At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 73 He cheated in front of her!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Song Qian's eyes were blurred, and the sound of water droplets could be heard in the quiet underground channel.



The little wild cat's cry was stern, like a ghost who came to seek revenge.

Song Qian flashed a torch and walked hard through the dark underground waterways. From time to time, wild cats or dogs passed by her, and then looked at her hostilely.

Song Qian pointed her ears, and she heard the sound of jumping down, followed by the sound of broken footsteps.

not good!

Someone is chasing it down!

Song Qian continued to run. She just came out to play, and did not bring any extras. She could not use Xiao Honglian's people as a last resort. This was not her style.

Soon, Song Qian heard people's voice again, "There is blood here, she must not run far! Go after it! If you didn't kill her today, you will feel better when you go back!"

Song Qian raised her mouth proudly.

Kill her?

It also requires them to have that ability!

If she was so weak, Xiao Honglian would not regard her as a treasure!

Song Qian tied the wound tighter, gritted his teeth, still moving fast, circling around, leaving the killers far behind.

At this time, a group of wild dogs yelled at Song Qian one after another, with a low roar in their mouths and fierce light in their eyes.

Song Qian saw that a bitch was giving birth not far away.

When a dog is giving birth, strangers are not allowed to approach, especially this group of wild dogs.

Song Qian took a deep breath, all the smell in her nose, she coughed hardly twice.

The big dog trembled and his hair stood up, "Wow--Wow--"

Song Qian stretched out a hand and made several gestures to the leader of the group of dogs.

Soon, the dog barked softly, then turned around and made way for Song Qian.

Song Qian did not stay. According to her judgment, those people should not be far away from her.

She continued to walk forward, opened a manhole cover, then jumped up, and then covered the manhole cover.

There were not a few people on this street, only a woman, who saw Song Qian crawling up from under the manhole cover in a filthy state, and ran away in fright.

Rows of cars stopped by the side of the road, Song Qian held a gun in his hand, and hit the body of a car.

The owner quickly stopped and raised his hands in a surrender posture.

"Get off!" Song Qian ordered coldly.

The owner nodded, but his legs were already soft and he couldn't move.

"Get off the bus!" Song Qian ordered again.

"I...I..." The owner of the car was already crying, and then, urinary incontinence.

Song Qian clenched his fists, closed his eyes, dragged the owner out, and drove to the villa.

It was not until he left the city and headed to the villa that Song Qian's heart relaxed slightly.

Seeing a suit in the back seat of the car, she picked it up and put it on her body, not wanting people to see her injured appearance.

After getting off the car, Song Qian's lips curled up with a relaxed and happy smile.

She came back, back to this familiar and warm place.

Nine deaths.

She began to think back to just now, there were so many possibilities that she would be killed in case, and then she would never come back.

Song Qian found out how nostalgic she had become here.

Inexplicably, she really wanted the man in the office.

He has thick brows, a high nose, and a cold and frosty expression all year round. In fact, in front of her, he is like a child who has not grown up. He is jealous, angry, jokes, and feels distressed and cares for her. .

that's nice!

She is still alive!

Just like every time he finishes the mission, Song Qian will kiss Qian Mengmeng's forehead, thanking for the opportunity to continue to accompany his daughter.

But now, there is another Pei Yilin that makes Song Qian worry.

She also wanted to go back and kiss his face, and then sleep well in his arms.

The villa guarding the gate saw Song Qian and couldn't help asking, "Miss Song, what's the matter with you? His face is so bad?"

Song Qian shook her head and said with a smile: "I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

The bodyguard smiled lightly and said: "Then go in quickly, it's getting late, you have to take a break."

Song Qian didn't have the strength to reply again, she didn't even have the strength to walk.

She tightened her eyebrows, and usually didn't notice that her physical strength was so bad. Could it be that her physical strength has dropped because she hasn't exercised for a long time?

Song Qian could only choose to take the cable car back to the big house of the villa. She was really embarrassed to disturb others so late.

The driver joked: "Miss Song, you don't have to be polite. You know that driving the cable car is very boring. There are not many people sitting in a day. You don't sit and sit too much, the engine will rust!"

"Yes." Song Qian said softly.

"Moreover, you may not know that you are the idol of many of us!" The driver continued to talk, "President Pei is such a difficult person to deal with, but in front of you, haha!"

Song Qian's heart warmed, and a flush of blush appeared on her cheeks, making her pale face look warmer.

She clutched her heart and felt no pain in the wound.

Sure enough, women in love are fools!

Song Qian laughed at herself, and after thanking the driver, gently knocked on the door of the villa.

Aunt Wang opened the door, and Song Qian didn't stand firm, so he fell on Aunt Wang.

"Qian Qian, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly?" Aunt Wang asked anxiously.

Song Qian leaned in Wang's arms and took a break, "I'm running, I'm running too fast."

Aunt Wang Xin thought it was true and babbled: "Hey! You said that when you go for a run at night, you always bring your mobile phone! Why don't you pick up when Pei always calls you?"

