Then, it was the moment when Nioh, who was ready for a sore buttocks, fell to the ground... Close your eyes, eh... It's quite soft

, so it's

a sofa, a sofa, a sofa, a white

mushroom pokes its head out, and when you look out, it's really a sofa...

"Heh, I thought you were going to curl up in your hat and grow mushrooms overnight!" Good dynamic vision also came in handy at this point. When the Byodoin phoenix saw the white velvet head sticking out from under the eaves, he quickly pulled Nioh's hat back with direct words—


the day dawned

! The light like daytime rushed into Nioh's world with the strongest attitude, and the moment he looked up in a daze, Nioh saw the face of the Byodoin phoenix with a hint of anxiety and a hint of pleasure! and

the eyes that shone brightly on the familiar face...

"Senior..."Nioh was thrown on the sofa, and the Byodoin Phoenix bent down and pulled his hat, and at this moment, the distance between the two people was never closer!

Is it true that the faces of the seniors are like this? The distance is too close, and the strong sense of oppression brought by the mature and powerful youth does not have a trace of convergence rushing to the face... He was huddled tightly on the back of the sofa, speechless...

And the Phoenix of the Equality Temple, I don't know what to say at this time... Following his instincts, he didn't want Nioh to escape his identity, and on impulse, he wanted to drag the white mushroom in the corner back and turn it into a little white hair again... However, this force is a bit too much...

He lifted his hat, and suddenly faced the little white hair of the shining world, and the moment he looked up, the moment that blushing little face came into his mind... Byodoin Phoenix really doesn't know what to say anymore....

In a short period of time, the Phoenix brainstorm of the Equality Academy, thinking of many possibilities.

- Does wearing a hat cause trouble breathing? Otherwise, why is Xiao Baimao's face so red?

Nioh looked up and looked at the phoenix of Byodoin who was speechless. Familiar with the previous predecessors of the Byodoin in his heart handsome, magnificent, majestic and extraordinary, as if nothing in the world can defeat him! After getting acquainted with the predecessors of the Byodoin, the original feeling brought to him has not changed, and at the same time, what has been added is the shining responsibility, integrity, and kindness of the Byodoin Phoenix!

Thinking he was angry in the corner, Byodoin Phoenix was a little stupid...

Without mercy, he directly grabbed his waist and dragged him up and threw him on the sofa, and the Phoenix of the Equality House was a little domineering...

Without saying hello, pull his hat and let him touch the bright Phoenix of Equality Temple, it's a little...

That's right, the turning point is so magical!

Although the point he wants to escape is not the fear that the Phoenix of the Equality House will discover the identity of the fox demon. However, it is undeniable that he is indeed running away, escaping his own mood, escaping from the face that turned red in an instant because of the touch of Byodoin...

Despite the accident, Byodoin Phoenix always made him realize his shortcomings and shortcomings very often.

Such a phoenix of the Equality House - how can people not admire and admire?

The Phoenix of Byodoin was a little overwhelmed by the bright glowing eyes of Little White Fur, there were many people who admired him, but Little White Fur was really the first to worship at such a close distance—but

he still enjoyed it!

" "Look at me like this again, be careful that I eat you!" Byodoin Phoenix teased. He is a phoenix who eats everything, maybe one day he is in a bad mood, so he will eat a certain little fox!

"The predecessor is such a good person, so he won't eat me!" Nioh's eyes flashed with a small light, and he looked at the Phoenix of Byodoin with trust.

The redness on the little white hair's face has not completely receded, and the Equality House sighed in his heart, this kid, isn't he a little too good-looking... Even he, a straight man, felt that the little white hair's face was slightly red at this time, gasping for breath, and the two fluffy pieces on the top

of his head were a little good-looking! In addition, the essence of his little white hair was still a fox demon, considering that the child was his own, the Phoenix of the Equality House cautiously did not use the word fox spirit, and always felt that although the description was correct, it was slightly insulting, or a fox demon!

To put it mildly, you don't have to wait to grow up, and now it looks like it's extraordinary...

The phoenix of Byodoin suddenly stared at Nioh with an expressionless face, and for a long time, he started directly, and with a sound of his hands and hands, Nioh's eyes were dark!

"What's the situation, just lifted his hat, and now he's putting his hat on his head again? What is this doing? Even Nioh can't understand this operation of the Phoenix of Byodoin."

"Ahem, otherwise you should put on your hat in the future!" Byodoin Phoenix got up from the sofa, took two steps back, coughed awkwardly twice, looked left and right for a long time, and finally found a reason, "The window outside is not closed, you still have two ears on your head now, it is not good to be seen, so it is better to put your hat on!"

Nioh looked suspiciously at the window that was at least 5m away from the sofa and still hung with a layer of curtain: ...

Suspicious eyes looked at the Phoenix of Equality Temple: "Yes... Is he already out?"Has he already gone out? Technology has reached the point where you can see the people sitting on the sofa 5 meters away through a window screen, and the ears on the top of your head?

If it

weren't for the loss of face of the seniors of Byodoin, Nioh really wanted to ask weakly, senior, are you not very good at studying?

In these days, only people who are not good at studying will talk nonsense and have a clear mind on this kind of scientific and technological level!

The phoenix of Byodoin, who is inexplicably not good at learning, "I study very well!" How can a No.1 general existence like him have weaknesses?

Nioh was stunned, "I... Is his eyes so obvious?" He didn't even raise his head, and his seniors had already guessed it?

Byodoin Phoenix was speechless, "You just said the words!" "Silly boy! After scolding Nioh's Byodoin Phoenix in his heart, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he just thought that the little white hair was full of temptation... After doing it for a long time, it was still the silly little white hair he was familiar with!

The stupid little white hair

, the phoenix of the Equality Academy, had a little more smile in his eyes.

Nioh: ... I always feel like you're saying bad things about me, but I don't have any proof...

"Senpai, what are you thinking?" Nioh felt that he couldn't do that.

Byodoin Phoenix: "Heh, you want me to put information in my mouth, no way!" He was thinking about a stupid but very cute little white hair, and he would never tell a certain little white hair.

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