At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 68 It's up to me to decide whether to be bothered or infatuated!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!"Why... let's exchange secrets?" Song Qian suggested, "I tell you who I have a crush on, and you tell me who I have a crush on."

"You really have a crush!" Pei Yilin gritted his teeth, "Where is he?" He is going to kill the stinky man now!

Song Qian rolled his eyes and felt that Pei Yilin was really making a fuss.

Does she have to learn from him and kill both Qin Xirong and Xiang Yuqing?

Pei Yilin was angry, "Who is it?"

"Then are you exchanging secrets with me?" Song Qianjiao groaned, completely ignoring Pei Yilin's anger.

After waiting, Song Qian shrugged and muttered, "Just don't exchange." Continue to work.

"Change." Pei Yilin compromised, "you said."

Song Qian smiled happily, and looked at Pei Yilin with a weird look, her amber eyes were full of joy.

She finally raised her eyebrows, one time she ate him to death!

Pei Yilin became impatient, "Say it!"

Song Qian's eyes rolled and said, "I grew up in an orphanage. At that time, there was a brother who was three years older than me. He always protected me from being bullied by others. Like him."

"You were selected by Xiao Honglian at the age of twelve, and you were taken away from the orphanage, right?" Pei Yilin said disgustedly, "I knew secret love so early!"

"Early." Song Qian smiled. "It was when I was eight years old. His biological parents came to me and said that for some reason he could only take him away, but he wanted to stay to protect me. Reluctant to leave, beg me to persuade him."

Pei Yilin hated the affection of others for Song Qian, and asked, "What happened later?"

With a cry of his stomach, he picked up the lunch box and listened while eating.

Song Qian recalled, "I knew his temper. No matter how he tried to persuade him, I couldn't leave. I simply pretended to be taken away first. Moreover, he didn't see him when he hid, so he could not find me, so he left."

In the orphanage, during the four years without the company and protection of his elder brother, Song Qian learned to become stronger. Later, he met Xiao Honglian and was taken away secretly.

Pei Yilin's face was stinky. Seeing Song Qian's happy expression in her memories, she really wanted to strangle her!

"after that."

"There will be no more later." Song Qian said, "I never saw him again."

Pei Yilin's black eyes darkened and asked, "Don't you want to go and look for him?"

Song Qian shook his head, "Even if I find it, I don't think it feels like it was then!"

What's more, she already has someone she likes in her heart now, and the big brother back then is not that big brother anymore!

Pei Yilin thought for a while, and decided to ask the bottom of the question: "He is the one who agreed with you to teach her piano lessons if you have a daughter in the future?"

Song Qian nodded.

Pei Yilin couldn't help snarling: "Do you want to be so honest!" Can't she stop saying that man is so important?

Song Qian was speechless. If she told Pei Yilin that the elder brother was called Qian Duoduo and Qian Mengmeng followed his surname, would Pei Yilin kill her immediately?

Thinking, Song Qian touched her neck, she was still alive, so good!

Pei Yilin noticed and asked, "What are you hiding from me?"

"Your eyes are terrifying." Song Qian didn't tell Pei Yilin, "Fei vinegar also eats too wide, right?"

"Who is jealous!" Pei Yilin gritted his teeth, the rice in his mouth was sour.

"What about yours?" Song Qian asked, "What's the matter with your crush?"

Pei Yilin said crudely, "It has nothing to do with you."

"Haha-I really didn't expect that you would have a crush on Leng Bingzhu!" Song Qian was too interested to listen.

She moved her office chair to Pei Yilin's side, and asked, "Talk about it! It's an exchange of secrets, I promise, I won't talk about it."

A playful smile flashed in Pei Yilin's black eyes and asked, "Do you really want to listen?"

Song Qian nodded quickly, "I must listen!"

Pei Yilin patted her thigh and motioned Song Qian to sit up.

After thinking about it for a while, Song Qian did it in order to hear the secret.

Pei Yilin hugged Song Qian in his arms, leaned back on the chair, smelled her fragrance, and felt her temperature. It was so comfortable!

"Six years ago." Pei Yilin said faintly, "At that time, there was a little chaos in the Dark Night Empire. I had just returned from a foreign country dealing with things and was very tired. I lived in the presidential suite of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. After I went in, I met a girl. ."

Song Qian's body suddenly stiffened. What Pei Yilin said was...

"At that time, I thought she was a woman from the hotel, and thought her resistance was a trick of arrogance, so I strengthened her." Pei Yilin said while paying attention to Song Qian's reaction.

"Later I guessed that she secretly went to the suite to enjoy it, but I didn't find any information about her, and there was no news of her again."

Song Qian's face turned pale and asked Pei Yilin, "Do you... regret it?"

"Regret?" Pei Yilin raised his eyes, "Why should I regret?"

"You made her stronger!" Song Qian responded very much, "If you follow the steps, then nothing will happen."

Pei Yilin suspiciously asked: "Why are you so excited?"

"I am holding the injustice for the female compatriot." Song Qian casually found an excuse and curbed his expression slightly.

