The afternoon game ended at five o'clock, and after dinner, it was followed by the review meeting, and Nioh did not go to the review meeting, and he was not qualified for it. To the rest of the U17, he was just a stranger.

Nioh sat alone in his hotel room, worried... Phew, not apprehensive at all, on the contrary, a little anxious...

Today, I watched several games, whether it was the U17 players or the players of the opposite commercial team, everyone's strength was very strong. Just like the devil has his own personality, all the tennis players he sees today have their own unique personality and style....

It can be seen that the most important thing is to have your own personality and unique style after reaching a certain level of five-dimensionality.

And he's now....

In the silent room, Nioh said coldly, "Xiao Ni, how much data do I have now..."

[Nioh Masaharu

: Mental Power: 7

Technique: 4.5 Speed: 4.2


Strength: Unknown Strength


Unknown Total: ... I can't calculate!]

Nioh looked puzzled, he had a certain idea of himself in his heart, but now... What is the situation with these two unknowns

?"Why are there unknowns?" Something is wrong with the system?

[Ni-chan] explained: Because Masaji-sama, you are not human now. Compared with demons, human beings and demons cannot be specifically calculated in terms of physical strength and strength -

Nioh Masaharu is in a special situation, not only a demon, but also an extremely noble celestial fox, who has been blessed and loved by the gods. It can only be said that Nioh is estimated to be a strength monster or a physical monster now, but the specific algorithm - no.

If you have to say it...

[Ni-chan]: It is recommended that adults refer to a sentence of the ancient flower planters, when you are strong, you will be strong, and when you are weak, you will be weak!

Nioh: ... Okay, I understand what's going on!

It's not human, it's troubles! Shouldn't he be grateful, but fortunately his mental power can still be calculated, otherwise it would be even more troublesome?

Nioh fell into deep thought, anyway, he had to have a number, otherwise he would always have no bottom in his heart when he played... Since Ni-chan can't count on it here, there is only one way left--to fight!

In the past 14 days, what he has to do is to figure out his five dimensions.


The Phoenix of the Equality House pushed open the door and saw a pensive fox: ... Oh, he thought the little guy was going to be nervous in his room. Now it's the time for the two of them to be alone, and he plans to teach a good lesson, this little white-haired man who doesn't know the height of the sky... As a result, I didn't expect the little life to be quite comfortable

? This pondered and pondered, did you still plan to sleep?

Thinking of the scene she saw when she found this little white hair today, the phoenix of the Equality Yuan directly sneered. It's been a long time, and no one has slept so soundly in front of him!

Nioh looked at the door in surprise, "Senior, you're back..."

"It's been so long since the meeting was reviewed, senior, you must be very thirsty..."

"Backpack or something, give it to me!" "I took the tennis bag directly, and I was polite without being polite.


Byodoin Phoenix: ... This treatment made him not know how to speak for a while.

But...... Ahem. Rules are rules, and the lesson is a lesson, otherwise this child will be able to turn the sky next time...

He grabbed Nioh's wrist and dragged him to the couch and sat down. Byodoin Phoenix sat down opposite Nioh with a cold shake of his hand. "Let's put these things aside for a while, don't worry..."

, he looked at Nioh with a sharp gaze, "Let's talk about the fact that you ran to Canada by yourself!"

Nioh: ... "

I thought this matter was in the past..."Didn't the senior already forgive him?

"When did I say that this matter is over?" "When will this matter be over, Nioh Masaharu, how old are you? You dare to fly to Canada alone without telling anyone?" Who gave you the courage to learn a lesson!

"Isn't there you in Canada? I didn't say anything about it! Santsuya seniors knew, and I didn't come to you right away!" Nioh said as he bowed his head and clasped his hands.

"Heh, you still dare to make excuses?" said this, and the Phoenix of Byodoin became even more angry, "How did you two promise me last time? How long has it been, and this is the second time?"

Nioh: ... Oh no, I shouldn't have mentioned it.

Is there anything that can be remedied? Nioh called for help in his heart.

[Ni-chan]: ... I'm not on your side with Masaji-sama, so I'd better apologize obediently, right?"

"I was wrong!" lowered his little white hair, and Nioh's whole person looked very lost, pitiful.

The phoenix of the Equality Courtyard snorted coldly with his arms crossed, so he wouldn't be fooled so soon. This little guy has to give enough criticism to learn the lesson....

"Senpai, I'm sorry, I was wrong!" Nioh kept going.

As soon as he raised his head, a miserable white face met the eyes of the Phoenix of Byodoin, and the sense of loss contained in the words made Nioh's entire little white hair wilt, as well as the two furry ears on his head... It's the same way, it should have been propped up, and the incomparably spiritual plush was lying on his ears softly!

The defense line in the heart of the phoenix of the Equality House who watched it retreated again and again, alas, if the little white hair said one more word, he might not be able to resist it, and wanted to accept the apology of this little guy...


, plush


he read that right? The phoenix of the Equality Temple looked up and looked at it. Really, the tip of the little white hair's originally bare head actually grew two hairy ears?

Hehe, it's really a little white hair now!

The phoenix of the Equality Courtyard has a little itchy hands, "It's not impossible for me to forgive you..." His eyes were firmly fixed on the two spiky plush.

"Really, great, senior, you say, I'll agree to any conditions!" As long as this matter is over quickly, Nioh said in his heart, he is willing to pay any price.

"That's what you said!" A flash of light flashed in the eyes of the phoenix of the Equality Academy, and there was a slight smile, he dared to guarantee the ticket, Xiao Baimao absolutely didn't know now, he was really plush now.

As the owner of the body, how can you be unaware of the changes in your body? If you meet someone outside, how can it be good? It's a shame that you met him! Since you don't know anything, then you can't blame your predecessors. As a senior, it's time to teach you a good lesson!

"My condition is..."Byodoin Phoenix got up with a serious face, walked in front of Nioh, stared at his ear and said, "Let me touch your hair..."

Yes!" The little fox who was about to jump into the trap innocently agreed.

And the hunter unceremoniously stretched out his pure hands-

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