Nioh said in his heart, it is impossible to forget, but...

"Santsu Valley senior, then do you agree or not??"

"You kid, if you have already figured it out, I will agree!" Mitsu Valley is not salty or light. I have to say that Nioh is a very good trader, and he is really a little tempted by the conditions proposed by Nioh, after all, it is a rare skill. It would be helpful if we could gather complete information.

Nioh chuckled, "I believe that as long as we make a reasonable deal, Santsuya-senpai, as a senior, will not disagree!" "

Hehe, your match request, I've already told the ghost senior." Mitsuya thought of his guess and hesitated a little, "Now you should have entered Group A, after two high-intensity matches in a short period of time, can you stand it?"

"If the quality of the game is not high, it will be embarrassing in front of the ghost seniors!" Mitsuya understood Nioh's thoughts, "As a fan of that person, the last thing you want is to show weakness in front of Onijujiro!" "

The coach arranged for me to play doubles two, I have enough time to recover, it's okay!" Nioh's eyes flashed with a streamer, and he entered Group A just to have a chance to enter the eyes of Onijujiro.

With his current strength, it is very difficult to defeat Kijujiro, it is simply impossible, but if he simply lets go of Kijujiro and asks him to walk around in front of him, how can Nioh be willing!

Even if he can't win, let him see that some followers in this world are grudges, and they must grit their teeth all the time and not have a trace of relaxation! Otherwise, be careful that the fox bites its neck and loses its body!

"You just have to know what you know!" It's normal for people who play tennis to occasionally get overdrawn, and Mitsuya didn't think much about it, but - "Then when are you going to play?" "

He's just mentioning it to the ghost now, and the ghost has only agreed, and the specific time hasn't been said yet.

"Trouble Santsu Valley senior, tell me the mobile phone number of the ghost senior, I'll contact him!"

Now he hasn't figured out what he's going to do on the day of the game, he's going to have to think about it again -

"OK, I'm fine!" As long as he sees what Nioh said, then this wave will not be lost.

Mitsuya, who hung up the phone, smiled, oops, as long as I think of the trick that Nioh said, I feel a little itchy, this matter is estimated that Nioh's kid didn't even say Byodoin Phoenix! Then he is a first-hand information person, lucky and lucky!

Alas, I forgot to tell Nioh that he would also follow Onijujiro to lead the team that day, forget it, it's okay if you don't say it, anyway, I'll see you that day!


As soon as Nioh hung up the phone, he saw the willow head-on, and said in his heart, the fate in the world is really ingenious, and he just hung up the phone of the senior of the Mitsu Valley, and he can see the willow who is related to the predecessor of the Mitsu Valley. In that case, it's time to ask...

"Willow... What, just came out? "That direction is the coach's room.

Ryu nodded, "The coaches want me to play singles three!" Speaking of this topic, Liu's expression was a little heavy.

Nioh was stunned for a moment, "It's no problem for you to play singles three, then if this is the case..." Nioh calculated the account, so that the singles one is already there, the doubles one is two, the doubles are two, and now there is only one singles two.

But there are two people left, Maori Senpai and Tezuka?

"Mori-senpai and Tezuka compete for singles two?" The current state of Maori predecessors hits Tezuka, and the two of them are estimated to be five or five open. The final result is hard to say!

"I think it's more likely that the Maori predecessors... Coach Ryuzaki's expression was very melancholy... I guess I'm worried about Tezuka's injury! "

Alas, thinking about Tezuka, I suddenly found that we were quite lucky!" The same members who have already started in the first grade, and their renewal of Lihai University has been milder and more insipid than other schools.

"That's right, but what did you tell me about?" Intuition tells Ryu that Nioh is not the one who will call him casually. Definitely something!

"That, I just want to ask if you've been in contact with a senior you're familiar with lately!" Nioh opened his mouth to know how difficult it was to open this topic, and he didn't talk to Santsuya seniors just now, and he didn't know the current attitude of Mitsuya seniors.

What if Mitsuya-senpai didn't want Ryu to know about him? Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he said it all the time!

So, I can only ask around the corner.

"Acquaintance seniors, no!" Liu Hu was suspicious, "Why are you asking this?" Do you want to know any grapevine? "After all, one incident involves high school students.

"Could it be that you are panicking because you have to play a game with high school students?" Ryu didn't think so, he had seen it last year, the well-behaved and clever person who subdued Nioh must also be a high school student.

[Byodoin Phoenix: ... Hey, someone can tell at a glance that I'm a high school student, and this kid has a future!

Nioh: ... That's because he only sees the back, senior!

Byodoin Phoenix: ... Shut up, don't expose it!

Nioh: ... Oh! Nioh

looked at Ryu speechlessly, he was already reminding him very vaguely, why couldn't Ryu think of the relevant aspects?

"Well, I've done my best, if you can't figure it out, then I can't help it!" The teammates were too difficult to bring, and Nioh chose to give up.

With a heavy face patting Ryu on the shoulder, he decided to retreat.

Liu: ...

So what the hell is this guy stopping him for?

Is it fun?

The final choice for singles two, as Yanagi and Nioh expected, ended up on Maori's head. Although Coach Ryuzaki is very worried that Tezuka's match with high school students will improve, he is more worried about Tezuka's injury.

As a competent coach, she can't look at Tezuka and regret her future at a young age because she knows she has an injury!

So...... You can only give up.

Now that the personnel allocation is in place, the next step is to train intensively.

Nioh took the opportunity to have a face-to-face conversation with his new partner. However, after a brief exchange, Nioh discovers that he and Fuji seem to be a little incompatible?

Let's not talk about tennis style, just talk about personal thoughts, it's very out of tune.

Because he already had a deal with Mitsutani seniors, Nioh decided to use the phantom on the day of the match, and he wanted to use the phantom, so Nioh's original intention was to ask Fuji if he had played a doubles match with someone before, or if he knew a lot about the style of a certain player...

His idea was that he could phantom that person and let each other have a deeper connection and understanding... After all, even if the opponent is a high school student, they don't want to lose with their arrogance!

Then, Fuji smiled and said that of course the one who knows the most is Tezuka!

Then, Nioh said, "So, what if you want to play doubles with Tezuka?" What do you think? As

a result, Fuji looked at him very strangely, and even didn't want to deal with it!

Nioh: ... Did he say something wrong?

Didn't you say it yourself, do you know Tezuka best?

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