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Tải ảnh: 0.038s Scan: 0.035sInside the Survey Corps' equipment workshop~


The sound of metal colliding was endless, mixed with the obvious sound of breaking.

Captain Erwin, Captain Levi, Mad Scientist Hanji......In addition to the personnel who were on duty to maintain stability, almost all the leaders gathered again, and two heads of the Wang government's logistics department also came.

"You two should have seen that after the equipment upgrade, the performance in all aspects is much stronger than before. I think it is very worthy of promotion throughout the corps."

Seeing that the two logistics department personnel had no fluctuations in their expressions, Erwin continued meaningfully:"You are also aware of the current situation. There are huge giants outside the wall that can break through the city wall. I don't know when they will attack again. I think the equipment upgrade cannot be delayed."

Hearing this, the two powerful persons in charge looked at each other, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

They have always lived in the inland, and they are undoubtedly extremely afraid of giants.

Moreover, due to the influx of a large number of refugees, the royal government can still support its consumption in a short period of time, but they are in a logistics position. They know that the government can no longer support it for too long. If, as Erwin said, the outer Rose Wall is breached again.....

That would really be the end of the world!

Thinking of this, the two had already made a decision in their hearts, but they didn't want to agree so easily.

Ronan, who had been paying attention to the status of the two, had a flash of murderous intent in his eyes. He didn't stay in the workshop for long and walked out directly.

""It's already this late, and they're still only thinking about making money. It's really rotten to the core." Ronan thought.

The feeling of freedom outside the workshop made him feel much more relaxed.

Hanji's voice came from behind him:"Little Ronan, do you feel disgusted?"

"Aren't you?" Ronan asked back

"You are still too young...."

Looking up at the sky, Hanji was no longer as unruly and nervous as before. She sighed,"We've seen this kind of thing many times, so we've gotten used to it. After all, we're just soldiers. Even if we find a problem, we can't do anything about it."~"

"No, we can~ Ronan looked determined.

Hanji seemed to have thought of something and said seriously:"Little Ronan, don't do anything stupid?!"

"Some things always require someone to take the lead......."

Looking directly into Hanji's eyes, which were filled with obvious worry, Ronan asked seriously,"I just don't know if you are willing to help me, Hanji?"

"Help you......"

Subconsciously shook his head, but then a trace of struggle flashed across Hanji's face, but it disappeared immediately, and he responded jokingly:"Even if we have to stand up, we adults should stand up. Little Ronan, you are only fourteen years old.~"

"Age means nothing...."

From Han Ji's expression, Nan Jin got a promise and smiled. He said,"Let's go in. If the two high officials of the royal government notice that we have come out, it may cause some unnecessary trouble.~"

"If I wasn't worried about you, I wouldn't have come out!" Hanji curled her lips.

Her footsteps showed no dissatisfaction at all. She followed Ronan's steps and looked at his not-so-tall back. Somehow, she felt a sense of stability in her heart.

"Age means nothing........"It's just that if you want to be the head of the family, little Ronan, you're still a long way off~" Hanji thought.

She didn't take it too seriously. After all, she was a teenager, and she knew how impulsive and fearless she was at that time.

But as time goes by, your knowledge grows, and your experience becomes richer, you will find that what you do in what position is the best way to ensure your own safety, even if you don't want to do it in your heart.

The adult world is so helpless!

In the end, after Captain Erwin paid some hidden conditions that could not be told to outsiders, the equipment upgrade proposal of the Survey Corps should not encounter too much Obstructed.

For the Survey Corps, which often have to confront Titans head-on, this is undoubtedly a great guarantee.

But it is far from enough~

After all, when fighting Titans, you need more than just the black gold bamboo sword. Three-dimensional mobile equipment, gas reserves, fixators and other related components are also very important.

Knowing this, Ronan immediately found Hanji.

As the member with the highest scientific research level in the Corps, in Ronan's opinion, Hanji should not be a fighter, but a scientific researcher. Developing more advanced weapons for the Corps is what she should do most.

Being a fighter is really a waste of talent!

At this time, in Hanji's research room~

"It is very difficult to transform the three-dimensional mobile equipment.

I cannot do it alone.

Moreover, if we want to manufacture it on a large scale in the future, it will be difficult for the royal government to allocate funds and resources again for us to continue to strengthen it after it has agreed to upgrade the black gold bamboo sword.

"Han Ji analyzed truthfully.

After all, the corps commanded by the royal government is not just the Survey Corps.

Not to mention the training corps, the remaining garrison corps and the military police all need resource allocation and replenishment, especially the former.

As the main force for the protection of the city walls and daily stability maintenance, they have the largest number of people and consume a lot of resources.

After losing a large area of territory, refugees have poured in, and they can only rely on government relief to survive, it is obviously impossible to expect the royal government to fully strengthen the Survey Corps and upgrade its equipment.

"I know what you mean. Right now the government is focusing on solving the problem of food and clothing for refugees. I think we can seek a breakthrough from this point." Ronan said with a hint of meaning.

Hanji was a little confused:"What do you mean?"

"Captain Hanji, what do you think is the food with the highest yield and the best ability to fill the stomach?"Ronan asked with a smile. He was slightly stunned, not knowing why Ronan asked this, but it did not prevent Hanji from thinking quickly. In just three seconds, he came up with the answer.


"That’s right, it’s potatoes~" Ronan nodded.

Seeing this, Hanji spread her hands helplessly:"Then the question is, what exactly do you want to express?"

"Can't you think of this?"

Ronan's smile became more intense:"Should we plant potatoes?"

"Are you kidding me?! ~Hanji's eyes widened......

PS: Reporting the results, the number of subscribers on the first day was 407, the results are very poor, it is the kind of result that can't even apply for recommendation, a little sad, but Lao Zhu is not ready to give up, after the release of five chapters a day, I hope everyone can support subscriptions, thank you!

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