After parting with Fuji, Nioh just wanted to say that there were big doubts in his little head!

As a Lihai University, I don't know much about the friendship issues within your Qingxue...

To be honest, after the failure of the communication with Fuji, Nioh didn't think it was too much of a problem in the first place. After all, sometimes there will be situations within their group, [your words make me very speechless]!

At this time, Nioh did not feel that he was incompatible with the non-duality. Then, something magical happened, and every time he made contact, he looked at him strangely, and even seemed to begin to show a little disgust.

Fuji didn't show it so obviously, mainly Nioh himself, and the daily special training made his mental power more and more sensitive, especially now. Now that they have decided to play doubles with Fuji, they naturally have to slowly start cooperating. In the same venue, on the other side or around you, the mental fluctuations coming from are too obvious...

In just half an hour, Nioh understood: Oh, so this guy hates him!

Although, he didn't see much like it. However, at this time, this is tomorrow's tournament, you don't like your partner, can this doubles match still be played?

At this time, it's not appropriate to change partners again!

I knew that I wouldn't have agreed to Coach Banda and Fuji's partner. The whole training camp is better than the current match! At least the partners won't get tired of each other!

During dinner, several people from Lihai University sat down to eat together and talked about it.

"Why does he hate you so much all of a sudden?" It's been a few days in Group A, and Yukimura thinks it's not bad.

"I don't know, maybe it's my unintentional words that I stepped on his thunder!" Nioh can only come to this conclusion now - Tezuka! "The relationship between their Qingxue is really complicated, and it is not clear to people!"

"And what are you going to do?" Ryu analyzed on the side. "In this situation, no matter what kind of opponent you face tomorrow, it will not be easy to deal with!" After all, this internal problem has not been solved! What's more, tomorrow will be full of high school students...

That's not good news!

Nioh was depressed, but it wasn't without a solution.

"Do you mind that group of people in Qingxue hate Lihaida? Yukimura?

Yukimura's eyes were bright and his smile was meaningful, "Haha, looking at the entire national realm, no one likes Lihaida!" "

Last year they managed to beat all the schools, stood at the top, and became the presence that everyone looked up to. And this year's Lihai Conference, which is in its prime, once again stands in that place, so that all of us can only look up! At this time, everyone's mentality will change -

"What do you need to do?" By the end of this year's competition, we'll be hated by everyone! Yukimura said, "The strong are lonely, we are the strong, and this loneliness is destined to be borne by Lihai!" "It's a sure thing to be hated, and who made them stand at the top! Let that group of losers only deserve to look up and look at them with great difficulty?

Sanada nodded in agreement.

Nioh chuckled, he was obsessed with it.


I know how tomorrow's game is going to go!" Didn't Coach Banda say that he should find some stimulation for Fuji and make Fuji improve?

No matter who the opponent is in tomorrow's game, then he'll be good and find some excitement for Fuji! To be a suitable partner, you must let your teammates make progress at the right time!

Nioh, who figured out the whole route, smiled happily, "Poof, I'm so kind!" Sanada

& Yukimura & Yanagi: ... You can find a countermeasure so quickly, and even laugh so 'insidious', it's worthy of you, Nioh.

Yukimura thought for a moment and said, "Don't go too far, after all, the relationship between the academies still has to be maintained!" "

He's a little scared that Nioh will him off! Although I know it's impossible, after all, Fuji is the same type of person as him! Nioh estimates that he will rarely find an opportunity to get the best of the trick, but in case, it's better to be reminded... Personally, he likes it.

Nioh speechlessly poked the rice in the bowl: ... Puff~

The person who said that he was not afraid of ruining the relationship was you! It's you who said you want to converge! I really let you say everything, Yukimura, you deserve to be a minister!

To be the boss is willful!

Speaking of which, Nioh's divergent thinking, Yukimura can already be so willful as a minister, and the predecessor of Byodoin is a well-deserved number one who is looked up to there, will he be more willful!

Nioh shook his head, subconsciously objecting to his own opinion, how could a person as gentle and generous as his predecessor calculate and pit his teammates?

It's almost the same to spend a lot of effort to train them!

Poof, he really shouldn't be, how can he think so much about the seniors of the Byodoin! It's too much!

(The tortured overseas nine: - hurry up and find someone to save this blind man!) Not only blind eyes but also blind hearts!

"Maori senior, what do you think?" Nioh was curious about his seniors' views on the matter.

Maori was stunned for a moment and hesitated, "I think you'd better hurry up and eat, don't poke again!" "Otherwise, the rice will be cold and you won't be able to eat it!

Nioh: ... The answer is you

, Maori senior! The idea is to be different from others!


The last day finally came, and neither Group B nor Group C did any training, and they all came to watch the match between Group A 8 people and high school students.

Kikumaru was a little disappointed, "Alas, I still wanted to be able to watch Tezuka's game, but I still couldn't play!"

Oishi comforted, "No way, Coach Ryuzaki is right, you have to consider Tezuka's arm!" "Nothing is more important than the future.

"However, speaking of Lihai, it's really strong!" Dashi frowned, only feeling that the pressure in his heart doubled, there were a total of eight people on the field, and five of the seven people who participated in the game were from Lihai.

One Ice Emperor and one Qingxue.

That counts it this way... Even Dashi, who has always been calm, is a little skeptical of their previous thoughts, when they are in the third country, do they really have a chance to pass the test and defeat Lihai Da smoothly and become the national champion?

Not only Oishi thinks so, but the tennis players of all the schools they are preparing for below think so, Lihai is as big as the sky, do they really have a chance to beat this school?

If Nioh knew what they were thinking, he would have told them with a smile: Poof... Not only will there be no doors, but even windows won't be given to you!

Kunijunior high school students, all the preparations have been made here, and the members of the high school students have not yet come, so Yukimura called Nioh to come over and speak alone, as is customary.

Nioh is always off to a good start in the competition at Lihai University, and his victory will calm all the players and abandon impetuousness.

This time, that's exactly what happened -

Nioh, go and bring victory!

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