Nioh was taken aback by Yanagi's composure, and sure enough, Yanagi, who had become Niu Co Lu Renji, was really unusual.

It's a fact that it's almost picked up at the end of the day. Nioh knew it was useless, but... He's a fraudster, and as long as he doesn't get the last hole card, he'll always be at ease on the court!

Evolved from kyudo and kendo, the attack moves that didn't even bother to take the name have also been seen, and they were recorded by Yanagi, so it doesn't matter.

Even, the phantom - after all, the phantom

is all known to Liu, and the tennis player data does not need to be taken from him!

Fraudsters have no more secrets to speak of.


Nioh inadvertently touched his eyes, those eyes that turned golden, and the huge fox figure that appeared out of thin air... And I always knew that I was going to turn into a fox, but my body hadn't changed in any way...

He can phantom the object, Liu has not fully mastered it, so in this way, in fact, he still has two hole cards. There's no rush either... However, as long as I think of the match with Oni Jujiro, the current strength is mixed up among the junior high school students, and there is no problem at all, but I don't even have the ability to resist in the face of

high school students! That game ended 3:2, so he was directly willing like this, it was impossible -

not to mention the current junior high school students, Sanada he hadn't beaten (because he hadn't been fighting), let alone Yukimura! With

such strength, he wouldn't be satisfied!

There is never too much such thing as hole cards, whether it is for the present or for the future, it is time to add something to yourself

! Nioh touched the tail of his eyes again, and secretly decided!

It's time for him to make his choice!!

Although he had already made a decision in his heart, it was a big decision to move from a human to a non-human! Nioh hesitated for a long time, or rather, he was restless for a long time...

And in Nioh's continuous running, the race ended unexpectedly quickly.

Doubles one Marui and Kuwabara against Chitose and Hikaru Caizen, the opponent's first-year freshman, the score was deadlocked, Chitose's advantage was very obvious, and the five-dimensional value was far better than the other three, but, helplessly... The tacit understanding is not as good as that of Marui and Kuwabara, and in addition, the awareness of the first-year financial competition is a little bit unstable... As a result, this group persisted for a long time.

Last 7-6.

The two sides fought until the tie-break, and Chitose took advantage of his advantage to win the game.

Singles three is the Maori senior, although at the beginning Yukimura's idea was to let the Kirihara who had already played, experience in the last game, it was Liu who thought that this would be the last match of the Maori senior's junior high school career, or let

the Maori seniors attend the singles three! So, in the end, the singles three became the Maori seniors, and the Maori seniors knew if there was one as soon as they shot, although Ishida Silver was powerful, but after all, it couldn't compare to the Maori seniors.

Singles three won smoothly.

And Sanada in singles two, Yukimura in singles one.

Well, although Yukimura met Shiraishi, the possibility of losing was too small!

In the end, with a total score of 4-1, Tatsukai brought his second national championship in three years and achieved a second consecutive hegemony.

As for Ryu

- he said to Yukimura at the beginning, "Match, I'm sure you won't lose, the most important thing for me tomorrow is to keep an eye on Nioh - "

National Finals or something, he already participated in it last year, and there will be another one next year, this can be thrown aside first, don't panic... However, it is not uncommon for Nioh to go all out to perform the same tone, and it can even be said that it is the first opportunity to perform the same tone, and it must be watched well...

Nioh: ... It turns out that you started to think about me so early! Niu Co Lu Ren Er is really terrifying! It seems that you have to be careful in the future to play the game, and slipped away!

Considering that it was late today, and everyone thought that they had become a national champion and wanted to celebrate, they decided to travel to Tokyo tomorrow for a day. So, tonight they are still staying at the hotel they were supposed to do...

And after the meal, Nioh changed his clothes, looked at the already dark sky, and went out.

Destination - Inari Shrine!

Nioh: "Little mud, come out... Let's talk!" In fact, thinking carefully about everything in the past, there are still many flaws. It's that he got along with this little computer a lot, and after he got along more, he found more flaws.

For example, why did something that suddenly appeared like a meteor fall from the sky have anything to do with Izanami? Nioh didn't wonder if this kind of extraterrestrial civilization was just made up to deceive him...

However, after going to Inari Shrine countless times, Inari God did not express an opinion on this, but asked Nioh to confirm that there was indeed a real connection between them, and the original sentence, the small computer did not lie to him!

The most important thing is that before with Yato, he sent a text message saying, "What you have in you contains the power of the gods, do you know?"

So, the system that seems to be an alien civilization is indeed the work of a native god, so what is the purpose of this thing?

Just look at the time of the appearance of [Ni-chan], after he went to the Inari God, what happened at that time? He knew that he might become an inhuman in the future -

even, he became a treasure full of spiritual power like Natsume but had no ability to protect himself, and once he was found by the youkai, he was on the verge of death.

At that time, in order to survive, he sought refuge from Ba Wei and practiced various martial arts skills. Everything went well, but little by little, Nioh found out... The youkai that he used to attack when he saw him, but then he disappeared?Or did he become blind to him?After

getting to know Natsume, he knew that someone like them who was rich in something would never become safe... It's like Natsume already has bodyguards by his side, but it's still difficult to escape the pursuit of some vicious monsters.

What about him? What is the situation?

Thinking of Ba Wei's words, you can see that someone, or

a god, is protecting him—just like a god has put a lock on him! It seals himself and blocks the desires of the outside world

! This is the role of [Ni-chan]! [Ni-chan

], who can synchronize Nioh's thoughts to a certain extent, trembles at this time, and does not dare to make a sound... When, exactly, did its host sneak up on such an idea and reveal all of his secrets?

Nioh: ... I'm going to Inari Shrine soon, don't let me force you!

【Ni-chan】Don't dare to pretend to be dead: Host, you're probably...

Nioh: ... A lot and very few!

[Ni-chan]'s heart-wrenching reaction convinced Nioh that [Ni-chan] was his lock, a device to protect him.

However, since it is here to protect him, why should I be weak?

However, these are not important, the most important thing is ...

"If, I want to free that fox... Do I need to go through you, or do I need to go through Lord Inari?" Nioh suddenly stopped at a certain street corner and said calmly.

【Ni-chan】Surprised: ... How does this make him answer?

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