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""Get ready for battle!!!"

Holding two swords in hand and standing against the wind, Ronan stared at the female titan on the distant city wall with murderous intent.

This was his first time fighting against an intelligent titan.

Compared with the pure titan, the combat power of this intelligent titan is not at the same level. In the plot, even Captain Levi did not dare to say that he could win the intelligent titan, which shows how powerful it is.

This time, they encountered a female titan with strong mobility and the ability to howl in a small range (to attract pure titans). The difficulty of the battle was undoubtedly greater, because they were on the city wall, with limited space, and the three-dimensional mobile equipment could not be fully utilized.

After hearing Ronan's shout, the people around him immediately reacted, and each of them took a fighting stance. The relaxed expression and smile on his face completely disappeared, and only the resolute fighting spirit was revealed!

Either it dies or I die!

"Ymir, get out of the way!"Petra gave Ymir a reassuring look.

This touched the latter very much, and she secretly made a decision in her heart. If Petra was in danger, she would help even if it meant exposing the power of the giant and her identity!

In the past few days, for this"stranger" who was like a caring elder sister, warm like a family, and took care of her, Ymir, who had been an orphan and a beggar since she could remember, had already invested real feelings. She cherished this feeling in her heart and even developed a sense of dependence.

She could see that, unlike those members of the organization who just wanted to use him decades ago, Petra treated her sincerely.

Without retreating far, Ymir only retreated about ten meters and stopped, holding tightly in her hand a knife that Petra gave her for self-defense, and staring blankly at the situation over there. For the first time, she had the idea of killing the giants in her heart, even though she knew that these were her compatriots!

At the same time, the people on Ronan's side had already set up their positions, waiting for the arrival of the female giant.

""Really? Don't you need to take the initiative?" Sanmao asked.

Although he had more experience in the Survey Corps than Ronan and held a higher position, after spending the past few days with this overly young boy, he was convinced and happy to hand over the command to Ronan.

This was a kind of trust, but also a test!

"No, according to what you said before, this should be a conscious, or intelligent giant.

If we rush forward rashly, it will be very disadvantageous to us." After responding a few words, Ronan looked at the female giant who climbed up the city wall and was running towards them, and said seriously:"Elder, Gunda, Petra, and Old Bird, the four of you will be responsible for attracting its attention, and Captain Sanmao and I will attack from both sides, and strive to kill it with one blow!"


The four of them did not hesitate to answer Ronan's order.

However, the two members who had returned from the base behind Sanmao hesitated to speak because they had not been assigned any tasks, but were stopped by Sanmao's stern eyes.

If they were not members of the same team, there would definitely be loopholes in their coordination. It was acceptable in ordinary combat and could be compensated by personal ability, but this time they were facing an intelligent giant. Once a mistake was made, it would not only affect themselves, but the entire combat team.

Ronan's decision not to arrange these two people into the team was obviously the right one.

Thinking of this, Sanmao's eyes looking at him became more appreciative, and at the same time, he once again sternly told the two people behind him not to interfere.

The two:"......"

Soon, the distance between the female giant and Ronan and others was only a hundred meters.

After looking at each other, Ronan and Sanmao separated directly to the left and right, and used the stereo machine to lift them to the edge of the city wall, ready to launch a surprise attack.

"Annie's fighting power at this time should not be as strong as in the plot year. Sanmao and I will join forces, and our chances of winning should be high."

While thinking, Ronan quickly approached the female giant.

At this time, he didn't care who the female giant turned from, how charming that person was, how pitiful, and how helpless. They are enemies now, and once they meet, they will most likely fight to the death!

However, just when Ronan had completely entered the combat state and was ready to launch an attack, the female giant who had been running on the city wall discovered them, specifically the figures of Petra and others in front.

Soon, Ronan and Sanmao were also noticed.

It can be clearly seen that the female giant's eyes stayed on Sanmao for two more seconds, and then she suddenly stopped, and did not move forward, but climbed down from the city wall directly.

"Ran away? ~"

Watching the female giant who used the power of crystallization to climb down from the city wall, ran to Wall Maria, repeated the same trick to climb over and disappeared, Ronan's face was calm and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

To be honest, unless he was more than 80% sure, he didn't want to fight with an intelligent giant.

Obviously, in this encounter, his chance of winning would definitely be less than 80%.

Fortunately, the female giant, Annie, who had some concerns in her heart, chose to avoid the battle. Recalling her look just now, Ronan couldn't help but look at Sanmao who was also relieved beside him:"Did anything happen when you fought with it before?"

"It's no big deal. After I found that I couldn't cut off its neck, I changed the attack part to buy time to escape. I took advantage of its unpreparedness and cut off its legs. This bought me time to evacuate from the base with my companions. Sanmao was calm.

But Ronan could imagine the urgency of the situation and the danger it contained.

"Very clever reaction~ Ronan praised.

Hearing this, Sanmao seemed a little lonely:"Don't say that, I just don't want to die like that. Now that I think about it, it would be better to fight to the death at that time, instead of becoming a deserter like now......"

"Don't say that. In that situation, evacuation is the best option. I think the leader will forgive you." Ronan consoled.

Hearing this, Sanmao responded with gratitude:"Thank you, Ronan~"

"Don't be so polite, let's go, now that the female titan has left, it's almost time for us to go back. I think the captain will be very happy to see you back." Ronan said with a smile.

Every member of the Survey Corps with the combat power of Sanmao is like a treasure, how could Captain Erwin not cherish them.

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