Nioh wanted to tell Byodoin Phoenix about the match with Onijujiro, but he wanted to surprise him, especially considering that the seniors had just returned, it was really hard! So after thinking about it, I still didn't say anything....

After hanging up the phone, Nioh quickly calmed down, as long as he thought that it was Oni Jujiro standing opposite, who was the culprit who had made the temperament of the predecessors of Byodoin Temple change dramatically, and the joy of coming back in front of Byodoin was a little less joyful!


Onijujiro: ... Why do you think that the kid on the other side has a little more hideous expression since he answered the phone? There's nothing wrong with this kid's brain, right?


The game begins.

Realizing that Nioh didn't have any surprised expression on his cross racket, the ghost thought a little more highly of Nioh.

Well, it's a good seedling who can enter the U17 in the future, and I changed the original eight points to nine points or ten points? Give this little guy a good lesson?

The ghost thought to himself.

There was no guessing in the game between the two people, and the ghost directly gave the opportunity to serve first to Nioh, and Nioh directly accepted it unceremoniously, and it was not a wise decision to waste time on this little thing with someone who was stronger than him!

As soon as he went up, he had an out-spin serve, and before serving, Nioh fixed the angle and twisted the tennis ball...

The tennis ball flew like a bolt of lightning, and with a big wave of his hand, the tennis ball stopped firmly in the center of the cross racket, even though the racket only had two strings!

The tennis ball kept spinning in the center of the cross, feeling the strength of it, and the ghost frowned, "There is more skill, but not enough strength!" "

And, when it's time to officially show your strength, why send a mediocre spinning ball?

Nioh stares at the tennis ball rubbing the cross racket and judges the degree of wear and tear of the two strings... At the moment when the ghost returned the ball and his racket stuck to the tennis ball, his hand tilted down with the racket, and he saw that the tennis ball rolled on the racket obediently... Nioh hits the ball out!

After a few back and forth—

the ghost snorted coldly, "Are you so tricky?" The whole body is soft, haven't you eaten? "After receiving four or five such balls, the ghost can't stand it, is it possible, he miscalculated, and his expectations were wrong?

The ghost's sneer, Nioh's expression didn't change for a moment, and he let his hand tilt down as usual -

and then, he estimated the time in his heart, and it was almost this time, yes, since you think I don't have any means, I'll let you see my means!

Nioh's eyes were certain, after the tennis ball rolled around, he took half a step back, hit back sideways, and the spinning power was directly doubled———

the ghost didn't feel anything, and caught the ball with his cross tennis racket, and there was still no strength in the hand, and the ghost was gradually disappointed in his heart, but, in the next second, something shocking happened, and he should have been hit back with his strength...

At this time, I only listened, boom~sound - the ball passed through his cross net!

His cross racket broke?

The ghost didn't care, the ball that had already landed, just looked at his racket in a daze, "After playing the spinning ball for so long, in the face of my ridicule, you still insist on playing the spinning ball, just to cut my net cable?"

Nioh's face did not change, and his white teeth were empty, "How is it possible, this is just an accident senior!" Ghost

: "... Little ghost, you have to tell the truth in the face of your seniors? Nioh

didn't accept the offer, "Maybe God can't get used to it, and the seniors use such a frivolous attitude to compete, right?"

"It's 1:0 now, and spending a lot of time just to break my tennis racket is not a wise choice in a game!" "

“...... I'm happy to buy it! Nioh spun his racket, "This game is my fight, I can play as much as I want!" "

The implication is that I just spend two games to break your tennis racket, and I'm willing!

Before starting to do this, Nioh also wondered if it was worth spending a lot of time breaking his cross racket.

In the end, he only got one conclusion, there is nothing cost-effective and not cost-effective, if his strength can't even break a cross racket of Onijujiro, then what is there to talk about whether he can win in the end?

"I'm going to challenge Onijujiro with a normal racket!" Nioh looked sideways at Onijujiro and said in a cold voice, "Use the power of imprisonment to fight against me, are the seniors underestimating us?"

Listening to Nioh's arrogant words, the ghost laughed, "Haha, it's been a long time since I've seen such a kid who is not afraid of death!"

"Want to see, my true power? Don't cry and beg me when the time comes!

Nioh's eyes were cold, "I can't ask for it!" "


Half an hour later, since Kijujiro used his normal racket, the feeling of the game seems to be completely different!

From the first match he started to pick up a tennis racket to now, Nioh has never felt, so much pressure and so much despair!

Any trick, any trick, is useless in front of

Oni Jujiro - the meteor volley can't fool him, and the objects of the phantom he can master now are all Kuni Nakatsu, no matter who the phantom becomes, he can't beat Oni Jujiro!

Only the kendo and kyudo in the palm of his hand, the transformed nirvana, can survive and get a little score in the hands of Oni Jujiro!

However, after all, it is just a lingering breath! With a score of 45-15, I still lost the whole game in the last round!


Half an hour, 3-0.

Is this the distance between him and Kijujiro?

Nioh fell to his knees in exhaustion, and fell to the ground like a rain of sweat...

Now it's not a question of whether he can win or not, it's that he's really tired... The aftermath of playing a doubles match before came out of my body at this moment. Every bone, every trace of flesh and blood reminded him of his weariness!

On the other side of the net, the ghost looked at the embarrassed Nioh and fell into deep thought, this kid's toughness and talent are stronger than he imagined...

Don't look at it, it's 3-0 now. In each game, Nioh struggled to score points, and none of the three games allowed him to cut a single zero.

The first game was simply to change his racket, 45-15.

In the second game, after realizing that the meteor volley could not confuse him, this kid, who has a very strong sense of fighting, directly changed his thinking, pressed his strength and skill on the volley, and the angle of the volley was more tricky than the other... To be honest, it's thanks to him that he's here, but any player on the fifth court can be breached by this kid!

45-30 in the second game.

And what is even more shocking is the third game of the game, the sword intent of kendo and the fierceness of kyudo are perfectly compressed by him on his tennis racket, and these two forces are used intersectingly, so that every ball played by Nioh is full of momentum and oppression!

It's a pity that in this game, Nioh crashed into the field he is most familiar with! Otherwise, the score would never be as simple as 45-15!

It's a pity for this kid!

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