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"real......Do you want to go out?! Is it dangerous?!"

"Aren't there giants everywhere outside the wall?! Are those guys from the garrison leaving the city gate open like this?!"

"Will a giant rush into the city gate when it is open?"

"I don't know, but since the garrison corps dared to do this, they must have something to rely on and would not let those giants come out."

"Hey, look everyone, the people from the garrison seem to be pasting something on the city wall!"

"Go check it out!"


The people who were watching on both sides of the street gathered around, staring at the words on the notice.

The soldier in charge of pasting the notice seemed to have expected this to happen. After completing the task of pasting, he turned around calmly and walked away. He completely ignored the people and the idea of closing the city gate.

But at this moment, the people naturally had no time to pay attention to the soldiers' mental state and performance. All their attention was focused on the notice.

The content of the notice was very simple. In fact, there was only one sentence, which was......

From today on, the gates of Avaldon will be permanently open!

The gates will be permanently open!

The people who knew the news were extremely shocked. Some even pinched the people next to them, causing bursts of pain, just to make sure they were not dreaming.

In fact, this is definitely not a dream.

It is Ronan's instruction.

After the road to the bay area is successfully opened and its safety can be guaranteed, the first task is to let the people get rid of their fear of the world outside the wall.

To contact the outside world!

Anyway, there is no danger, the gates can be opened permanently.

People are curious.

As time goes by, there will always be some brave people who walk out of the city gates and explore the outside world.

As long as someone opens that head, everything will become logical and natural.

Of course, in this process, Ronan's men who had been hiding among the people for a long time naturally played a role in fueling the flames.

"Since we are confident that we will never close the city, I think the giants will not be a problem. Why don't we go out and take a look? I have never walked out of the city wall in my life?!"

"I am the same. Every time I can only take a glimpse of the scenery when the city gate opens. I don’t know what it looks like outside the wall."

"I'm curious too, how about going out and taking a look?!"

"You can go if you want. I don't dare to go anyway......."



Amidst the discussions, the members of the Corps who had been hiding among the people early on took the lead in breaking the deadlock and walked towards the city gate with unsteady steps.

The rest of the people stood still, watching these pioneers as if they were warriors, until they all walked out of the city gate and looked at the environment outside the wall safely.

Seeing this scene, many people were moved.

There were many bold and reckless people among them.

Soon, the number of people rushing outside the city wall increased rapidly.

Never underestimate human curiosity and the desire to explore unknown things.

Looking at the vast land outside the wall and the unfamiliar natural environment, the people were excited.

It turns out that the outside world is like this. Compared with the inside of the wall, the safety may not be fully guaranteed, but the feeling of breadth and the sense of freedom are what the city wall cannot give them.

As more and more people walked out of the city wall and appreciated the style of the outside world, an impulse to walk out of the city wall arose spontaneously.

This is a seed of freedom. As time goes by, the ignorant people on Paradis Island will understand what freedom means.

The improvement of vision will, in a certain sense, promote the openness of thought.

Only when a nation's ideological level is improved can it have a bright future.

Now it seems that Paradis Island is undoubtedly full of potential.

At the same time, when the city gates were opened and the people began to look forward to the world outside the city walls, Ronan stood on the edge of the cliff as usual in the bay area, overlooking the busy scene of people coming and going below.

Compared with before, the main bay area has changed a lot.

A large flat area inside has been planned for future use as a seaport, and there are large residential areas around it, which are enough to meet the living requirements of tens of thousands of people.

Not only that, large tracts of farmland have been reclaimed outside the residential area, and various crops are still planted. In a few months, the harvest season will come.

By then, the bay area will be completely self-sufficient, and the supply pressure inside the wall will be reduced.

During this period, Zachary has sent people to complain about his poverty more than once.

There is no other way. With the gradual establishment of the seaport, as well as the settlement of tens of thousands of people and the investment in its construction, the demand for various materials is increasing day by day.

This has directly led to the decline of the originally sufficient material reserves in the treasury at a visible rate. Zachary has lost a lot of hair, which is almost like a Mediterranean.

At this time, looking at the green farmland surrounding the residential area, Ronan is very relieved:"After a while, Zachary should stop complaining about anything......."

He then looked towards the harbor, which was already taking shape, and narrowed his eyes slightly:"Calculating the time, the harbor should be completed in another two months, and the patrol ships from Marley will probably arrive soon."

Because this place is located on the northern coast of Paradis Island, it is far away from the mainland of Marley, and its warships do not patrol the sea like the southern coastline.

Even so, they will pass by here every three to five months, and by then, the harbor will definitely be discovered.

Ronan, who knew this, was not prepared to sit and wait for death. Although he did not know where the other party would arrive from, it did not prevent him from taking the initiative to attack.

"Let you feel our determination first~"

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