Song Qian clutched her heart and replied, "My phone is dead."

Aunt Wang sighed, then shook his head, and said, "Then you go and see President Pei, I think he seems a bit abnormal tonight, and you are the only one who can make him abnormal."

Song Qian faintly smiled. If Pei Yilin loses her temper because she didn't find her, then she appears in front of him in such embarrassment, he will be out of anger!

"Aunt Wang, don't worry, go to bed early." Song Qian said softly.

Aunt Wang nodded, she hoped that Pei Yilin and Song Qian would be well.

Aunt Wang was not at ease, and continued to persuade: "Talk to President Pei, don't make yourself temperamental, he is also nervous and you will lose your temper, okay?"

Song Qian nodded, moved up to the second floor step by step with great difficulty, knocked on the door of the study, and pushed it aside.

Song Qian was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Pei Yilin was riding on Xia Erlan, and the two of them had almost finished taking off their clothes and were engaged in intense exercise.

The expression of Pei Yilin's enjoyment and Xia Erlan's so charming emotion were imprinted in Song Qian's eyes, making her breathless for a moment.

"Ah, you are good or bad! I hate it! People want it, and they have been playing with them." Xia Erlan's voice rang out.

"That's fun." Pei Yilin's black eyes are still cold and ruthless, and only the woman under him is in his eyes. "It's the first time your body is so sensitive, eh?"

"You doubt people... Yeah..." Xia Erlan yelled harder than ever.

Xia Erlan was no longer a virgin. In order to run into Pei's house as a maid, she repaired one. Later, she went with Kang Lu. She just believed that Pei Yilin would never touch her, so she dared to be so presumptuous.

Women's minds are sensitive and delicate.

Just now Pei Yilin asked Xia Erlan to come in, and after tearing her clothes, he left her to the side and ignored her at all.

Now that Song Qian came back, he suddenly grabbed her under him, so madly and presumptuously on her, but he didn't really get to that point.

Even though she dared to test him with her body several times, there was no sign of him waking up somewhere.

Xia Erlan smiled, unknowingly, she found Pei Yilin's biggest weakness!

"Is it right? I'll know after a try." Pei Yilin said, unlocking the last bondage on Xia Erlan.

Xia Erlan twisted her body to her heart's content, being stimulated by Pei Yilin's touch, she really wanted it.

She had heard people say that Pei Yilin was presumptuous and wild in bed, but she was not stupid enough to risk her life with her own life.

Pei Yilin's fingertips swept across Xia Erlan's face, "What a pretty face!" He kissed her face, and his voice became hoarse, "This body is also horrible, right?"

"President Pei, give it a try!" Xia Erlan warmly invited, hooking Pei Yilin's neck, and blowing a hot breath in his ears.

To act, Xia Erlan is better at acting than Pei Yilin, and she will completely beat Song Qian once.

Originally, Xia Erlan was beautiful and invincible, and she was not reconciled at all to lose in Song Qian's hands. Now, Xia Erlan is really unconvinced for herself, and she wants Song Qian to taste the taste of losing.

Xia Erlan wanted Song Qian to see that the man she loved was "twinking" with other women.

Pei Yilin's hands never stopped on Xia Erlan's body. He looked at Song Qian from the corner of his eye, and she was wearing a men's jacket!

It must be Yuchi Haolan!

Is it cold?

As for returning home to show affection?

Pei Yilin was fierce, and his hands were more rude. Seeing Song Qian's pale face, there was a strong happiness in his heart, but after the happiness, it was empty pain.

Therefore, he must let this happiness continue.

Didn't she go to see Yuchi Haolan?Still hiding from him?Still not answering his phone?

it is good!


Then he will let her see, without him, he can still live very well!

Song Qian stared at the scene in front of him blankly, what echoed in his ears was that Pei Yilin had said that in the future there would be only her as a woman, as long as she was a woman.

Now the vows are still echoing clearly in the ears, and he has broken the ring.

Song Qian took a deep breath, pretending to be relaxed: "Ice cubes, almost enough, let's talk."

"It's not over yet." Pei Yilin said coldly.

He raised his head and looked at Song Qian, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "You see, I haven't even entered yet!"

Song Qian clenched his small hand into a fist and said, "Then wait for you to finish, then come to me."

That's what Song Qian said, but Pei Yilin understood Song Qian's deeper meaning.

If he dares to come true with Xia Erlan, she will never let him find it again!

"It's over, it's probably tomorrow. I've always been very good at this, haven't I?" Pei Yilin asked.

Song Qian's eyes dimmed. She looked at Pei Yilin and Xia Erlan's eagerness, and the pain in her heart suddenly forced.

she's back.

However, this place may not be her home anymore.

She turned around, wanted to leave, and dealt with her wound first.

At this time, Pei Yilin's cold voice sounded: "Bodyguard Song, your performance on the bed is always so unsatisfactory. Just watch and learn here."

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