Really, just say that he is forgotten, why is this tone still abducting their little white hair? What a situation!

The abbot was a little weak when he saw the Phoenix of Equality Yuan coming, his words, this kid shouldn't have heard it completely!

But if the monks don't speak, he can't just watch - Nioh just fell into the pit of the phoenix, and he can't get out!

Thinking about it this way, the abbot felt that he was right, "What kind of person you are, don't you know in your own heart?" Do you think I'm ruining your image behind my back? "

The host rolled his eyes and gave the Phoenix of the Equality Academy, stinky boy, just now, said that he should be kind to other people's children, he doesn't want to be now, he wants to be benevolent, think about it, he doesn't want to, why is it so difficult to serve?

If you don't want to make a change, and you want people to see your true face, how can you do that?

The phoenix of the Equality House looked at the abbot of his own patriarch speechlessly, and held his forehead, "Alas..."What is this!

He felt that what he was thinking now was absolutely incompatible with what the abbot was thinking.

The three-year-old ditch was not too deep between him and Nioh, and sure enough, what separated him from the abbot was the Mariana Trench...

It's not smooth at all!

Forget it, give up!

The Phoenix of the Equality House directly gave full play to the advantage of his youth and strength, and he was young and he had the final say.

Forcefully pushed his own abbot out of the door, "The two of us will have to train later, abbot, otherwise you should go and see elsewhere..."

The abbot who was kicked out of the door by surprise: ....

What is said in the mouth is completely inconsistent with the movements in the hands, alas, abbot, sigh that the child is old and can't control it!

The quick-eyed little disciple came over to support the elderly abbot, "Abbot, are you okay?" Brother Phoenix, did you have a quarrel?

Although he asked, the little disciple was not angry at all when he saw the abbot, on the contrary, he was happy.

The abbot was really happy, "Ah, I really didn't expect that one day the phoenix would be able to do such a brainless thing..."Don't think he didn't see it, it was definitely a typical example of being about to become angry, otherwise how could he be pushed out so quickly?

It's definitely because of poking him in the sore spot!

Little disciple: "..."The

abbot really doesn't know whether to remind you or not, you are laughing a little too much (obscenely) now!

What's going on in your head right now?

This suddenly understood why the eldest prince would suddenly be so rebellious, it turned out...

Oh, the upper beam is not right~ ah!

Alas, thinking about it this way, the eldest prince of Phoenix is really too hard.

The abbot slapped the back of the head of the little disciple who didn't control his expression, "Give me your expression!" "I'm stupid, I can't even control my expression!


"You little young, what do you know... I'll tell you, the phoenix is definitely with that child...", the

abbot struck again.

Hey, this hasn't been done yet, I can't say it, I can't say it! If you leak your mouth and scare other people's children away, it won't work! If the daughter-in-law runs away, the phoenix should come to find him trouble!

The little disciple who had already secretly propped up his ears was disappointed, "...",

and secretly rolled his eyes to his abbot.

Abbot, you're too much, say it's good for everyone to gossip together, you don't pick up half of it!

It's really, it's hooked out people's curiosity, and don't talk about it, it's annoying!

Then the back of the little disciple's head was suddenly slapped again...

"Hmph, what do you have in those eyes?" The abbot said conclusively, "Don't think that when I'm old, I can't see your expressions, although I'm old, I haven't reached the level of old eyes and faintness, whether it's you or Phoenix, don't try to fool me!" The

little disciple bitterly haha, "We won't fool you!" The

abbot hummed, "That kid Phoenix, don't listen to my advice now, in the future, there will be times when he cries!" "

Do you think the rice he's eaten for so many years is for nothing?

The little disciple especially wanted to know what kind of dumb riddle the host was playing, but because of the two big mouths just now, he didn't dare to ask.

As for the other party in the abbot's mouth, the Phoenix of the Equality Academy, he didn't dare to ask!


"Senpai, why are you back again?" The people in this family are called Byodoin, so since he came to Byodoin, Nioh removed the prefix.

"Watch you wield a knife!" Byodoin Phoenix said flatly, he can't say that he is guarding against the abbot, and he ran back to say something out of tune to Nioh!

Little white hair, still young. Now, of course, it's mainly about improving strength, and those miscellaneous things, let's explain them to him slowly in the future!

Nioh: "... Oh~"

The tone was a little unhappy, and the seniors still treated him as a child.

However, Nioh looked at his small body, more than one meter six, and carefully observed his arms and legs, yes, the bureau had laughed at his thin arms and legs when he played the game before, right?

This image is really not very reassuring!

"I'm going to add a carton of milk tonight, and tomorrow morning too!" Nioh said suddenly.

The phoenix of the Equality House was stunned, "What are you crazy about?" He hadn't forgotten how hard it was to eat the rice ball at noon, and as far as he knew, Nioh's love for milk wasn't very high!

Nioh's eyes were like torches, "I want to grow taller!" "

In front of the Byodoin Phoenix, Nioh is always more relaxed and presumptuous.

The Phoenix of the Equality House was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing, "... Haha~"

Is this the reason?" Do you suddenly want to grow taller, or do you suddenly want to gain weight?

"Why did you suddenly have this idea?" To be honest, at the age of thirteen or fourteen, the height of 165 is not short, and Nioh is just a little thin.

Nioh: "..."

I don't want to speak.

Relax is relaxed, but you don't want to be naïve...

Seeing that Nioh didn't want to say it, the Phoenix of Byodoin didn't force him, so he watched Nioh quietly like this, from the first swing to the 8,000th stroke.

Watching Nioh go from a refreshing appearance to sweating profusely to a pale face, to wanting to fall down uncontrollably...

Obviously it was already like this, but Nioh didn't open his mouth to plead with the Phoenix of Byodoin, he still worked hard, kept his balance, and gritted his teeth to persevere!

The hand that fell on the thigh of the phoenix of Byodoin clenched unconsciously, his brows were furrowed, and his heart was very irritable, but Nioh did not speak, and he didn't say anything in the end...

Until the last one....

The 20-pound special wooden knife fell to the ground with a bang, and then Nioh couldn't hold on, he was tired and weak, and he couldn't hold on to the standing posture anymore, his hind legs trembled, and he couldn't help falling backwards...

However, he seemed to be a little luckier than the knife, and did not fall on the cold ground, but in the embrace of the sun!

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