At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 95 It turns out that she doesn't love me so much!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!By the time Pei Yilin was done, more than an hour had passed.

Song Qian was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back, and that bowl of ready-made egg fried rice became her delicacy at the moment.

"Hurry up and bring food, I want to eat, I'm so hungry!" Song Qian pushed Pei Yilin out.

"The tone is better." Pei Yilin is dissatisfied, no one has ever spoken to him in a commanding tone!

"Yilin! Ice cube! Husband! Help me get the food, I'm really hungry." Song Qian said with a delicate voice.

Pei Yilin lowered his lips, bit Song Qian's little ear, and then whispered softly in her ear: "Don't tempt me like this, I won't be able to hold it."

Song Qian's face turned pale. They have been in love so many times today. If Pei Yilin can't hold it anymore, she really has the urge to abolish him for a year and a half of recuperation.

Pei Yilin smiled very thily, and only went to get the egg fried rice after seeing Song Qian's worried expression.

The egg fried rice that was originally on the table was spread all over the table, with five words written in the middle: Indulge in love and restraint!

Pei Yilin clenched his fists, and the egg fried rice he worked so hard to fry was dumped like this?

Pei Yilin suddenly went to the study, and sure enough, there were signs of being turned over.

His eyes dimmed. These days, he and Song Qian are living too easily, completely forgetting that there is a traitor in the villa.

damn it!

He even sneaked into his bedroom!

Tonight, the bodyguards guarding the outside of the villa did not withdraw, only the inside of the villa.

Pei Yilin turned on the monitoring system, and the system had been hacked.

I am grass!

He asked Yin Bao'er to carefully design the system, even after a few years of use, it was fine, but could it be hacked?

Pei Yilin's face is getting darker and darker, he must find out the ghost in the villa!

Hearing Song Qian's voice, Pei Yilin returned to the bedroom.

"Where is my egg fried rice?" Song Qian asked.

"Something happened." Pei Yilin whispered, "A thief is coming from home."

"Puff—hahahaha—" Song Qian didn't hold her back, but laughed out.

"It's so funny! The house of dignified gold medal president Pei Yilin, surrounded by bodyguards layer after layer, unexpectedly a thief broke in?"

Song Qian didn't believe it, she just felt: That little thief is simply too powerful!

Pei Yilin's big grasp turned into a fist, and it was really a fucking thing to lose face in front of Song Qian!

After laughing enough, Song Qian got serious and asked, "Did you drop something?"

"He can't steal anything that can be dropped." Pei Yilin is still very confident about this.

All the important things in Pei Yilin's hands are placed in the most secret basement in the center of the Dark Night Empire.

Except for him and a few designated people, no flies could fly in.

Therefore, he is not worried about losing things, but he is very embarrassed.

"It's an inner ghost." Song Qian analyzed, "It's a failure. I haven't found him yet."

"You haven't found any clues?" Pei Yilin asked.

To be honest, he didn't believe her efficiency would be so bad.

"No!" When Song Qian spoke, something flashed in his eyes.

In fact, she had previously suspected that Xia Erlan was the inner ghost, but Xia Erlan was with Kang Lu, so Song Qian did not continue to investigate it for the sake of Bao Kang Lu.

Pei Yilin could easily see through Song Qian: She had something to hide from him.

But what exactly was going on, he didn't know.

He didn't expect that between them, there would still be something to hide, he even told her the secret of his crush, she actually had something to hide from him!

Pei Yilin squeezed his fists tightly, no longer the original gentleness, only said: "Get up and cook by yourself." Then, he went back to the study.

Song Qian didn't know where he had offended Pei Yilin. Or, did he notice something just now?

Song Qian shook her head, even if he noticed something, she couldn't say.

Kang Lu has always taken good care of her, and he is also very sincere to Pei Yilin.

Returning to the villa this time, Song Qian will pay close attention to Xia Erlan's movements. If Xia Erlan really has a problem, she will solve it directly without getting involved in Kang Road.


Pei Yilin recruited Kang Lu back.

There are still unclean lip marks on the corners of Kang Lu's mouth. He was doing some intense exercise with Xia Erlan just now.

Pei Yilin glanced at Kang Lu, his eyes fell on the lipstick mark on his lips, and the black eyes flashed coldly.

Hearing that there was a thief in the villa, Kang Lu hurriedly said: "Lord, the subordinate is negligent."

The corners of Pei Yilin's lips moved and asked, "Just now, are you sure you have been with Xia Erlan?" Pei Yilin asked.

Kang Lu nodded and approached Xia Erlan, originally instructed by Pei Yilin.

"Isn't she the only ghost in the villa?" Pei Yilin raised an eyebrow, "She still has a helper?"

"President Pei, Xia Erlan, is it really a ghost?" Kang Lu asked, "I have been with her for so long, and I haven't found any visions in her."

"Are you fascinated by her?" Pei Yilin said coldly.

"No subordinates!" Kang Lu sternly, "subordinates can guarantee their lives!"

Pei Yilin's lips curled up with a bloodthirsty smile, and said, "The lip print on your lips is proof."

Kang Lu wiped his lips, there were indeed lip marks, but he wiped them clean!


Kang Lu suddenly realized that after receiving the call, Xia Erlan was reluctant to part and kissed him on the lips.

