Without going through too many twists and turns, with Zeke as their guide and Erwin's ability to control the Car Titan becoming more and more proficient, Ronan and his party quickly crossed the grass. Looking ahead, the endless blue ocean suddenly came into view.

"No edge in sight......This is the ocean~"

Petra squinted her eyes comfortably while gazing at the scenery of the sea and sky in the distance and feeling the salty sea breeze blowing on her face.

Although she already knew about the sea from Hoover's memory, those were only fragmented memories. Seeing the ocean in person was naturally extremely shocking to Petra, who had always lived inland.

In comparison, Ronan and the other two seemed much calmer.

"We have arrived at the beach. Stay here and don't move. I will contact the relevant personnel. There will be a result in three days at most. But during this period, don't be discovered by patrolling warships, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with it."Zike emphasized tirelessly.

Ronan nodded to show that he understood, and Erwin also showed the same performance.

"You must remember what I said. Once Marley knows of your existence, our cooperation will automatically break down, and I will not show mercy."Zeke threatened.

Cooperating with Ronan, he himself is taking a very serious risk, and he cannot afford to take it lightly.

Hearing this, Erwin slowly said:"Don't worry, we will not be discovered by anyone except you."


Without saying anything more, Zeke looked at Ronan who was looking at the ocean meaningfully, and then he turned into a giant and ran to the seaside.

Ronan and the other two were left standing there, waiting for news.

It was not until Zeke went far away and stepped into the ocean that Erwin spoke:"Ronan, are we going to wait here for news?"

"Let's wait for a while, but not here, let's go there~"

While speaking, Ronan pointed to a cliff in the distance close to the coastline, and his meaning was very clear.

For Zeke, necessary precautions are still needed, and you must not take it lightly.

One misstep will lead to eternal regret!

At the beginning of Paradis Island's take-off, the two main leaders are here, and there can be no mistakes.

With Erwin's speed, he quickly reached the cliff, and he was freed from the giantization in a bush. Feeling the clear sense of fatigue, he frowned.

Seeing this scene, Petra couldn't help asking:"Captain, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just a little tired, just need to rest for a while~" Erwin comforted him.

He then looked at Ronan and said,"This is a good location, let's wait here for a while.~"

"I thought so too~"

Hiding in the bushes, looking at the beach in the distance, Ronan could clearly see the scene in the distance with his eyesight. He could also avoid being discovered by the patrolling warships of Marley, which could be said to kill two birds with one stone.

At this moment, at the junction of the sea and the sky in the distance, accompanied by a puff of thick smoke, a huge warship approached from afar.


Compared to the ships on Parady Island, this warship, which was surrounded by iron plates and equipped with cannons, was undoubtedly much more technologically advanced. If the city wall was not located in the center of the island, it would have been bombarded by the warships by now.

"Strong ships and powerful guns, the level of technology is indeed not comparable, and I don’t know how long it will take to catch up with Marley’s progress."

Thinking back to the current level of technology on Paradis Island, Ronan suddenly felt a pain in his liver.

Following Ronan's gaze, although his eyesight was not as good, as the warship gradually approached, Erwin and Petra also saw the warship, and both had solemn expressions on their faces.

Paradis Island is too backward!

"We must get the support of the Volunteers this time. It is absolutely impossible for us to develop technology quickly by ourselves. Not to mention the scientific and technological personnel, the people's education level, vision, and acceptance are far from reaching the corresponding level."Erwin pondered.

Petra nodded in agreement.

As for Ronan, he looked at the warships getting closer and closer to the coastline, and his eyes flashed with danger, but soon returned to calm.

If Zeke did not need to use this warship to get in touch with Marley, he would definitely urge Petra and Erwin to become giants and leave the warships in this sea area for future research.

Paradis Island is located in the northwest of the Marley Empire. The latter patrols more in the southern area of the island and rarely goes to the north.

On the one hand, the north is too far away from the mainland and lacks supplies.

On the other hand, they are not sufficiently prepared for Paradis Island and do not think that the people on the island will attack it.

This mentality is undoubtedly good news for Paradis Island

"It won't be long before we have our own warships."Ronan said firmly.

Hearing this, Erwin nodded solemnly. Seeing the ocean, he truly knew the vastness of this world and the importance of warships. If Paradis Island wants to get in touch with the outside world openly, the maritime power must be fully developed.

Although it is mostly impossible to build a port in the south, it is still possible to do something in the northern waters of the island where Marley rarely visits.

Of course, the premise is that the dirt giants in the north can be controlled.

Even turn them into labor for construction.

One giant can often replace dozens of human laborers without paying too much materials. After all, giants don't need to eat, just let them bask in the sun every day.

However, the premise of all this is that Dina Fritz can completely control the power of the coordinates and obey orders, otherwise everything is empty talk, and it will even pose a huge threat to Paradis Island.

Ronan, who understood all this, turned his head and stared at the direction of the city wall. When he left the inland area, Grisha's words to him emerged in his mind. He whispered in a voice that only he could hear:

"Calculating the time, Grisha's time is almost up. Eren should have inherited the power of the Attack Titan by now. Without Grisha, Dinah Fritz is becoming more and more difficult to control. It's a miscalculation, a real miscalculation......."

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