At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 67 Secret love, your fiance is so fierce!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!A wolf-style kiss dedicated to Pei Yilin, he bit her mouth fiercely, and touched her with his hands irregularly. If it wasn't for someone else here, he would just do it here!

If I was bitten, I would naturally bite back.

But Song Qian was not prepared to do this. It would be too shameful to be like this in the public!

She grabbed the meat on Pei Yilin's waist and abdomen. The harder Pei Yilin bit her, the harder she grabbed it, forcing Pei Yilin to loosen it.

"You're cruel!" Pei Yilin let out a cold voice, looking at Song Qian's swollen lips, his mood improved unexpectedly.

Song Qian touched her itchy and painful lips and looked at the residual anger in Pei Yilin's eyes. She was even more angry.

And less than ten meters away, other students in the class also witnessed Song Qian and Pei Yilin's passionate kiss.

"Song Qian, you... boyfriend, so fierce!" Banhua Xu Ting said, and blinked at Pei Yilin.

Song Qian took a deep breath, and Pei Yilin didn't mess around, which made her feel extremely embarrassed.

She just wants to come and have a good meal. Does he have to be clear about everything with her?

"Huh! It's okay to run here to show affection. It's really open! Or take off your clothes and just do it!" Jiang Li was jealous, and then stepped on high heels to leave.

Xu Ting smiled secretly, and slowly walked away with other students, leaving this corner of land to Pei Yilin and Song Qian.

Song Qian looked at Pei Yilin seriously.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Xiang family is preparing for the wedding, and the groom is you." Song Qian said coldly.

"Do you know?" Pei Yilin asked, "Wei Chi Haolan told you?"

"Do you still need someone to tell me about this kind of thing?" Song Qian sneered. "How much do Xiang's people miss me and how much your family miss me? You know better than anyone else?"

"What did they do to you?" Pei Yilin asked, feeling embarrassed.

Pei Yilin promised: "I can solve it."

He just needs a little time.

"Then wait until the solution is over." Song Qian was angry, with serious consequences.

If Pei Yilin is a paper tiger in front of Song Qian, then Song Qian is definitely a real tiger.

As long as he doesn't offend her, she will bear it. Once angered her, a certain man can only wait to be disciplined.

Pei Yilin, the boss of the dark night empire and the important position of the gold medal president, has the potential to fear his wife. No one can really tell!

Say it out, the ghosts don't believe it!

"Before the matter is resolved, what right do you have to be a cute daddy, and why do you be my fiance?" After that, Song Qian left indifferently.

Pei Yilin stood on the spot, with a cold aura oppressing everyone close to him.

Seeing Song Qian sitting there alone, Pei Yilin turned around and left the hotel.

He was really happy to come today, and he came home in defeat!

With such a result, he didn't know how to tell his baby girl when he went back.

When Song Qian saw Pei Yilin's back, she didn't chase him. If she wanted to fight for herself, it would be Pei Yilin's wife's seat, and he was not allowed to have entangled marriages or relationships.

Before that, she didn't want to get along with him in a confused and unclear way...

After leaving the hotel, Pei Yilin's face was pig liver-colored.

He called and ordered: "Go, find out if Xiangjia has sent a killer out recently."


"If so, let's kill it!"

"Master? This..."

"Any objection?"

"Subordinates dare not! Subordinates do it now!"

Hanging up, Pei Yilin was so angry that he was about to explode!

He stayed with Song Qian almost all day, and didn't notice a killer approaching her and believed in her abilities, so he didn't think Song Qian would be dangerous at all.

But how could he ignore, how could Xiang Jia and his mother easily let Song Qian go?

They must have done a lot to Song Qian while he was away.

It's no wonder that Song Qian treated him that way, and it's no wonder that she didn't trust him.

He didn't blame her, he only blamed himself. He thought he had done a lot for her, but he didn't even notice the danger lurking around her.

damn it!


The woman he is determined to protect, if anyone dares to challenge him, he will deny it!


Song Qian continued to sit quietly at the banquet to celebrate Teacher Wang's birthday, but her face had an indifferent temperament that people didn't dare to provoke.

Everyone talked and laughed, but she just listened in sympathy, and didn't take care of others.

At this time, Teacher Wang walked over to toast and asked curiously: "Qian Qian, where is your fiance?"

"He suddenly worked overtime temporarily and went back beforehand." Song Qian explained, "He didn't find you just now, so let me apologize for him."

"If you have anything, it's okay!" Teacher Wang said quickly, "I really want to congratulate you for finding such a good fiance."

Jiang Li was still angry at Pei Yilin's ignorance of her, saying in a weird tone: "Teacher Wang, Song Qian's fiancé is very busy! Normal people can't easily see it."

"Huh?" Teacher Wang didn't understand Jiang Li's meaning.

"Look at her fiancé's outfit, there is nothing on her body that is less than six figures. She should be a super local tyrant? I don't know where Song Qian seduceed him." Jiang Li said.

Song Qian's eyes narrowed, and Teacher Wang's face also became unsightly.

Teacher Wang said in a stern tone: "Lili! You are all grown up, don't speak so openly!"

