song Qian hesitated for a while, "Yilin?"

Pei Yilin still shook his head.

Song Qian asked, "What should it be called?"

"Think for yourself, think of something that can satisfy me, otherwise, I will pack you up!" With that, Pei Yilin got up from Song Qian.

Song Qian whispered "Wonderful Flower", and when Pei Yilin's gaze came over, she shrank her neck and hurriedly hid.

Pei Yilin smiled secretly, suddenly remembering something, and took out a box of contraceptive pills from his pocket.

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