At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 74 Bye bye, sister doesn't want you!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Song Qian froze in place, tears rolling in his eyes, and Xia Erlan's joyous voice had entered a new level.

Song Qian couldn't help thinking: Pei Yilin has really started a war with Xia Erlan!

She sniffed, and if she knew what she saw when she came back, she would rather not come back!

How could he be so cruel that he didn't even listen to her to finish with an explanation or a sentence?

"Don't turn your head to see?" Pei Yilin forced.

The corner of Xia Erlan’s lips made a very interesting smile. At the same time, she was also worried. If Pei Yilin really wanted her to fight in front of Song Qian, then she would not be a virgin. See through, the end is unknown.

But the more he stimulated Xia Erlan, the more he wanted to challenge.

"Oh! Yes-I want!" Xia Erlan's enchanting voice seemed to give Song Qian a few big slaps.

Song Qian tried to keep his eyes wide open and lifted his head high to prevent her tears from falling.

"Here you!" Pei Yilin said, moving forward, but he ignored that he didn't even take off his pants.

Xia Erlan screamed, and deliberately increased her voice.

Song Qian's tears finally couldn't help falling. She could imagine that Pei Yilin and Xia Erlan were really starting to do it.

"President Pei take your time." Song Qian said softly, "I don't need to learn." In his tone, it was the despair that Pei Yilin had never heard before.

Song Qian closed the door, and Xia Erlan's voice was still endless.

Not far away, Kang Lu stood there, watching Song Qian's expression extremely complicated, only sadness could not hide it.

Song Qian couldn't help crying, and quickly wiped away the tears, looked at Kang Lu, and laughed hard.

Kang Lu walked to Song Qian, held her back, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Song Qian didn't speak, nor shook her head. Why do people like to ask her if there is anything wrong with her, can't you tell with your eyes?

She just fell in love with someone she shouldn't like, just forget it, what's the big deal!

Song Qian is not convinced, she has always been free and easy, and it is the same now!

"Don't stand guard tonight." Song Qian said to Kang Lu, "Also, be careful when doing things in the future."

Kang Lu didn't understand what Song Qian was talking about.

He looked at her, except her face was very bad, everything else was normal, and she couldn't see anything coming.

But Kang Lu could hear Pei Yilin and Xia Erlan's lingering voice in the study.

Song Qian patted Kang Lu on the shoulder, smiled weakly at him, and walked back to the bedroom that belonged to her but had been vacant for a long time.

After closing the door, Song Qian deliberately locked it from the inside.

She was sitting on the ground with her back leaning against the door, tears falling drop by drop.

The heart hurts, but it is not the pain from the wound. She listened to Xia Erlan's louder than one cry in her ear, very strange, the reason for her staying seemed to be giving up.

Song Qian thought that when Pei Yilin and Xia Erlan finished, her heart would almost die.

She laughed softly, closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, there was more stubbornness in her eyes.

Song Qian got up, took out the prepared wound medicine from the drawer, and went to the bathroom to clean the wound.

The wound was deeper than Song Qian had imagined. Looking at the shocking piece, she took a deep breath and disinfected with medicine.

"Ah—" Xia Erlan's voice poured in, "You are great! Ah! Forgive me! Don't—"

Song Qian blinked her delicate eyes. The potion fell on the wound and it hurt. She clenched her teeth and made no sound.

"No more, no more! Ah..." Xia Erlan's voice remained the same.

Song Qian just sprinkled medicine on the wound, and the injured piece seemed to be burned by fire, hitting her heart, impartially.

"Forgive me! Don't--" In the villa, there was only Xia Erlan's voice.

Song Qian sterilized the needles, bit a towel in his mouth, looked at the wound, and sutured them one by one.

"Ah -" Xia Erlan screamed again and again.

Song Qian has been busy for almost half an hour, and Xia Erlan has been screaming for so long, and is still continuing.

Song Qian looked at herself in the mirror, sweating profusely, her face still white as a piece of paper, and the bathroom was filled with cotton balls used to stop bleeding, and her clothes were basically blood.

She took a deep breath. It was not the first time that she had done self-help, but she did it today, but she didn't know why it was so difficult.

She still felt the pain, but gradually, she didn't even know what the pain was.

She just listened to Xia Erlan's cry, coupled with the scene she saw with her own eyes, and matched her imagination to outline Pei Yilin's hearty appearance at the moment.

Song Qian guessed that Pei Yilin deliberately showed her when she touched Xia Erlan.

But, even deliberately, at least, he really touched it!

She smiled sadly. From the moment she left the study and closed the door for Pei Yilin, she already knew that it was impossible for her and him, and there was no future...


As soon as Song Qian left, Pei Yilin got up from Xia Erlan.

Sure enough, it wasn't Song Qian. He didn't want even a beautiful woman stripped in front of him. He even felt upset that she had to touch other women in order to deliberately anger Song Qian.

"President Pei..." What Xia Erlan wanted to say was startled by the cold glance that Pei Yilin glanced at.

"Keep on screaming! Want to scream so that everyone in the entire villa can hear!" Pei Yilin's voice was an angry torture.

