At Your Service: The Weight On Skin

Chapter 96 I have her whole life!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the genius baby black belly!Yin Baoer let out a sigh of frustration, and tried several methods to see if he could activate Pei Yilin's computer.

No way, her ability is not enough to fight the ghost king.

But how did the ghost king come alive again?

Yin Bao'er's right eyelid twitched, intuition that something big would happen next.

Leaving the study, Yin Baoer went to knock on Song Qian's door.

"Qian Qian, are you asleep?" Yin Baoer asked.

"No!" Song Qian came out quickly, "I'll just wait for you to finish it!"

Pei Yilin followed out and said coldly: "It's so late, where are you going?"

"Eat supper." Song Qian replied, "You and Fang Zikang must have a lot of things to talk about? Let's not bother you, let's talk about it!"

"No going out tonight." Pei Yilin commanded.


Yin Baoer hurriedly said: "Qian Qian, it is indeed too late, or tomorrow, we will get together tomorrow."

Song Qian frowned, "I have to go to work tomorrow!"

She looked at Pei Yilin, why should he restrict her freedom of access?

"Boer, you go back first." Pei Yilin ordered.

"Yeah." Yin Baoer shook Song Qian's hand, chuckled lightly, and then left.

Yin Baoer didn't stop when he passed Fangzi madly.

Fang Zikuang followed back and looked at Yin Bao'er, panicking, and subconsciously took her hand.

Yin Bao'er trembled all over, she looked at Fang Zi Kuang, moved her mouth, she wanted to say something, after all, she did not speak.

Fang Zikuang's brows were tightened, and he whispered, "I will send you back."

"No need." Yin Baoer's voice choked, tears rolling in his eyes.

Song Qian didn't know until very later that Yin Baoer was desperate and helpless when she said these four words, but she didn't even have the strength to recover.

"You..." Fang Zikuang's expression was complicated, his gaze fell on Yin Bao'er, and he never looked away.

"Shang Yu should have picked me up outside, I'm leaving first," Yin Baoer said.

"Shang...Shang Yu?" Fang Zikuan's expression became even more ugly.

"Don't worry, I won't pester you again in the future. I will marry Shang Yu as you said. I have... promised his marriage proposal." Yin Baoer said, withdrawing her hand and ran out.

Fang Zi Kuang chased after him, only after a few steps, stopped again, and stood still.

Song Qian had never seen Fang Zikuan's expressions, contradictions, pain, entanglement, sadness, sadness, and so many unwillingnesses.

"Fang... Zi Kuang." Song Qian said softly, "Actually..."

"Shallow baby." Fangzi turned his head madly, and returned to his cynical smile, "Don't mess with our brother Yilin anymore. Every time he is unhappy, it is not you who suffer, but we!"

Song Qian raised her eyebrows, "I didn't mess with him!"

"But... if you are tired of living here, you are always welcome at my house!" Fang Zikang blew a kiss to Song Qian.

When he turned around, Fang Zikuan's expression instantly pulled down, and he walked out slowly step by step, with heavy steps.

Song Qian looked at Fang Zikang's back, then looked at Pei Yilin, and walked to him.

"Where did I provoke you?" Song Qian asked Pei Yilin.

Pei Yilin looked at her, "Don't you know it yourself?"

"There are some things, I will tell you when I sort out the clues, okay?" Song Qian smiled and comforted, "Anyway, I will never make a mistake in principle."

Seeing Pei Yilin not speaking, Song Qian put on a frustrated expression and asked, "Don't you believe me?"

Pei Yilin's face eased a little, and he questioned: "You really have something to hide from me?"

Song Qian stuck out his tongue and took Pei Yilin's hand proactively and said, "Could it be that you have nothing to hide from me?"

"You know all the important things." Pei Yilin said coldly.

"What I kept from you is also a trivial matter." Song Qian said softly, "but you are really uncertain. You can care about little things for a long time with me."

"Is it a trivial matter?" Pei Yilin asked, "If I hide a lot of things from you, will you really not be angry at all?"

Song Qian promised: "I will tell you what I should say when I finish finishing it!"

In fact, she was hiding a lot of things from him. Just counting Qian Mengmeng and Kang Lu was a big deal.

However, Song Qian still doesn't know what to say. She is worried that Pei Yilin hasn't trusted her that much. If she says it rashly, it will only complicate things.

Pei Yilin frowned. He didn't want to force Song Qian, nor did he want to find someone to investigate her. He hoped that she could open up to him and take the initiative to confess.

But, does she really do?

Pei Yilin is not sure.

"I have something, I want to ask you." Song Qian said softly.

"If it's Fang Zikuang and Yin Bao'er, you can stop." Pei Yilin said coldly.

The corners of Song Qian's lips moved awkwardly. Isn't it just about Fang Zikuang and Yin Baoer?

Looking at Fang Zikuang's sad look just now, it's hard to believe that he doesn't like Yin Bao'er, but if he likes it, why would he not accept that feeling?

Song Qian asked, "I promise I won't say it!"

