Elmiha District, inside Allen's house~

""Ronan, you finally came back. If you hadn't come back, I would have thought you were dead outside!"

As soon as he entered the door, Uncle Harry's loud voice shook Ronan's ears.

A system sound also rang in his ears.......

"Ding, the host is tenaciously resisting the opponent's sonic attack, sonic defense +1!"

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and without paying attention to this, Ronan walked forward with an apologetic look, hugged Uncle Harry, and said with a smile:

"There is no other way. There are too many things to do in the Corps. I have been too busy recently, so I have been home less often."

"The news I got is not like this. It seems that you came back a few days ago, right?" Uncle Harry insisted.

Ronan was helpless and could only look at Aunt Martha for help.

"Brat, you only know how to ask me for help. You’ve been back for so many days, but you still don’t come back to see us~"

She was very unhappy, but Martha still gave Harry a look, and the latter immediately shut up and stopped talking. He was a typical loving wife who would listen to her every word.

Ronan breathed a sigh of relief, looked around and asked,"Where are the others?"

"Grisha disappeared after leaving a farewell letter. Karal has been in a state of dismay these days. Dana is taking her and Alan out for a walk to calm down."

Speaking of this, thinking of Karal's performance during this period, Aunt Martha is full of sighs and pity.

""Has nothing happened to Alan during this period?" Ronan asked.

Based on his understanding of Grisha, he must have passed the power of the Attack Titan to Alan. Since they had discussed it before, he was even very likely to have informed Alan about Marley and the power of the Titan in advance.

These contents were undoubtedly too cruel for Alan, who was only twelve years old, and would definitely cause a greater reaction.

Upon hearing this, Karal and Harry both looked worried.

The former explained:"Just the day before Grisha disappeared, Alan fainted outside a farm and was found and brought back by the members of the Survey Corps who were responsible for patrolling. Since then, he has been in a daze and can't remember many things. This is a big blow to Karal."

In a few days, her husband disappeared and her son became unconscious. As a woman who threw herself into her family, her son and her husband, Karal naturally could not accept this result and her mood must be very bad.

Ronan, who understood this, became more and more complicated in his heart, and couldn't help whispering:"Alan should be fine. As for Uncle Grisha, he may not be back in a short time. I hope time can smooth it all out.~"

"Do you know something?!" Uncle Harry stared at Ronan.

But he was stopped by Martha:"Don't make trouble here, Ronan must have his own ideas, let's not hold him back, Karal and the others will be back later, don't say too much!"

Facing Martha's tough eyes, Uncle Harry nodded very sincerely.

Seeing this, Ronan looked at Aunt Martha with gratitude, then rolled up his sleeves, and said with a smile:"Aunt Martha, let's cook together tonight. I haven't cooked with you for a long time, and I'm a little itchy.~"

""Great! We just need an assistant. Your Uncle Harry can only do ironwork. Asking him to cook is like asking him to jump off a building. He is an unreliable man." Aunt Martha said with disdain.

Uncle Harry was very dissatisfied, but he did not dare to say anything. He could only stare at Ronan with a warning look. This made Ronan speechless, and he could only shout,"Uncle Harry, why are you staring at me?"


Soon, there were cries of begging for mercy in the room. A woman who was over 1.6 meters tall was chasing a 1.85 meter strong man and beating him. The scene was really exciting. The neighbors came to the door of their house and watched with interest, all with smiles on their faces.

This made Uncle Harry feel ashamed to face people, and he quickly hid in the room.

"It's really enviable. I don't know when I can have such a partner......."

After saying this, many figures appeared in Ronan's mind. Finally, he shook his head and laughed,"Just one, it seems a little bit not enough."......As a responsible man, how could I let any of them be sad?......"

At the same time, Petra and Ymir, who were far away in the Survey Corps base, sneezed. They looked at each other, feeling a little confused, as if someone was talking about them. Christa, who was standing next to them, also looked over with the same understanding.

The three women looked at each other and said in unison:"Ronan!"......

Night fell quickly. Just as Ronan helped Aunt Martha finish cooking a table of dishes, Aunt Karal and her friends returned home with the sound of footsteps. Seeing Ronan arranging the dishes, they were shocked. Their disappointed eyes immediately lit up and they quickly ran over to him.

""Ronan, you're back. Have you heard any news about your Uncle Grisha recently? He left a letter and disappeared. He hasn't appeared for more than a week. Where do you think he went? Now that the situation has stabilized, why would he leave and take risks? You must help us!"

Ronan felt very uncomfortable hearing the series of prayers.

Ever since he traveled through time, Aunt Karal has been devoted to him sincerely. At this moment, he couldn't tell her the truth, which was really uncomfortable.

Looking at Dana who was making fun of him, and thinking of what she had said before, Ronan comforted Karal, Eren and Mikasa who were looking at him with hope,"Don't worry, Uncle is fine. He just went to help with the mission. He should have reached the beach by now. Doctors are urgently needed there."

"The beach!" Allen shouted excitedly. He walked up to him and said excitedly:"Brother Ronan, you mean the beach...The sea really exists?!!"

Not only Eren and Mikasa,���In the room, everyone except Dana had strange expressions on their faces.

The term"sea" was too unfamiliar to them, and they had never even thought about it. Now it actually existed, and Grisha even went there. Everyone felt a little bit unbelievable and puzzled in their hearts.

The creation of a lie usually requires countless lies to supplement it.

Ronan was trapped in this situation. After much persuasion, he finally appeased Aunt Karal. As for what happened next, let's talk about it later. When her spirit is stable and the conditions are more suitable, she will tell the truth.

After all, anyone who knows that her husband was eaten by her own son will find it incredible.

Everything needs to be done step by step!

Dinner was relatively peaceful, and everyone had their own thoughts. After it was over, Ronan and Dana stood in the yard.

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