On the way back, fighting is inevitable, but with the addition of the powerful main attacker Sanmao, the danger of fighting has been greatly reduced. With a keen sense of smell, combined with his own extremely rich combat experience, he can judge the location and number of the giants by smelling the smell brought by the wind. This ability is really enviable.

As a result, Ronan couldn't help but imitate Yingfeng and smell it. With unremitting efforts, he did get an improvement in [Sense of Smell +1], but the gap with Sanmao is still extremely large, so he no longer thinks about this skill.

Instead of spending time on this, it is better to plan for the future.

After successfully joining other teams in the Trost District, everyone responded to the temporary headquarters of the Corps in the Elumiha District.

At this time, in the captain's office~

"It's great that you can come back."

Seeing Sanmao coming in, Erwin stood up and greeted her.

Just as Ronan thought, Sanmao was able to return to the wall from the base, and Erwin, as the leader, was very happy.

As for the loss of the base, it was not mentioned at all.

After all, they were sorry for Sanmao in this regard, and after the fall of Wall Maria, the actual situation did not allow them to establish a base outside. The current priority is to restore order inside the wall, and then consider how to reclaim Wall Maria. During this period, the royal government changed its previous indifferent attitude and showed"care" for the Survey Corps, hoping to formulate an effective plan to recapture Wall Maria.

Because the current situation has been mobilized It shook the ruling foundation of the government inside the wall.

At this time, the only one the royal government can rely on is the Survey Corps, which has rich experience in fighting giants!

At this point in time, the return of Sanmao, whose combat power is second only to Levi and is comparable to Ronan (in Erwin's opinion), but who is extremely experienced, is undoubtedly an exciting thing.

Feeling Erwin's sincerity, Sanmao's expression was obviously relaxed a lot, no longer as tense as before.

He opened his mouth, with many words in his heart, and in the end everything turned into a simple word"thank you".

Patting Sanmao on the shoulder, Erwin said seriously:"Although it's a bit embarrassing, I'm sorry that you don't have a vacation. There are many things that need our corps to deal with now, and I need your help~"

"It is my duty!"

After giving a standard military salute and solemnly tapping his chest with his right hand, Sanmao said solemnly:"I am willing to give my heart for the freedom of mankind!"

"Let's encourage each other!" Erwin nodded.

Then he looked at Ronan and said,"Thank you for your hard work.~"

"This is what I should do."

Ronan took out the record of this mission from his pocket and handed it over:"The information about the southern area of Maria Wall and the Shiganshina area is all in it. The situation is not optimistic. As time goes by, it will be more and more difficult for us to recover the lost land." After a pause

, seeing Erwin signaling him to continue, Ronan did not hesitate and said bluntly:

"Now the number of giants in Wall Maria is increasing every day. If the royal government is really determined to recapture it, I think we don’t have much time left. It’s best to act directly this year. Next year, there will be almost no chance."

This is the fact. Ever since Karl Fritz, the 145th king of the Eldian Empire, chose to come to Paradis Island and gave up the vast land outside the island and most of his people, Marley has been sending pure giants to the island every year under various pretexts.

After decades and nearly a hundred years, the number of pure giants on Paradis Island is undoubtedly extremely shocking. It is very difficult to slaughter them completely.

At least with the current level of technology in the wall, it is impossible to do this.

The only warriors who can kill giants alone are in the Survey Corps, and the Military Police and the Garrison Corps can't be counted on at all.

When they encounter giants, it is a problem whether they can hold their weapons tightly, let alone go forward to fight. I am afraid that they can't even exert 30% of their strength!

Such soldiers are undoubtedly unqualified.

As for that force that cannot be ignored, they have the highest and most advanced technology in the wall. The Central Military Police Corps, which is well-equipped with weapons, is against human forces. As its name suggests, its target is not the Titans, but humans, and it is definitely unreliable.

Faced with a huge number of Titans, it is impossible to kill them all with the Survey Corps alone. In fact, according to Ronan's idea, they don't need to completely kill all the Titans.

As long as they can master the power of the Founding Titan, or the Reis family is willing to abandon the so-called non-war contract and their own Twilight Paradise ideology and actively use the power of the Founding Titan, then those pure Titans outside the wall will not be a threat at all, but will become the sharpest weapons in their hands.

Unfortunately, the latter's vision of seclusion is deeply rooted and cannot be changed.

Ronan had no choice but to seize the power of the Founding Titan, because he wanted to hold his own destiny in his own hands, rather than leaving it to them, living in fear and uncertainty.

"It is definitely impossible to launch an operation this year."

Thinking of the royal government that was in a state of panic due to the current chaos within the wall, a trace of disappointment flashed in Erwin's eyes. He immediately stopped thinking about it and took the notebook from Ronan. He did not immediately check the contents, but asked pointedly:

"Are there any other discoveries?"


Without exposing Erwin's attempt to change the subject, Ronan organized his words and said:

"This time when we were on a mission in the Shiganshina area, we encountered another intelligent giant. Because of her image, we will temporarily call her the female giant. She did not choose to fight us, but avoided the battle and entered the Maria Wall, most likely preparing to blend into the Rose Wall."

"Giantess......Including the previous Armored Titan and Colossal Titan, there are already three intelligent Titans that have appeared, and it is not ruled out that there are other types........"

With a stern face, Erwin took a deep breath, stared at the sky outside through the window, and said solemnly:"Combined with our previous speculation that the giants were transformed from humans, it is certain that they must want to infiltrate the wall this time. The purpose is unknown, and the situation is very serious!"


Nodding in agreement, Ronan ignored Sanmao who looked confused, and walked forward to Erwin and said seriously:"In addition to what I just said, the biggest gain from this trip is a girl......."


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