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Tải ảnh: 0.056s Scan: 0.133sOn the cliff beside the beach......

"The development here is very good and has been put on the right track. I believe that it won't take too long for our first seaport to be successfully built. By then, our country will be able to enter a new period of development!"Erwin was excited. His eyes were full of appreciation and gratitude when he looked at Ronan.

He was extremely grateful that he had chosen to believe and support Ronan. If Paradis Island was still under the rule of the Reis family, then the millions of people on the island would really have no chance of success and could only stay where they were and wait for Marley's actions.

With the strength of Paradis Island, it would probably not be able to resist the Marley Empire. By then,......

Erwin didn't dare to think further!

"It is not just my own achievement that I have reached this point. Without your help, I might still be a squad leader in the corps, or even have been tried in a military court......."

This is the fact. On the road to rise, Erwin is undoubtedly Ronan's benefactor. If he had not decisively chosen to stand by his side, Ronan would probably still be working hard to improve his reputation and would be far from reaching the current level.

In this regard, Erwin had no intention of explaining in detail. Looking at Ronan, who was almost as tall as himself, handsome and with sharp eyes, his eyes were full of relief.

From the moment he obtained the power of the Car Titan, he knew that he only had 13 years left to live. All he could do was to contribute all his strength to Paradis Island. In the future, he would still have to rely on young people like Ronan.

Erwin, who understood this, directly changed the subject:"Ronan, everything on the island is now on the planned development trajectory, but we are far from reaching the point where we can develop with confidence. This area will soon be discovered by Marley, and we must be prepared.~"

"I know, so this time, I'm going to take the initiative!" Ronan said seriously.

"Take the initiative......What are you doing?!" Erwin frowned.

Seeing this, Ronan did not hide anything and said frankly:"Ouliang Guopeng has told me about Kenny's situation in Marley. I think this is an opportunity, a great opportunity for us to take the initiative.~"

"Are you too anxious?" Erwin was a little worried.

He also knew about the situation of Kenny.

He thought Ronan sent Kenny to Marley just to get rid of this unstable factor and accept his anti-human troops. But who knew that in less than a month, Kenny had already established a firm foothold in Marley, and successfully joined and recovered a reactionary organization.

Such a rapid development speed and terrifying power really shocked Erwin and Zachary. They both had a new understanding of Ronan's move to send him to Marley. There is no doubt that his understanding of Ronan has been raised to a higher level.

He was able to see the potential of Kenny, and trusted and used him. This ability to identify and use people is really admirable. Who would have thought that this would be the ability of a 16-year-old boy.

Erwin has been shocked countless times by Ronan. Every time he thought he knew Ronan well enough, Ronan would show new abilities and surprising points. In Ronan, he saw infinite possibilities and a sense of maturity that did not match his age........

He also saw hope for Paradis Island.

How could such a key figure in the rise of a country be allowed to take the risk of going to the crisis-ridden mainland of Marley?

Therefore, Erwin's tone revealed his denial of Ronan's proposal without any concealment.

Ronan, who heard this, just smiled faintly and said:"In order to obtain a relatively stable development environment, I must go. Of course, not only me, but Ymir will also go with me. In addition, Kenny, who has already established a foothold in Marley, is enough to deal with all situations."

"No, it's still too dangerous. If we must go, I should lead the team to Marley!" Erwin's expression was very determined.

Feeling the determination and concern in Erwin's words, Ronan was quite moved. He immediately looked at the place where the sea and the sky met in the distance and said calmly:

"Even if we want to go to Marley, we have to think long and hard. It is impossible to leave immediately. It is useless to discuss who to send now. Let's talk about it later. The first time we send people to Marley, we must dispatch the most capable personnel~"

That's the truth, but I still don't agree with you going there in person~" Erwin emphasized.

Ronan was also quite helpless about this.

It's not that he wants to waste time, but for the mission to go to Marley, he really can't think of anyone else who can do it except himself. The key is that after he leaves, Paradis Island will not be in turmoil.

Family members know their own affairs. With a God's perspective, he has no problem with the overall situation and strong personal ability, but it is really difficult for him to handle government affairs. He is definitely not as good as professionals.

With Erwin and Zachary in charge, Ronan's departure from Paradis Island will not have much impact on it.

In addition, with Ronan's own ability and knowledge, even if the mission cannot be successful, he can easily avoid Marley's pursuit and return to Paradis Island. In this regard, even Levi can hardly compare with him. After all, ordinary people cannot experience the world of cheating.

In the following period of time, with the help of Ou Liangguo Peng and others, the design and construction of the seaport began to proceed in an orderly manner. With tens of thousands of people working hand in hand, the project was completed very quickly.

It will not take too long for the first seaport of Paradis Island to be completed.

In addition to the project, with the continuous practice and application of abilities, Dana Fritz has become more and more proficient in the use of the power of the ancestor giant, and can easily control the power of coordinates, which directly leads to the complete elimination of the threat of the dirt giant in the bay area.

The placement and maintenance of the road are also stable in the area!

In this way, two months have passed quietly, and the construction of the bay area has entered the final stage. The road leading to this side, as well as the post stations and barracks around the road, have also been built, and all the soldiers have been stationed inside.

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