"Since you can't say it, what's the point of knowing the answer?" Pei Yilin asked, "It's just satisfying your curiosity, you might as well worry about your own affairs!"

Song Qianfu: She won't say it out clearly, it doesn't mean she won't hint at Yin Bao'er something!

However, Song Qian really had a headache, Pei Peipei on one side and Yin Baoer on the other. She really didn't know how to stand.

If this is the case, if you don't know the answer, you don't know!

It's up to Fangzi Kuang to handle the specific development!

Seeing that there was no tangled expression on Song Qian's face, Pei Yilin asked, "Have you eaten?"

"Yeah." Song Qian nodded, "have some snacks."

"Snacks?" Pei Yilin raised her eyebrows, "You would rather eat snacks than the egg fried rice I made?"

Song Qian reminded: "Your egg fried rice, isn't it poured?"

Only then did Pei Yilin remember. He clenched his fists and said every word: "When I find that person, I will kill him!"

Song Qian couldn't help but laughed out loud-Pei Yilin's current expression is really super funny!

Pei Yilin stared at Song Qian, "Go cook! I'm hungry!"

Song Qian was unwilling, "Don't you know how to do it yourself?"

"Go or not?" Pei Yilin's tone was threatening.

"I'm still injured!" Song Qian was too lazy to move, pretending to be very weak, "Oh! It hurts! It hurts!"

"Going out for supper with Bo'er, the wound will not hurt?" Pei Yilin asked, "Stay with me, the wound will hurt?"

"..." Song Qian is so depressed, why can Pei Yilin think so broadly?

"Song Qian, you have been too comfortable lately, have you forgotten my identity?" Pei Yilin's aura is very strong, completely covering Song Qian's anger.

Song Qian blinked. In her memory, Pei Yilin only used this attitude towards her at the very beginning.

He has treated her very well these days!

Sure enough, the boss is the boss, with domineering blood flowing in his bones, and he can't afford it!

"I'm going to cook." Song Qian answered.

She knew very well the end of angering Pei Yilin-when he was in bed in the future, he settled old accounts with her.

She Song Qiantian is not afraid, except for Qian Mengmeng's weakness, and now she has the weakness of going to bed.

Pei Yilin curled his lips in satisfaction, and when Song Qian went to the kitchen, he also went to the bedroom.

Anyway, he has nothing else to do now.

At this time, Song Qian's cell phone rang, Pei Yilin glanced over, and the caller was Yuchi Haolan again.

This man is really...

Silk Slaughter flashed in Pei Yilin's black eyes, but the corner of his mouth was smiling.

He presses the call button.

"Qian Qian, you finally answered the phone!" Yu Chi Haolan said in anxious tone.

Pei Yilin didn't reply.

"I heard that you were injured, how? Is it serious? Where are you now? Is Pei Yilin's house?"

Pei Yilin still did not speak, just listened.

"What's wrong with you?" Yuchi Haolan whispered, "Are you listening? I want to tell you in person."

"Let's talk." Pei Yilin finally said, "I will listen for her."

Yuchi Haolan's brows wrinkled instantly, "Is that you?"

"Mr. Yuchi, what do you want to do when you called my wife in the middle of the night?" Pei Yilin asked, "It's unfortunate, I just fainted from my wife's stimulation, and she has no energy to answer the phone now. She wakes up in a while, we Ready to continue."


"Or, do you want to listen to the live broadcast?" Pei Yilin continued to stimulate, "What should I do? My wife and I don't really have the habit of letting others snoop."


"My wife told me that she doesn't have any extra thoughts about you. In her heart, I am much better than you. It is a burden for her to pester her like this!"

"Pei Yilin!" Yuchi Haolan increased her voice, "The more you say, the more proof you are worried about not being able to catch her. Qian Qian won't like people like you!"

"Really?" Pei Yilin said in a playful voice, "she said clearly that she loves me, not to mention that we all have children."

"So what?" Yuchi Haolan asked, "Mengmeng is so old, but she hasn't married you yet."

Pei Yilin squeezed the phone tightly and said coldly: "The things between us, outsiders can't understand, only envy!"

"In this life, you won't be able to marry her!" said Yuchi Haolan.

"Her hukou and ID card, you sent someone to steal it?" Pei Yilin knew that she didn't guess the wrong person!

He also found someone to hack the system of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and found that Song Qian's information did not exist at all, and he couldn't register directly.

Pei Yilin is almost mad!


Will Yuchi Haolan act first to make Song Qian a member of his family?

"Are you scared?" Yuchi Haolan couldn't hide his proud tone, "I am not as bad as you, and I will marry her regardless of my shallow wishes!"

"She loves me." Pei Yilin emphasized, "No one can snatch her from me!"

"I can see that she doesn't love you wholeheartedly." Yuchi Haolan said, "Even if you get her now, one day, she will come back to me."

"Back?" Pei Yilin smiled, "Have you ever had her?"

"She used to be mine all the time!" Yuchi Haolan's voice was not loud, but her aura was very compelling, "she will be mine all the time."

Pei Yilin tightened her brows, and Yu Chi Haolan said that she had Song Qian's entire history. What did she mean by that?

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