Xia Erlan was stunned. What's the point of screaming here alone?

"Hurry up!" Pei Yilin said coldly.

The corners of Xia Erlan's lips moved. She knew that there was no hope for Pei Yilin, so she started with Kang Lu.

She knew that as long as she gained the trust of Kang Lu, she would definitely know the secrets of the dungeon, and then she would find Pei's family crest.

"Ah—" Xia Erlan lay bored on the sofa, "Aw—you are great!"

Xia Erlan screamed blushing, but Pei Yilin didn't react at all.

Sitting on the office chair, he thought of Song Qian's pale face just now, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he couldn't lose that face to look for her.

Xia Erlan shouted so that her throat was almost hoarse, and she wanted to get a glass of water, but Pei Yilin stopped her with a look, so she could only continue to shout.

"Yeah-" Xia Erlan was helpless.

This mission told Xia Erlan that it not only destroyed self-confidence, but also suffered physical and mental frustration!

The more Pei Yilin heard Xia Erlan's scream, the more angrily she scratched the wall, she threw everything on the desk to the ground, and went crazy.

Xia Erlan pointed her eyes at those things on the ground. If she had her family crest, she promised to run away.

It's a pity, it's all files.

That damn family crest just doesn't know where it is.

At this time, Pei Yilin's cell phone rang.

"Oh, hello! I said Brother Yilin, where's our baby girl? Hurry up and ask her to listen to the phone, I must take good care of her today!" Fang Zikuang's voice sounded, all gloating.

Pei Yilin snarled at Fangzi: "Why are you looking for her to call me!"

"Have you taken explosives?" Fang Zikuang asked.

"Get out!" Pei Yilin said, hanging up the phone.

Fang Zi Kuang is inexplicable, and instinctively Brother Yilin is not in a good mood now.

He hugged the beauty beside him and molested: "Come on, give a kiss first. When we are done, I will call and ask about the situation."

With that said, Fang Zi Kuang immediately plunged into the beauty's soft waves...

Xia Erlan screamed so dumb, and the more he screamed, the more unpleasant, Pei Yilin disgusted and said, "Get out!"

Xia Erlan seemed to have been specially appointed, so he left quickly.

"Come back." Pei Yilin called Xia Erlan again.

"President Pei..." Xia Erlan wanted to cry without tears.

"If you dare to disclose today's things, you will definitely die!" Pei Yilin threatened.

Xia Erlan let out a sigh of relief. Pei Yilin felt ashamed, and she felt ashamed too!

She is such a big beauty lying under Pei Yilin, but he doesn't even want to touch her. Who is more embarrassed to say!

"Yes! I promise that this matter will never be known to the third person!" Xia Erlan resented, and then slipped out.

Otherwise, if Pei Yilin gets wild, tell her to go back and scream for an hour, she will collapse!

Pei Yilin was in the study alone, his mind was full of Song Qian's, and the video of Song Qian and Qian Mengmeng dancing on the little apple circulated in his mobile phone. At that time, their family was so happy.

After a while, Fang Zikang's call came in again.

"What's wrong with you?" Pei Yilin was dissatisfied.

"Isn't this missing you?" Fang Zi Kuang said in a delicate voice.

Pei Yilin was really annoyed, and said, "Come out and drink."

"Drinking?" Fang Zikuang said in an exaggerated tone, "The roads in the city are all rotten. Where can I drink? What's more, don't you accompany Qian baby at home?"

Fang Zikuang suddenly guessed: "Oh! You quarreled with her, so you are in a bad mood?"

"What are you talking about?" Pei Yilin said coldly.

"You can't be blamed for this thing!" Fang Zi laughed wildly, "The Xiangjia people hope you and Xiang Yuqing will marry, and of course they won't let go of Qianbao!"

Pei Yilin noticed something was wrong and asked, "What happened?"

"Don't you know?" Fang Zikuang's tone was weird, "No one will report such a big matter to you?"

The people of the Dark Night Empire took a sigh of relief: Fang Zikang would normally report such a big thing directly to Pei Yilin?

"What the hell!" Pei Yilin intuitively felt that this matter still has something to do with Song Qian.

Fang Zikuang said: "The Xiangjia elite guards dispatched one-third tonight, and today they destroyed the city center in order to hunt down Qian Baobao!"


"Didn't Qian Baobao come back?" Fang Zikuang realized the seriousness of the matter, "It shouldn't be! With her strength, it should be possible to retreat safely!"

Pei Yilin suddenly thought of Song Qian's pale face, that the suit jacket she was wearing was very ordinary and should not be of Yuchi Haolan's grade, and that she thought of her desperate eyes.

Pei Yilin's heart, once again, panicked...

Fang Zikuang was still chattering: "However, the situation at the time was indeed very dangerous. You know that Xiangjia's secret guards were few weak, and they sent many elites! Shallow baby won't be really injured, right? ? Then she will either be unscathed this time, or she will definitely be seriously injured, or she will just die..."

"Go to your uncle!" Pei Yilin dropped the phone and walked directly to the bedroom.

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