Pei Yilin and Song Qian's thinking are not on the same level at all, "What's wrong?"

"You have done such things that are inferior to animals!" Song Qian asked for justice for herself. "What a nice girl other people is, you have ruined it! You still don't feel any guilt?"

"Who told her to escape?" Pei Yilin's eyes were deep, "She can hold me responsible."

Be responsible for……

Song Qian was dumb. At that time, she was full of thoughts of killing this man, but she couldn't find him at all.

Is he sincere about being responsible?

Why is there a way to leave the phone number there? She can find it along the way!

But Song Qian couldn't ask, she still didn't want Pei Yilin to know that she was the woman six years ago and was pregnant with his child.

Pei Yilin added, "Before I meet you, yes." Now, there is someone in his heart.

"You..." Song Qian wanted to continue to investigate, but he couldn't be too quick and obvious, "You simply..."

But it's not right!

"You haven't seen her before, and you have a crush with her once, and you have a crush on her?" Song Qian's anger surged, "What are you using in secret?"

After speaking, her face was blushing.

"Secret love is a feeling." Pei Yilin kissed Song Qian's little cheek, "That feeling is very good, just like touching you for the first time."

After listening, Song Qian wished that Pei Yilin slapped to death like a fly.

She said bitterly: "You really are a big carrot!"

"Where did I bother?"

"Why don't you bother?"


"There are a lot of women in the family, and they all come from beauty pageants. What kind of beautiful women, such as models, celebrities, and flight attendants, have you met a lot of them? How dare you say you are not bothered?"

"That's a man's physical needs, he didn't care at all, where did he come from?"

"Go away! Don't use your crookedness to affect my mood!"

"Song Qian, every time you can't talk about me, you just say that I'm crooked. Is this fair?"

"I don't care! Just like a delicious thing that has been licked by hundreds of people before it is brought to you, do you still eat it?"

"You haven't eaten my little brother."


"What's more, it depends on whether the person is hungry or not, and it also depends on how good the thing is." Pei Yilin said softly, "For example, you are already too hungry, and I am very good. We need each other."

Song Qian raised her hand to surrender and chatted with Pei Yilin. She was asking for trouble!

In the afternoon, three o'clock.

Very punctual, Pei Yilin's voice sounded: "Coffee."

Song Qian didn't lift his head, "I still have something to deal with. You can ask Kang Lu to have a drink."

"I only drink your soak." Pei Yilin said.

"Can you make me work seriously for a while, I'm here to work, not to be your nanny." Song Qian became impatient, "you said it yourself. I thought I was qualified for this job. I'm here."

Pei Yilin thought about the taste, "The coffee you make is really delicious!"

Song Qian was cold-eyed, talking to Pei Yilin was like playing the piano to a cow.

"Stop making trouble." Song Qian really likes this job. "Don't you want me to do something practical?"

Pei Yilin raised the corners of her mouth. Song Qian is so charming when she concentrates on work. He is almost never distracted at work, and can't help but take the time to look at her.

It feels very good to be obsessed for a while, then work for a while, combining work and rest.

"Then let's kiss one, I'll make milk for you." Pei Yilin said.

Song Qian couldn't help but smile, and deliberately asked: "Are you always like this? When you work, find a female companion to accompany you?"

"You are the first woman who can stay in my office for such a long time." What Pei Yilin said was the truth.

The strength and development of Muhua Group is inseparable from Pei Yilin's decision and attack.

His office and study have always been places of work, without any personal emotions, except to make an exception to Song Qian.

Song Qian was dubious, Pei Yilin got up and asked for his afternoon tea in person.

The soft lips pressed tightly, even though Pei Yilin's kiss was already very familiar with kissing, Song Qian could not breathe.

Pei Yilin is so contradictory. He likes to indulge in Song Qian's kiss with his eyes closed, but he also likes to see Song Qian's misty expression with his eyes open.

This woman always makes him unable to find a best way to treat.

"Hmm—" Song Qian quickly grabbed Pei Yilin's hand that was about to undress her, turned her head away, and kissed her neck for a long time.

Pei Yilin held it, "You are really..." The grinning little fairy.

Song Qian's water eyes were moisturized, and a layer of mist surged, making Pei Yilin's heart trembling.

"If you show this expression again, I'll take care of you!" Pei Yilin said crudely and turned to leave.

how depressing!

She seemed to show any expression casually, he could rush out the idea of ​​doing her immediately!

But he knew clearly that her body couldn't stand it at the moment.

Song Qian's body is not as healthy as it looks on the surface, so she didn't take many assassin tasks before, and every time she took a shot, it would consume a lot of her energy, and it would be easy to shock and die.

Qian Mengmeng also said that Song Qian almost died in childbirth in order to give birth to her, and in order to take care of her, the confinement was not completed.

Song Qian's body has never recovered, but the poison in her last time was even worse, and she is still invading her body.

Pei Yilin didn't let Song Qian know that her health was very bad, but just soaked the medicine in her milk or water, forcing her to take more tonics to restore her body.

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