"Ms. Wang taught it." Jiang Li didn't apologize at all.

Teacher Wang secretly patted Song Qian on the back, Song Qian smiled softly at her, and put away the stern look.

Teacher Wang raised his glass again and said to the classmates who came to the table to celebrate: "Thank you for coming today and toasting to you!"

"Happy birthday to Teacher Wang!" the students said in unison.

After the banquet was over, Song Qian helped Teacher Wang to do a lot of things. When she was almost busy, she checked the time and it happened that she was about to go to work.

Song Qian said, "Teacher Wang, then I will leave first, and if you are free the next day, we will make an appointment to have dinner."

"Thank you so much for today." Teacher Wang was very kind, "If it weren't for your help, there would be so many things to do!"

"Don't be so polite to me." Song Qian whispered, and after a few more greetings with Teacher Wang, he left.

At this time, Jiang Li had just finished drinking and hooked up a few successful men, ready to go back by car.

Suddenly the shadow of Song Qian appeared in front of him, Jiang Li patted her chest in fright, and said angrily: "You want to scare people to death!"

"You can't die." Song Qian curled her lips coldly, "It's just that it will be uglier than before the plastic surgery."

With that said, Song Qian quickly slapped Jiang Li on the face many times. When Jiang Li screamed, Song Qian had disappeared.

Looking at Jiang Li again, her face was blue and purple, her face was severely deformed, her newly padded nose and her newly repaired face were completely ruined...

Song Qian rushed to the company when he got on a taxi.

Pei Yilin's appearance before leaving suddenly appeared in her mind.

Is he angry now?I definitely didn't eat at noon!

Song Qian frowned and said to the driver, "Bring to the side." Then, he got out of the car and went to a restaurant to buy two dishes and one soup before rushing to the company.

Pei Yilin was sitting in the office, and seeing Song Qian came back, his expression remained cold after he was delighted.

What is it, it smells so good!

Pei Yilin couldn't help but raise his eyes and saw Song Qian looking at him with a smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Pei Yilin said crudely.

Song Qian asked with a smile: "Do you know you are hungry?"

"I have eaten." Pei Yilin was not convinced, "A big meal to eat! Today at noon the Italian chef played a very high level, but unfortunately you have no good fortune, he is very busy and has gone abroad."

The Italian chef did perform at a very high level, but Pei Yilin, who was not in the mood, vomited after just one bite, and then furiously drove the chef away.

"That's it!" Song Qian wasn't depressed, "Then I will take this meal to Kang Lu."

"Come back!" Pei Yilin was anxious, "Take it out!"

"What a waste!" Song Qian was deliberately angry with Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin was really angry, why did Song Qian refuse to say a few good things to convince him?

His black eyes darkened, and he used a trick: "Provoke me again and wait on the sofa!"

Song Qian stopped speaking, her "little sister" was still in pain and couldn't stand the toss.

She honestly delivered the meal to Pei Yilin's desk and said, "Eat, I bought it for you."

Pei Yilin smiled immediately. Although he was still not satisfied with why Song Qian didn't make it specially, she was already very happy if she was willing to buy food for him.

Pei Yilin suddenly found out how his demands on Song Qian were getting lower and lower?

Song Qian curled up her lips with a smile, returned to her seat, turned on the computer, looked at the pile of files on the table, and let out a soft breath.

She hasn't come to work for just a day, and there are already so many things!

"Tired?" Pei Yilin said in a distressed tone.

He said that he would leave everything to Bi Yuntao, but Song Qian insisted on doing what he could, and didn't take his words to heart.

Song Qian shook his head, and was already engaged in work.

Pei Yilin frowned, walked to Song Qian, and closed the folder she had opened.

"When I am eating, you are not allowed to work." Pei Yilin said coldly.

"President Pei." Song Qian's eyebrows moved. "It's now time for work. You are the president. You can rest. I am an employee. I have to abide by the employee rules."

Song Qian was originally an airborne troop, and she didn't want to be Pei Yilin's lover in the eyes of all her colleagues.

The word "lover" is very difficult for her to digest.

"Why are you still calling me President Pei?" Pei Yilin was dissatisfied, "Didn't you make you call me with a unique name?"

"Unique?" Song Qian pondered for a while and asked, "Is'Ice Cube' unique?"

"Ice cubes?"

"Yeah! When I first saw you, you were cold, like a block of ice, making people want to get close."

"Meeting for the first time." Pei Yilin recalled.

A deep smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Song Qian from top to bottom, and asked, "Did you have a crush on me at that time?"

The corners of Song Qian's lips moved awkwardly, "Should you... have a crush on me since then?"

"Secret love?" Pei Yilin smiled exaggeratedly, is he still in love with Song Qian?

His interest in her is so obvious!

Song Qian suddenly asked curiously: "You grow up so old, don't you have a crush on someone?"

Pei Yilin immediately asked: "Have you ever had a secret crush?"

Seeing Song Qian's expression stunned, Pei Yilin had already guessed the answer.

"Who is it?" Pei Yilin said coldly, his expression turned overcast immediately, "Is that man your favorite?"

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