Catching the person accurately, the phoenix of the Byodoin Temple breathed a sigh of relief, and then got angry, "Is your mouth sewn up with glue?" "

Nioh: ... OK, this sentence came out, what, the charming atmosphere is gone.

Originally, his cheeks were still slightly red, after all, he had already thought that he was going to fall in love with the cold floor face to face, but he didn't expect to end up in the arms of the seniors of the Equality Temple!

Of course this face has to be red!


The senior is a good senior, but it's a pity that the predecessor has a long mouth!

Nioh felt that if he had glue on him, the first thing he would do was to glue the mouth of the Byodoin senior. Stop talking, one mouth can people off!

The phoenix of Byodoin is sulking, angry with Nioh, and angry with himself.

These 8,000 swings of the sword, even if Nioh really can't hold on, he won't say anything!

As the abbot said, Nioh has just learned kendo, and this training is very difficult for him now!

When the figure that had been insisting in front of him suddenly fell in front of him, only Byodoin himself knew that his heart was entangled in an instant as if he was held by another hand, and for a while he also regretted that he had given Xiao Baimao a difficult task!

Nioh's supple hair fell on his arm, and the white and black kendo uniform made Nioh's face even paler!

Still, huh?

Why, with a little red in the paleness?

The phoenix of Byodoin, who lowered his head, found a problem, why was his face still red?

"Why are you red?"

Nioh sighed in his heart, is this the sun coming out in the west? The seniors of Byodoin were so keenly observant?

An inexplicable emotion suddenly rose in Nioh's heart....

And then—

I saw the Phoenix of Byodoin, frowning, with anger on his face, "You have a fever?

Nioh chuckled, and the emotions in his heart were like a roller coaster, and he fell into the 18th floor of hell with a bang!

Got a fever?

Hehe, it's because he thinks too much, and he really shouldn't have any expectations for equality with his predecessors! Although he doesn't know what he should expect, obviously, seniors are seniors, but anyway, there are no expectations now!

And Byodoin, seeing that Nioh didn't speak, that is, Nioh really had a low-grade fever or a high fever because of excessive sweating. Byodoin regretted it even more in his heart, and said angrily, "Then if you really can't hold on, just say what you can do!" "

As he spoke, he was going to take the man up, prepare to go to the house, and give him a fever gift bag...

Nioh, who suddenly got feverish: ...

"It's not... I'm fine! "

Forget about being feverish, how did this god turn happen? What's wrong? Do you have to take him to take medicine and injections?

Oh my God, Nioh instantly felt that the world was dark, you just thought, he is still a picky eater and can't eat well, can he take the medicine?

In one sentence, I can describe my own situation of taking medicine, taking medicine is comparable to a sentence!

"I'm really fine, I've just finished 8,000 hits, it's a bit empty, really, really!" Important things are said three times, and Nioh is afraid that the Phoenix of the Equality House will not hear it.

He really doesn't want this to fall, he doesn't get any benefits, and he gives himself a whole bunch of medicines, and that's it!

Byodoin Phoenix still frowned, but Nioh said so, "Are you sure it's okay?" He

didn't give up and touched his forehead again.

Well, it doesn't seem to be hot!


Nioh's hopeful gaze looked at the Byodoin Phoenix: ... Well, please give me a discharge certificate with the hand that has taken my temperature, I'm really fine!

It's a pity that in the end, the Phoenix of the Equality House finally grew a big five and three thick, without any charming heart.

Adhering to the fist and fist care for the rookie thin junior brother, and considering that Nioh's current weakness is caused by his 8,000 strokes, the Phoenix of Byodoin has an abnormal conscience to find the sticking to his heart...

Persistent feeling!

You're sick! Very sick!

Even if you don't have a fever, you have other diseases, weakness, thinness, sweating, anyway, I think you're sick right now...

"Hmph, they're all sick, and you're still here to give me a mouthful?" The Phoenix of the Equality House went straight to the core, "You can... Don't tell me you're afraid of taking medicine! "

Nioh: ... Senior, you just have a clairway eye, right? No, this should be called... So what's going on?

Anyway, it's - a special feature?

However, your special function, can you pick a time to be special, don't do it now!

"Senior, I can prove to you that I am absolutely not sick!" Nioh struggled to climb himself out of the arms of the Byodoin Phoenix.

He couldn't stand it anyway! Forget it if you're sick, what medicine to take if you don't get sick!

Byodoin frowned at Nioh like a three-year-old child, and his tone was very disgusted, "How many adults are you, can't you be more mature?" "

Byodoin really didn't expect Nioh to be a little white hairy who was afraid of taking medicine.

This is completely inconsistent with his usual fox image!

Nioh: ... I haven't ever matched my usual image in front of you!

OOC after OOC, crash after crash!

Obviously, he is still a shrewd and angry Nioh Masaharu on the field, but when he arrives at the predecessors of Byodoin, he always seems to owe something to the shortcomings!

No matter how Nioh's eyes complained, the Phoenix of Equality Yuan didn't plan to take care of the little white hair that he didn't take medicine and had a strong mouth.

Anyway, this is in his house, everything has to listen to him, and the next disposal of Xiao Baimao belongs to him!

Grabbing Nioh's hand, Nioh was stunned, and he found that he seemed to be hugged by someone, the princess!


What's the situation?

Byodoin seniors, are you waiting?

"Senior, this can't be-" It's not dark yet, there are people outside, if you are carried back in this position, the face will be gone!

Byodoin Phoenix stopped when he heard this, and felt that what Nioh said was reasonable, indeed, the image still needs to be there!

In this case,

with a turn of his hand, his powerful right hand grabbed Nioh's waist with a strap, and flipped upwards...

Nioh only felt dizzy, the world was spinning, and in the next second, his vision suddenly widened! "Where

am I?"

And, why is the direction so wrong?

Also, my stomach -

"Hold my hair!" Nioh, who was carried on his shoulders and was not at ease, moved around, Byodoin reminded.

His hair was just up to his shoulders, and now he was being pressed like this, and it hurt so much. The partial individual was still carried by himself on his own initiative, and he couldn't say anything...

Nioh let go of his embarrassment and understood his position, and he carried it on the shoulders of the Byodoin Phoenix like a sack.

Nioh: ... Well, how to say it?

First, 'princess hugging', after knowing that something was wrong, immediately changed to 'carrying a sack'?

Although he doesn't want to be hugged by the princess, this psychological gap and status gap are too big!

Otherwise, you'd better let me come down and go!" Please! Predecessor!

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