Seeing that the game was about to end, Nioh was racking his brains to figure out how to get away from Yanagi. Otherwise, as long as Liu Yi asked, ok, it will be completely impossible to run away!

Otherwise, run now, shall we?

As soon as this idea came to him, Nioh shook his head consciously, no, there is still a game with ghosts.

That's- hide for a while, and then come out when Ryu almost forgot about it? However, when will Liu, a standard, professional, data tennis player, stop his obsessive pursuit of data, and it will be impossible for him to forget about data! Conclusion - this thing is harder than ascending to the sky!

So what to do?

Just when Nioh was at a loss, the phone suddenly rang, and then sent him a message, could it be that it was a senior of Byodoin, although I don't know why, but with an attitude of expectation, Nioh took it out and took a look -

ho... Oh, Oni Jujiro!

It turns out that happiness turns into displeasure, and it only takes a short moment -

[Should we change the time of the game?] Nioh

frowned, [Why change the time, isn't it good today?] Could it be that this guy has stage fright, he doesn't want to fight with him, can he be a senior and let himself play like this?

The ghost said again, "Because Nioh-kun looks a little distressed now! Nioh's

eyes shrunk, Nioh-kun? When did he know his identity? Could it be that Mitsutani's seniors told him?

However, Nioh felt that Santsuya's seniors would not inexplicably tell the ghost that his identity could not have been guessed by him?

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Nioh's forehead... Sure enough, you can't underestimate this group of high school seniors, the characters who can surpass the predecessors of Byodoin in the beginning, and it's really not just what he sees, only roughness and strength.

[The ghost seniors think it's okay! I'm okay with that! Nioh said with a blank face.

Anyway, now he really wanted to run away from the ghost's proposal, which didn't do him any harm.

After typing this, Nioh noticed that the oni took out his mobile phone, and as soon as he saw his message, he got up and walked out.

This attitude without hesitation... Aren't you afraid that he really has some tricks hidden and keeps defeating him?

Nioh looked at the uneaten bread in his hand, stared at it for two seconds, and didn't know what kind of mentality, carrying a racket in his left hand and bread in his right hand, he also walked out -

"Nioh, where are you going?" Yukimura asked.

"The milk is gone, the bread is too dry, go buy some water!" Nioh was calm.

The reasons are reasonable, and Yukimura did not express doubts. "Okay, then you come back quickly!" In the end, he had to line up, and Yukimura was not afraid that Nioh would suddenly run away.


The other side of the distant training camp.

As soon as Nioh came out, he saw the tall figure of the oni in front of him, walking slowly. The other party didn't speak, he didn't speak, he kept following behind -

and then, go, go, go!

Here it is!

"Why are you here?" Nioh asked.

The ghost moved his body, took out his tennis racket, and said, "I don't think you want to be seen by others!"

Nioh snorted and sneered, "Ghost senior, it's too early to say it, what if I win this game?" The

ghost glanced at Nioh and said, "In two years, you will be promoted to high school, and you may be able to win against me now!" "After all, Nioh's fighting power and skills in the doubles just now are still very optimistic.

But, now....

"You can't do it yet!"

Nioh: ... This straightforward sensuality!

"Don't speculate for more than half a sentence, let's start directly!" He'll make this guy understand his strength!

“...... Good. "The ghost is also very simple. There was a little hesitation in it, "Are you sure, don't you need a little more time to prepare?" "You haven't finished your bread!

Nioh's eyes saw his own hand—the bread on it, or a half-eaten bag of bread!

Nioh felt that his whole person was not good in an instant! Thinking about this scene, he just finished saying cruel words [more than half a sentence without speculation] in the next second, and he was directly made like this!

It's too a slap in the face, it's too embarrassing.

Ghost Jujiro, I misjudged you, I thought you were a fair and honest gentleman, but I didn't expect you to be a scheming boy with 800 hearts.

I respect you - you're a ruthless man...


Two people each occupy one side of the court and prepare. And during this period, Nioh saw that the ghost tennis racket ... There are only two strings?

Can this kind of racket really play a powerful tennis ball?

Nioh never doubted that he did not underestimate the strength of ghosts, but it was not until this moment that he realized that his knowledge of ghosts was still too shallow!

This man is even more powerful than he thought! But....

Nioh clenched his racket, would he just flinch like that?

Poof~ A hint of stubbornness flashed in his eyes, no!

Whether it's because of the predecessors of the Byodoin or himself, this opponent is a mountain worth crossing, and in the face of the mountain, wouldn't it be a loss of taste if he didn't double it?

What is the point of not fighting here?

However, a racket with only two strings looks really an eyesore, and he has to find a way to replace his racket, otherwise he can't win a game, and he can't even beat a cross racket, which is really embarrassing!

Nioh's eyes rolled, and he had a way...

Just then, the phone rang again. I wonder a little, how many times has his phone been ringing so many times since today, and has so many people called him and sent messages?

I took out my mobile phone and looked, hey, this time it's really the seniors of the Equality Academy, and the little eyes became surprised and happy, and I was so happy to have a phone call with the seniors before the game!

"Senior, why did you call me at this time?" Is this time difference okay? Considering that there was a ghost Jujiro next to him, Nioh, who didn't want to expose his relationship with the Phoenix of Byodoin, didn't say it too clearly.

"The good news for you is that we were supposed to go to Austria for the competition, but for various reasons, the competition in Europe ended early!" The Phoenix of the Equality House spoke in a brisk tone, although he didn't know why, at the first time when the game was canceled, he would remember to call Xiao Baimao, but what he knew was - Xiao Baimao would be very happy to know the news!

"Really?" Nioh's eyes lit up, "Then senior, will you be able to arrive in Tokyo tomorrow morning?" Nioh said in his heart, or after the game tonight, he won't leave, and he will pick up the plane by the way?

"Hehe, my flight will arrive at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning...", Byodoin Phoenix said, "I won't tell you more, there is another one of us who can't take a plane and has to take a ship back!" I've got to go through the formalities for him! "

Hmm. Senior, then you have a good trip! Nioh's face was filled with joy, "When the time comes, I'll pick you up!"

"Aren't you busy?" Even so, when Byodoin heard the news that Nioh was willing to come to pick him up, a trace of pride flashed through his heart!

The descendants of his family are empathetic!

"It's a bit busy right now, but it'll be fine tomorrow morning!" As for what to be busy with, there is no need to inform the seniors of the Byodoin Institute for this trivial matter.

After all, seniors play games, and they work hard!

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