Overall, Nioh is a very talented and hard-working player. From the fact that he learned archery and kendo, it can be seen that he has put a lot of effort into tennis. I'll tell you that the current Nioh Masaharu has no shortcomings except for his weak physical strength and strength... Mental strength and skills are all very well developed.

It's just that physical strength is too important!

"Nioh, your talent is really good..."The ghost looked at Nioh regretfully, "It's a pity that this game ends here!" "Without physical support, no skill or mental strength can be used perfectly.

Nioh, who can only lie on the ground and breathe now, is the truest portrayal.

If it hadn't been for the previous doubles match, Nioh's physical strength would have been extended, and he really wanted to explore where Nioh's limits were, but now... The ghost decides to terminate the game.

Nioh took a breath and struggled to his feet, "It's only 3:0 now, and there are so many games to play, how do you think the game is over?" The

ghost frowned, "Don't be reckless, your physical strength has reached its limit!" Keep playing, but it's just a pale 6-0. There is no point at all.

Nioh laughed, "I'm very grateful for your kindness, but I don't want to!"

He looked at the ghost with persistent eyes, "You said 6-0 is 6-0?" In the end, I was so tired that I couldn't get up on the ground, and I had to finish this game! From

the beginning of challenging the ghost, he didn't think that he would win, the hard gap in strength was too big, but, this didn't prevent him from seeing how deep the gap between himself and the ghost Jujiro was?

All the while, he's been in his comfort zone for too long. He is now in his second year of national school, and he has only a year and a half left to become a high school student.

From the first to the second country, his five-dimensional total value increased from about 12 to about 17. With 5 years of growth, he worked hard. Maintaining this growth rate, it can grow to about 22 after the end of the National III National Competition.

Sounds amazing!

22 Ah, as far as he knows, the current Santsu Valley seniors are only 20.5.

However, what about the predecessors of the Byodoin? It seems that the results that can be seen in front of his cost are not good at all in front of the seniors of the Equality Academy, or even in front of the ghosts!

What I want to do is to stand on par with the predecessors of Byodoin - stand by his side with dignity and integrity, and clear him of all those who pretend to the throne!

Anyone who covets the position of number one must first step over the body of his fox...

But, at the current rate, no, not at all!

And the only way out is to explore your own limits and then break through them -

"You think my physical strength has reached the limit and it is impossible to continue playing?" Nioh's hoarse voice rang out. "Then I'll break through to show you!"

In the ghost's complicated eyes, Nioh staggered to the bottom line, raised his eyes, and a sharp gaze came, and the ghost heard Nioh's voice - "The game continues!" Senior, it's your turn to serve! "

Okay!" This is Nioh's choice, and he has no right to stop it, "I'm not sure what will happen next, so be mentally prepared yourself!" "

The ghost tensed his muscles and continued to play at his own pace.

The moment the ball was released, he sensed that something was wrong, and Nioh became a different person... Is this that Tezuka?

The reason

why he didn't use the phantom before was because he felt that the junior high school students who came out of his phantom couldn't win the ghost, so it was unnecessary, but after playing Nioh, he found out that he was wrong.

It shouldn't be thought that there is no one in the country who can win the ghost, the strength of the ghost, the country student may have a little hope in addition to Yukimura, and it is impossible for others to win the ghost at all!

What he should be thinking about is - among the existing middle school students, whose tricks can get points from the hands of ghosts!

Even if it's 6-0, it's going to be a 6-0 that makes Onijujiro nervous.

The first step, the Tezuka field... Under normal conditions, he can also use the Tezuka Domain, but with the blessing of the Phantom, the Tezuka Domain will be more silky and easy to use...

Just like now, the golden light waves are circling around, and even Shiro Oni's powerful serve is attracted without hesitation - this is his chance!

Nioh moved his tired body, swung his racket, and after

the tennis ball landed, he did not bounce up, but rolled in the direction of the net...


The ghost faced Nioh's first score first, and he was very calm, and said coldly, "With your current physical strength, your state won't last long..."

Moreover, the trick called Tezuka is not useful every time. Next time - it won't let the ball hit the ground!

Nioh hooked his lips, it's okay, there won't be the next zero!

The spiritual power quickly covered the whole body, and this time he was-Keigo Jibe!

"Towards a shattered waltz!" When the ghost sent a hanging high ball, the silver-haired boy jumped up with pride and knocked down the tennis ball in one go with a confident and determined voice!


The ghost raised his eyebrows, when did this guy switch to another person? Can he still use this skill?

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked you what this trick is called?"

Nioh hooked his lips, "—Meteor Volley!" Ghost

: "Do you think I'll believe it?"

Nioh endured his headache and took a deep breath, cleared his brain, and switched with an illusion in his current state for a short time, the two of them were still a bit of a burden for him, but no one who showed weakness in front of him could not be weak in front of him...

"Poof~ Of course I started the name of my self-created trick, I said that he was called Meteor Volley, and he was called Meteor Volley!"

As for the phantom - that's the exclusive title for middle school students, and it has nothing to do with high school students! High school seniors only deserve to know the name Meteor Pump!

That's right, he's just a fair prejudice!

With one hand behind his back, Nioh silently clenched his fist, his nails clasped into his palm, and he suppressed his headache with pain... Is this the state of overuse of mental power?

Hehe, this feeling is really hard! However, he does not regret it ... This 30-0 alone has proven a lot of things! If you can continue to switch phantoms to get the skills of other junior high school students, then, this game-the

ghost saw through Nioh's thoughts, and said bluntly, "I advise you to die of this heart!" "

With your current mental strength and physical condition, you are no longer suitable for this trick—" As a senior, the ghost persuaded.

Nioh rubbed his forehead and stood back on the bottom line, laughing, "I know that the ghost predecessors are for my good, but if I change someone, I will definitely listen to the persuasion - obediently do not hurt myself...

But..."But, it's you!" How can I give up at will!

"Phantom-" Nioh looked at Onijujiro, his eyes were extremely complicated, Onijujiro had his kindness, and he, also had his persistence-spiritual

power swept through his body again, and when he opened and closed his eyes, Nioh disappeared, and I am——

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