As soon as Nioh returned, he was greeted by a wave of strange eyes, like looking at some strange animal.

provoked him to raise his eyebrows, "Why are you looking at me like this? Don't you just use the same tone, haven't you seen it before?"

Liu's eyes lit up and he worked hard to write, he didn't answer Nioh's words, he had already remembered Nioh's game just now, and he was constantly checking the details, and now he didn't have time to deal with Nioh's words.

Yukimura chuckled, "No way, who made it the first time for us to see you and Yagyu together?"

As far as the state of Yanagi and Nioh is concerned, this is completely different from the time Fuji did.

and the same tone of the two, and you can see the reluctance and unsmoothness... However, with Yanagi

– that is, – it was like a natural thing,

and the smooth movement and unwavering trust made this game not only beautiful, but also spectacular.

Nioh raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "Poof~ Now believe my vision, as far as the partner is concerned, within the range of junior high school students, Yanagi is the best!" Do you think that the third-level partner judged by the system is a joke?

Marui exclaimed, "I thought you had some enmity with Yanagi before, and you deceived someone into our tennis club for a long time, you are serious~"

It is rare to see Nioh do such a serious thing, Marui was shocked~

Is this still Nioh? Nioh

: ... Poof, what kind of image is he in the big guy's heart!

Forget it, it's useless to dwell on this.

"Yukimura, I've completed your mission!" Nioh looked at Yukimura confidently, "It's up to you next!"

Not only to win the second consecutive hegemony, but also to obtain the second consecutive hegemony in the eyes of everyone who was shocked and amazed, and lay the most solid foundation for the uncrowned dynasty of the three consecutive hegemony

of Lihai! The score of 6-2 is a slap in the face, but for Lihai Da, it is very beautiful

! Yukimura is full of spirit, "Marui Kuwabara-"

It's time for you to play!


At the beginning of the doubles, Nioh sat in his place, and the sun was too hot today, so that all Nioh's spirit just now was swept away in an instant, and he lazily nested in his position.

The sun is so poisonous, ah... After

nesting for a while, Nioh suddenly discovered, hey, it seems that he hasn't seen Ryu speak since he came back from the game, what is Ryu doing?

Looking at Ryu curiously, Nioh realized that Ryu had been taking notes, the game had just started, and it hadn't reached the critical moment yet, so there was no need to stay like this, that was to remember his content?


The brain that was almost sunburned was instantly awake,, record his data

I'll go, Liu, you're a little cloudy!

Quickly run to Liu's side and stare at the person.

Nioh smiled sympathetically, "Hehe, what is Ryu remembering? Remember being so happy?"

The gloomy voice startled Ryu, "... Nioh, you..."Startled me! This suddenly appeared!

Nioh looked at the notebook, "Yo, I've memorized a lot..."

"Liu, this is not like you!" The previous Liu Lian Er did not reach this level! Nioh Mi raised his eyes, it turned out that in a place he had not noticed, Liu had also undergone such a earth-shaking change.

Liu calmly closed the notebook, squinted and smiled, "I just don't want to be blindsided by my teammates and my brother anymore... So, I'm just forced to learn to be smarter..."

After secretly taking so many notes from Nioh, Liu didn't want to be troubled by Nioh's follow-up, and his face was calm and he thought that he had to find a topic to contain Nioh.

"Speaking of which, I don't know which neon good teammate, connected with my brother Yajiudou, who has been hiding from me for more than a year..."

Is this the Autumn Queen's reckoning?"

"You can't blame me completely for this matter, Sanjin Valley seniors are also responsible!" If

Lihai dares to offend the military advisor, let's not talk about whether life is good or not, it will be a little more difficult anyway. This pot can't be carried by him alone.

"Santsu Valley Senpai, that's a senior, how dare I not listen to him, right? Liu, think about it carefully!" Nioh explained anxiously.

Liu smiled slightly, "It's okay in my heart, Nioh!" Liu patted his notebook with peace of mind after speaking, "Your information on the same tone today is enough to make up for the damage to my heart!"

Nioh: ... Can this account still be calculated like this? It's the first time I've heard

of it? Think about it today, in order to fulfill Yukimura's wish, plus the use of the same tone for the first time, it's a little unkept, and the data of the same tone has been mastered by Liu. In addition, in order to achieve accurate strikes, he hit those meteor volleys...

Nioh's heart was cold.

He's a fraudster, a dignified fraudster's hole cards have been deducted, what a serious thing! When he thinks of this, Nioh gets a little dizzy... Sure enough, as the old saying goes, people can't get carried away, the praying mantis catches cicadas, and the yellow finch is behind, but I didn't expect to face such a big crisis as soon as the game ended!

If it weren't for the fact that this person next to him was his teammate, Nioh would want to go up and bite him, Liu is really terrible, it's okay if he doesn't progress, and once he progresses, 800 hearts and eyes will instantly evolve into 1,600!

"Why don't we have a discussion?" Nioh thinks he can still save it. "Santsuya-senpai told me some little things about his training camp before... Shall we exchange some as we see fit?"

Ryu listened, moving her fingers. Nioh's words are really too attractive. Because of the secrecy regulations, he still doesn't know what the full name of that training camp is, and Nioh has been communicating with Brother Yajiudou for more than a year, so he must have brought this to his heart...

Would you like to exchange with him?Willow

was a little tempted, but... I remember that as a player who plays data tennis, the most important thing is to be sensible.

If you want to see the data accurately, you need to have a rational brain. Now this deal seems to be a good deal, but it's not a good deal at all...

"Nioh, forget it!" Ryu said firmly.

Nioh was surprised, "But are you sure you don't want the information of high school students?" Isn't the data already unattractive to the data tennis Liu?

Liu raised his eyebrows, "We are only in the second year of the country now, and we will not be exposed to the news of that training camp until high school, it is still too early, I am not in a hurry!"

He analyzed rationally, "Compared to me, it is still more attractive for you to harmonize and meteor volleys..."

After Liu finished speaking, he sighed, if it was before, he might have really made a deal with Nioh because he was too eager to pursue the information of high school students, but now- hehe, Nioh, I can't think of it, I have evolved

! The root of seeking change is to be down-to-earth, I am not the same as I was yesterday!

Nioh blinked: "..."So, you are Niu Co Lu Renji now?

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