Like Ronan and Erwin, Zachary also attached great importance to Irena and others, and his attitude was very peaceful, which made the subsequent conversation very smooth, and both sides got the results they wanted.

Paradis Island needed technical support from Irena and others, and Irena hoped to use Paradis Island as a battle bridgehead against Marley's rule, to provide troops and supplies for subsequent operations, and also to serve as a training area.

The two sides can be said to have reached a win-win situation and hit it off!

In the following days, accompanied by Ronan, Irena led her men to carefully investigate the development of Paradis Island, and Erwin was responsible for transporting them back to the beach.

On the wall, watching Erwin leave, Ronan sighed softly:"I hope everything can go smoothly. At this time, what we need is a peaceful external environment. I hope the Middle East Alliance can hold on longer~"

According to the progress of the plot, even two years later, Marley has not completely defeated the Middle East Alliance. Its own forces have been largely dragged on the battlefield in the Middle East and have not been able to deal with Paradis Island.

If this plot has not changed because of Ronan's arrival, Paradis Island will now have at least two years of development.

This period of time is very critical!

""Ronan, let's go back. There are still some things that need your approval later." Petra reminded.

At this time, Erwin's figure had disappeared at the junction of heaven and earth.


Ronan nodded, and suddenly thought of Grisha in his mind, and couldn't help asking:"Has Dana returned to the mainland?"

"I returned to the mainland three days ago and am now living in Dr. Grisha's house, waiting for the assignment."

Petra didn't have much affection for Dana Fritz, but she didn't trust this woman in her heart.

Hearing this, Ronan nodded slightly:"Then let's go back too, we can't let them wait too long."

The two of them rode on two horses and soon arrived at the Wall of Sina.

Zachary had been waiting in the office for a long time. When he saw Ronan return, he immediately took out the map he had prepared long ago and asked:

"Ronan, the construction of the northern port can no longer be delayed. Irena and the others made this clear before they left. The problem now is that there are quite a lot of giants outside the northern wall. How can we transport the construction materials over there?"

"This is easy. Those giants will not attack the convoy. You just organize the materials and related personnel. When the preparations are complete, I will personally lead the team to the northern coastline, where our country’s first seaport will be built. After that, we will have steel warships that can sail in the ocean!"Ronan said excitedly.

Of course, he was not completely intoxicated by this fantasy. His mind was very calm:"Before that, we must first establish a special steelmaking industry. With the formulas and methods left by Irena and others, combined with our own technology, I believe that we will be able to make steel soon."

"Well, this is not a big problem. In fact, we are already able to refine steel, but the quality of the steel refined by the formula and method provided by Irena is slightly worse. As long as the craftsmen are well organized, I believe this difficulty can be overcome soon."

Zachary is very optimistic about the current development prospects of the island. He is full of energy. Although the way forward is given by Ronan, as the actual executor, he is like painting a beautiful work of art on Paradis Island.

This makes him, as an artist, particularly excited, and he imagines the glorious situation of Paradis Island in the future every day.

Seeing this, Ronan smiled slightly, then changed the subject and asked:"How do people accept the information from the outside world?"

Yes, in the past few months, through newspapers and magazines controlled by the government, Ronan has begun to consciously insert some information from outside the wall, and even outside Paradis Island, into every news article.

Of course, the length of the article is not long, and there is no very clear substantive content.

It is just to test the acceptance of ordinary people inside the wall for these new things and content.

Hearing this, Zachary's excited expression froze, and he shook his head with a sigh:"From the intelligence reflected by the Military Police Regiment and the Garrison Regiment, as well as those secret lines, the acceptance level can only be said to be average.~"

"It seems that this will be a protracted war~" Ronan nodded thoughtfully, not feeling too disappointed. There was nothing he could do about it. After all, the people inside the wall had been influenced by the ignorant policies and education of the Reis family. Once they had innovative thinking and behavior, they would be suppressed immediately.

This state had lasted for more than a hundred years, and it was definitely impossible to change in a short period of time. This was definitely a long tug-of-war.

Fortunately, although the public's acceptance was not high, they did not have any resistance, which was a good starting point.

Zachary agreed with Ronan's answer, and then spread out the map in his hand, pointed to the long northern coastline of Paradis Island, and asked:

"Back to the topic, where do we build the seaport?"

"The harbor has high requirements for draft and shelter. It is impossible to determine the exact location just by relying on the map, but we can roughly plan an area and explore it, which can save a lot of work~" Ronan said thoughtfully

""I think it's feasible, so who should we choose?" Zachary asked.

Petra, who was standing next to Ronan, thought about it and was about to speak when she was interrupted by Ronan:"I'll take the people with me. I'm very relieved to leave this to you.""

""Thank you for your trust~" Zachary said sincerely.

Originally, when he chose to join Ronan's camp, he was ready to be a puppet president, but who knew that after Ronan became the actual ruler behind the scenes, his power not only did not shrink, but increased, which was undoubtedly unexpected.

Although he didn't say it, he admired and appreciated Ronan in his heart!

Don't employ people if you doubt them, and don't doubt people if you employ them!

This courage is even more admirable.

Without getting entangled in this aspect, Ronan picked up the pen beside him, looked at the map, drew a circle in a bay area, and said:

"Let's choose this area. I will personally lead people to explore the specific area where it will be built......."

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