"Xia Erlan is a smart person. She will not lose control of her emotions and desires, and she will not accidentally leave lipstick on your lips. This shows that she wants to verify one thing." Pei Yilin analyzed Tao.

"She wants to see, is my purpose of being with her pure?" Kang Lu also opened up.

Pei Yilin nodded.

"But I still don't understand." Kang Lu was puzzled. "Even if there are lip prints, I can tell you that I just found a woman outside to solve my needs. You didn't stipulate that I can't look outside."

"You wait and see." Pei Yilin sneered, "Fox, it's going to show its tail."

Kang Lu nodded, and found out the ghost in the villa as soon as possible. Song Qian was completely innocent, and the villa was settled down. This was what he needed to do most.

Without food, Song Qian didn't bother to move, and simply found a lot of snacks to fill his stomach.

She stayed idle in the room and watched TV, only to hear the voices of Yin Baoer and Fang Zikuang outside.

Song Qian walked out of the room and saw Yin Bao'er's eyes were still red and swollen.

"Boa!" Song Qian felt guilty.

After all, she didn't fulfill her responsibility as a friend, and when she was injured, Yin Baoer rushed to her immediately.

"The matter will be resolved in a while, shall we go out for supper?" Song Qian suggested.

Yin Baoer smiled reluctantly, "Well, good."

Fang Zikuang didn't look like he always did, his gaze fell on Yin Baoer, but Yin Baoer didn't even look at him, and went straight to the study.

"The system you developed was breached." Pei Yilin said to Yin Baoer.

Yin Baoer lowered her head, "I am willing to accept punishment."

"Brother Yilin!" Fang Zikuang's bias was obvious. "Bao'er is not the number one in the world after all. There is no need to punish her, right?"

Pei Yilin looked at Fang Zikuang coldly and said, "You should be punished."

He still cares about the affair between Pei Peipei and Fang Zikuang, but he also knows Pei Peipei's character. If she really loves Fang Zikuang, I am afraid that no one can persuade him.

Pei Peipei's character really resembles him!

Pei Yilin thought of Song Qian again, and thought of her concealment from him, his mood became bad again.

"What does it matter to me?" Fangzi asked with a wild smile, "Brother Yilin, you have a thief in your family, not mine!"

Pei Yilin raised his eyes, with violence flashing in his eyes.

Fang Zi Kuang patted the little heart, "I'm just making a little joke, no need to be serious! I promise, I will find the hacker master as soon as possible, kill him, and eliminate the trouble forever!"

"Brother Yilin, can I see your computer?" Yin Baoer asked.

Pei Yilin nodded.

Yin Baoer walked over, clicked a few keys at random with the mouse, and entered a long string of English characters. Soon, a grimace appeared on the computer.

"How could this happen!" Yin Baoer was a little flustered, and she wanted to click on something, but she didn't respond at all.

Yin Baoer muttered: "Why... how could it be... him?"

On the side, Pei Yilin's brows tightened, and a trace of complicated emotion flashed in his black eyes.

Fang Zi Kuang also came over, and when he saw that grimace, he was shocked.

"Oh, let me go! This is the sign of the ghost king!" Fang Zi Kuang yelled, "Isn't he dead?"

The King of Ghosts, once a smashing figure in the hacker world, legend has it that there is no system he can't break, and he has indeed done a lot of sensational things.

But precisely because of this, many people were offended. At the end of his glory, he was chased and killed by tens of thousands of enemies, and finally burned to death in the sea of ​​fire.

The death of the King of Ghosts is a loss to the hacker world, but it is also a gospel to the hacker world. After all, as long as he is there, there will never be someone else's first time.

Both Pei Yilin and Yin Baoer didn't speak, but focused on the grimace, which was horrible and really scary.

"Is it someone else fraudulently using him?" Fang Zikuang guessed, "He died so miserably! Moreover, it was already a year ago."

"There is no such possibility." Yin Baoer shook his head, "The ghost king's habit is to leave a ghost's head after hacking other people's systems, and it will take ten days for this ghost's head to be automatically eliminated. In this world , I haven’t heard that anyone can eliminate it in advance. It is said that if you can eliminate this avatar, you can also hack his system."

Yin Baoer paused, "I tried it just now, and I can't crack it anyway."

"It turns out to be a ghost king?" Pei Yilin murmured, "We haven't had any contact with him before. How can he survive now? For whom is he selling his life?"

"I'll check." Fang Zi madly took care of the matter, "Anyway, you are holding Qianbao now, and you definitely don't have the mind to deal with this matter!"

Pei Yilin's eyes darkened even more. Song Qian didn't want to marry him so quickly, because she didn't completely hand over herself.

Fang Zi Kuang realized that Pei Yilin's expression was wrong, and couldn't help gossiping: "Are you quarreling again?"

"What is'again'?" Pei Yilin was dissatisfied.

"Brother Yilin, I heard that you always eat Fei Jie indiscriminately. This time, won't you be angry with that Yuchi Haolan again?" Fang Zi asked wildly.

"Get off." Pei Yilin didn't have a good tone. "Find out the ghost king for me as soon as possible. Don't startle the snake, I want to know who is behind him!"

"I'll do the job, don't worry!" Fang Zikang gave Pei Yilin a "satisfaction" look.

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