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"Is this the power of the Founding Titan? It's really amazing!"

Looking at the Titan that rushed over but turned back, Oriangopeng narrowed his eyes, his heart was shocked, and a strange look flashed in his eyes when he looked at the people around him.

If he had regarded these people as ordinary people before, then now, in his eyes, these people are an unparalleled force.

Oriangopeng, who was in the Marleyan army, naturally knew the true identity of the Dirt Titan, and he saw the power of the Founding Titan with his own eyes. His impression of Paradis Island has undoubtedly become more profound and cautious.

This is a country with very backward technology, but potential A country with amazing power!

Especially the potential for war. With the current level of technological development in the world, if the number of giants is small, it can still be dealt with. Once the number of giants reaches a certain level, it will be enough to affect the outcome of a war involving tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people.

And there are millions of people on Paradis Island. Once Marley pushes too much and forces Ronan and others to the edge of the cliff, unlocking the forbidden power, this force will be enough to destroy the world.

Thinking of this, Ouliang Peng's gaze towards Ronan's back suddenly became much more solemn, and at the same time, he was extremely grateful in his heart.......It is undoubtedly extremely beneficial for the realization of the goal that we can obtain such a reliable ally.

It can be said that Paradis Island has given them the confidence and courage to take revenge!

In contrast, there are not many things that we can provide to Paradis Island, only the advanced technology from the outside world.

Knowing this, Ou Liangguo Peng is more determined to help Paradis Island improve its technology as soon as possible.

Ronan didn't know about this. He was driving his horse in the front and was discussing the placement of post stations, watchtowers, and barracks with Petra and others. It takes five days to ride a horse from the northern city of Maria Wall to the bay area. It takes even longer to walk. In this process, supply and safety are very important.

Once these two factors can be ensured, this road can be truly established.

Therefore, many buildings need to be built along the way to prevent the attack of giants and to supply vehicles and personnel.

And then, with this road as the core, we will think about spreading around and eventually bring the entire northern area into the scope of human survival.

This is Ronan's current goal and wish.

To achieve this goal, the key lies in safety.

Petra, Eumiherista and the other two girls who were also riding horses beside him listened to Ronan's narration and kept marking on the photocopied and enlarged map of Paradis Island.

After sending the people and soldiers behind him to participate in the construction of the seaport, they will start to build the roads.

In this way, time passed quickly. Because there were so many people following, the pace of travel could not be accelerated. The journey that would have taken only five days on horseback took more than half a month to reach the destination.

Looking at the busy bay area and the endless sea, both the people and the soldiers of the Survey Corps who had not arrived here were shocked at the moment.......

"That......Is that the sea?!"

"Blue water, I wonder what it tastes like?"

"You can try it later and tell us how it tastes."

"Why don't you go?!"

"Do I look like a fool?!"


The people were talking about it. Although the soldiers who came here were also very curious, they had so many people in front of them. They could only suppress their curiosity and began to settle these people according to Ronan's previous orders. The originally empty bay area immediately became full and lively!

The giants around had been led away by Dana. There was no need to worry about safety issues. Not only the previously planned bay area, but also many settlements were set up in the periphery, all distributed on the edge of the coastline.

Of course, considering the high tide and possible natural disasters such as storms, typhoons, and even hurricanes in the future, the residential area is still a distance away from the coastline, and because of the cliffs, there is no need to worry about the wind causing too much harm to the residential area.

With the addition of nearly 70,000 workers and the leadership of professionals such as Ou Liangguo Peng, the bay area has entered a period of rapid development.

As the direct leader, Ronan has a lot of things to deal with every day.

However, due to the arrival of Petra and the other two girls, there would not be too many things on him. Except for some necessary things, the other things were handled by the three girls. After a few days of busyness, Ronan soon became free.

This caused the three girls to be very dissatisfied!

Especially when they saw Ronan traveling with Dana Fritz, they were even more unhappy. Among them, Petra and Ymir were the most upset. Christa was still a little girl and did not have too many ideas, but she always felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Of course, Ronan was not traveling with Dana Fritz, he was on a mission.

Everything was for the safety of the bay area.

The two spent a few days driving horses to concentrate the unsullied giants within 50 kilometers around the bay area in a valley 30 kilometers west of the bay area. The number reached 167. In the short term, there should be no new giants in this area.

And these giants, together with the 45 giants hidden in the seabed around the bay area, will be an important force to deal with the attack of Marley later.

With Dana Fritz's current ability, she can only control about 100 Titans at most. If there are more, there will be chaos in the command. However, as time goes by, her ability will definitely become stronger and stronger. Ronan is looking forward to it.

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