A strange touch came from the top of his head, accompanied by a numb feeling from head to toe, and Nioh realized that there was a problem... Is that what it feels like to be touched by your hair?

Something is wrong! Absolutely not! Nioh

shrugged his head, and the sensation he brought to him was very clearly noticed. A little more on the top of the head....

What's the matter with the extra bones on top

of his head? No, no!!

, his eyes widened in horror, and Nioh threw his head back, dodging the hand of the Byodoin Phoenix. I quickly got started, and sure enough, I touched it... A piece of fluffy...

He...... He actually has ears!!! why did he grow ears at this time? He is still in front of the seniors of Byodoin, oh my God...

How many seconds does it take for a white apple to turn into a red apple? The answer, not a second.

Brush it, just once, from white to red...

Nioh never knew that his speed could be so fast, he didn't even dare to look at the eyes of the phoenix of Byodoin, he quickly stepped back, and simply pulled his hat directly, firmly covering his hair and cheeks, holding his head with both hands, and slipping away from the smoke... Squatting in the corner of the wall!

The phoenix of the Equality House looked at his empty hands with a little regret, alas, he had just touched it for a while... I didn't even feel it carefully...

However, no matter how much regret I feel in my heart, the Phoenix of Byodoin also knows that the most important thing now is not this, but to rescue a certain

white mushroom that has been squatting in the corner of the wall - that's right, Nioh Masaharu squatted

in the corner of the wall! As for the reason why the white fox directly turned into a white mushroom in the corner of the wall - because a certain phoenix with a cheap hand touched someone's ear!

...... This white mushroom also looks very good to poke Yazi~


Considering that he scared the little white hair of the other family directly into squatting in the corner, the Phoenix of the Equality House personally really felt that it was not appropriate to stand and look at each other condescendingly... So—

whenever one of the members of U17 appeared, they could see the famous scene that shocked them, the Byodoin Phoenix, the Byodoin Phoenix, who was so high and invincible, that it would never bend its back, actually bent its knees and squatted down! Byodoin Phoenix

crouched behind Nioh and sighed, "Alas, I didn't already know about the fact that you are a fox?"

He thought that Nioh was afraid, after all, the identity of the Byodoin family was a demon slayer, the phoenix of Byodoin, and he felt that Nioh would be afraid, and it was natural for him.

It's just....

Stretching out his hand through the heavy clothes again, he patted Nioh's head lightly with all kinds of unclear meanings, and Byodoin Phoenix said, "Don't worry, don't be afraid." Whether it's a fox demon or a human, no matter what you become, you're Nioh

Masaji!" Looking at the little white hair that was still reluctant to poke out his head, the eyes of the phoenix of Byodoin revealed a trace of sadness, he didn't expect that he was just a casual move, which made Nioh Masaji so panicked.

"Little White Hair..."Byodoin's hand and eyes fell on the white sweatshirt, he looked at the white, his eyes seemed to see the person curled up under the clothes through the clothes, "Remember, I will always be your Byodoin Phoenix senior, there is no demon slayer in front of Nioh Masaharu, and some have always been only Byodoin Phoenix!" So, don't be afraid of me anymore, little White Hair!

Shrunk himself in the corner of the wall, hugged his knees tightly, and at this time there was only one sentence left in his heart, it's over, it's BBQ!

My lord, people have

known you for a long time, and they don't mind! Why are you just a BBQ? Nioh complained loudly in his heart, you are a leader, what do you know? I am not worried about this at all!

Two or three years ago -- he has known the Phoenix of Byodoin for two or three years, and the predecessor of Byodoin is such a good person, and he has long known that he is a fox demon, how can he mind his identity as a fox demon... He had already guessed this!

His BBQ point was in other places!!

Nioh really didn't expect that his behavior of squatting in the corner of the wall would cause such a big psychological shadow to the seniors of Byodoin, God knows that he came to squat in the corner, it was not at all the fear that the seniors of Byodoin thought, fear and so on...

He was—

the moment the ears of the white velvet on his head with countless keen senses were touched by a strange and familiar hand, and there was a reflexive goosebump feeling from head to toe....

The process of changing from white to red in an instant...

Nioh was not afraid at all from beginning to end, but

--God knows, just now how glad he was that he had a hat for the dress he bought, otherwise it would have been a shame and thrown into the Pacific Ocean!

Shut up!

He has nothing to say about this system that is not human.


Although I really want to keep pulling my hat and continue to grow mushrooms in the corner... However, the big hand on the top of the head is warm and firm... The voices of the seniors of Byodoin even began to sound guilty...

He couldn't—

Nioh's eyes sparkled in the darkness, and he touched his face lightly, and it was quite hot. Or....

"Senior, please ignore me, let me grow mushrooms here alone for a while!"

Hearing Nioh's words, the phoenix breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't get dizzy, he would grow mushrooms in the corner, but...

"Whatever happens, be brave enough to face it!" he said. "I said I don't dislike you, what mushrooms do you grow, come out for me!"

Nioh: ...

"I don't—" He refused to blush and was seen by the Phoenix of Byodoin.

The Phoenix of the Equality Courtyard frowned, how could his junior not be able to stand the slightest setback? No

, he was also squatting there, but the Phoenix of the Equality Academy was always the Phoenix of the Equality Academy, even if he was squatting, he was also arrogant and arrogant. Seeing that Nioh's mushrooms don't come out, the Phoenix of Byodoin gets angry...

It seems that this kid can't do it without a lesson! As for it?

The phoenix of Byodoin frowned, and decided that he could not get used to this kind of behavior of growing mushrooms, and started directly - aiming at the waist of the white mushroom, putting both hands on the waist, playing tennis all the year round, and the accumulated strength was fully exerted and used at this time - Nioh White Mushroom, whose height was not as good as that of the Phoenix of Byodoin and whose weight was not as good as that of the Phoenix of Byodoin, was easily pinched by someone!

The moment of sudden vacancy - Nioh: ...

Poof? What's going on? The two hands were still tugging at the hat, and his brain hadn't reacted yet, how could he leave the earth in a split second?

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