At night, the Giant Forest was quiet, with only the crackling sound of the fire telling everyone that this was not a silent world.

Looking at the burning fire, the feeling of uneasiness far away from the protection of the city wall suddenly dissipated a lot.

Ronan and everyone else were staring at the moonlit sky, with different thoughts.

But soon, the fragrance from the iron bucket where the ingredients were being cooked on the fire brought everyone back to reality.

""It smells so good, your cooking skills are not bad~" Zeke praised.

In response, Petra just smiled faintly. She has always been fully vigilant towards Zeke.

Noticing this, Zeke shrugged helplessly and said nothing more, but a trace of disappointment flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Now, except for Ronan, everyone else in the wall has an attitude of distrust and even rejection towards him.

God has mercy on him. He is actually sincerely cooperating with Paradis Island, at least for now.

No one can predict what will happen in the future, and Zeke can't jump to conclusions.

"It should be ready to eat, right?"

Ronan broke the silence and looked at Petra.

Seeing this, Petra said unhappily:"Wait a little longer, it's almost done. You're already the leader, but you're still so clumsy."

"Forehead......"Ronan showed a frustrated expression. This made Petra laugh.

Erwin also smiled, and the atmosphere suddenly became much more relaxed.

""Captain, how do you feel?" Ronan asked.

Since obtaining the power of the Cart Titan, Erwin quickly mastered how to use it. With the help of Zeke, a veteran bearer of the power of the Titan, he avoided many detours. After a week, he had mastered it and carried Ronan and others out of the wall.

The time was too short, and Ronan felt that he still had to ask.

Hearing this, Erwin smiled and said,"Very good, I don't feel any obvious fatigue either physically or mentally. The endurance attribute of the Cart Titan is still good."

"That's for sure........The previous successor could persist in the transformation for a month, Erwin, you have only maintained this state for three days, there will definitely be no problem."Zike interrupted at the right time

"One month......"

While muttering, Erwin said solemnly:"It seems that I still need to work hard."

Since the moment he obtained the power of the giant, he has had a deeper understanding of the world situation, and he is also aware of the backwardness of Paradis Island and the hidden threats.

If they don't carry out reforms and develop technology quickly, when Marley is free and solves other hostile forces, they will be in danger. Thinking of the reality that the other party has tens of millions of troops and more advanced weapons and equipment, Erwin feels anxious.

This opponent is really too strong!

You know, there are only a few million people on Paradis Island in total, and the other party has nearly one million troops alone. Even if Ronan expands the establishment of the three major combat corps, it is still far from comparable to the other party.

If it weren't for the fact that the island still retains the power of the ancestral giant and still has a deterrent effect on Marley, I'm afraid it has already become its colony, and millions of people may have become slave miners without human rights.

Knowing this, Erwin immediately understood how heavy and thick the pressure on Ronan and his shoulders was, which was related to the rise and fall of a nation!

He had no choice but to pay attention to it and devote himself to it wholeheartedly!

"You are already very good~" Zeke looked at Erwin with admiration.

After talking and interacting with him for a few days, he knew that Erwin was excellent. He was a man to be admired.

"It’s not enough, you have to continue to become stronger~" Erwin looked serious.

This made Zeke more helpless, so he had to look at Ronan and raised his eyebrows:"After arriving at the beach, don’t show up easily. Marley has sent patrol ships to patrol the nearby waters. Once discovered, even I will be dealt with!"

"Is the power of the Titans so unappreciated?"Petra couldn't help asking.

She knew how powerful the Beast Titan was. Wouldn't Marley feel bad that such a powerful being would be dealt with?!

Zeke, who understood what Petra meant, showed a trace of sadness and loss on his face. Facing Ronan's calm gaze, he slowly spoke:

"You who have Hoover's memory should know that the world is undergoing drastic changes. Marley is like a man-eating beast, constantly devouring and destroying the surrounding countries. The beast will not be restrained, especially when it has sharp claws and fangs."

"The Volunteers you mentioned are the organizations born out of this destruction process, right?" Ronan said.

Nodding, Zeke responded:"Yes, they exist for revenge. If you can help them achieve this goal, I think your cooperation can be easily achieved."

""Then I'll take your good words~" Ronan said with a smile.

He was very confident in the cooperation with the Volunteers. In the original plot, the regime inside the wall was so chaotic and xenophobic, but they could still cooperate. Now that they have entered a new era, the Paradis Island is tolerant and accepting of outsiders, and the Volunteers have no reason to refuse the proposal of cooperation.

The goals of both parties are the same. Helping Paradis Island to liberate the Eldians is actually equivalent to helping them complete their revenge.

So the other party has no reason to refuse.

Ronan is determined to win this cooperation with the Volunteers.

This is particularly important for the development of Paradis Island.

Feeling the resolute temperament emanating from Hanamichi, Erwin's eyes were full of appreciation, while Petra's eyes were soft, but soon, remembering the reality that she was still cooking, Petra couldn't help but exclaimed:"It's over, my soup!"

Ronan and others:"......"

Because they were on top of the tall trees in the Giant Forest, they didn't have to worry about the threat of giant attacks, so Ronan and his friends slept peacefully that night.

The night passed quickly, and the next morning, after having the breakfast carefully prepared by Petra, they set out on the road again.

There were many trees in the forest, and obstacles were everywhere, which to a certain extent increased the pressure on Erwin to move forward. Fortunately, there was Zeke. Zeke, who had transformed into the Beast Titan, had very good combat power and helped to solve the giants that blocked their way.

As a result, the group quickly ran out of the Giant Forest and saw the endless grassland.

"Walk out of this grass and you will reach the beach~"

Hearing Zeke's words, Ronan and the other two all relaxed.

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