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Corps, Head of the Office~

"You are going to plant potatoes?!!!"

He looked at Ronan, who had a determined expression, and Hanji, who had a vague look and a flushed face behind him, with a look as if he had seen a ghost.

Without any hesitation, Ronan said bluntly:"There have been no missions outside in recent months. We can't be idle all the time. In order to help the government reduce food pressure and to solve the problem of so many refugees outside who have no jobs, I think we can completely use work-for-relief and lead the refugees to plant potatoes together!"

"What about the land?" Erwin wondered.

"There are mostly wastelands and grasslands inside the Rose Wall, but no one has ever cultivated them. If that doesn't work, we can also make some appropriate changes to the forest areas......."Ronan responded

"Do you know what you are talking about?!" Erwin said with a serious expression.

Emotionally speaking, Ronan's proposal is undoubtedly feasible, and the method of work-for-relief is even more eye-catching, but the reality does not allow them to do so, because those so-called wastelands and grasslands are all the property of the nobles.

Unless the other party is willing to donate them voluntarily, they cannot be used at will.

These noble families are not easy to mess with. If you are not careful, you will get yourself involved.

As a junior who is very optimistic about him, Erwin does not want Ronan to lose his future.

Ronan, who understands what Erwin is thinking, said confidently:"Captain, your way of thinking is still too upright. In fact, we don't need to take the lead at all. The nobles will voluntarily donate those lands.~"

"Are you sure you are not kidding me~" Erwin couldn't think of a solution.

But he always had a feeling that Ronan was going to cause trouble, and it was not a small matter.

"Leave it to me and Captain Hanji, we will ensure the mission is accomplished."Ronan said with a smile.

Hanji behind him sighed, feeling as if she had boarded a pirate ship. It was definitely unrealistic to want to get off the ship at this time.

Of course, she would not say that she was mainly curious about what Ronan would do next and wanted to observe closely, so she agreed to come together.

At this time, looking at the confident Ronan, Erwin struggled. He, who had always had full confidence in his intuition, had doubts for the first time.

This kid who does not play by the rules is really the future of the Survey Corps?!

It seems that more consideration is needed.

In the end, considering that there is really nothing else to do during this period of time, it is obviously not very reasonable to let Ronan spend time maintaining stability with the Garrison Corps. After all, this is an uneasy kid. Who knows if he will have any bold ideas.......

Thinking about it this way, it seems that sending Ronan out to grow potatoes is a good idea.

As for how to persuade those difficult nobles.......This is not something he should care about.

After figuring this out, Erwin stopped thinking and nodded, saying,"Since you are so confident, then go ahead and do it. I have no objection. During this period of time, I will give you two small powers to assist you in your activities."

"You don't need so many people, I only need one person."

Ronan held up two fingers and smiled at Hanji behind him.

The latter rolled his eyes.

After Erwin nodded, the matter was immediately put on the table. Ronan was very efficient. He quickly contacted the relevant personnel and began to recruit staff from the refugees. They were mainly responsible for reclaiming the land and related sowing matters, and they could get some compensation every day.

Although it was not much, it was enough to ensure a day's food and clothing. With the relief food from the government, there might be some surplus.

After all, there are only a few lazy people. The refugees who have tasted the warmth and coldness of human nature signed up very enthusiastically and cherished this opportunity very much.

Soon, the quota of 500 people was completely filled, and the refugees who were not recruited all looked very disappointed.

With a job, they can live a decent life, and they will not be like now, without any dignity, and can only wait for government relief, endure all kinds of contempt and bad words, but dare not resist at all because they have no confidence

"Now the staff has been fully recruited, but the land problem has not been solved. What are you going to do?"Hanji spread her hands, indicating that she was in a big trouble.

In her heart, she regretted following Ronan's nonsense, because in the past few days, Ronan did not go to find those nobles at all.

Even though the staff had been recruited and all kinds of materials had been gathered, the most critical problem had not been solved.

Hearing this, Ronan was not angry at all, his expression was as calm as ever, his eyes were fixed on the door, and he whispered:

"Calculating the time, he should be back soon.~"

"What's the difference?!" Hanji was puzzled.

She was answered by a burst of hurried footsteps, and Petra pushed the door open and walked in, saying excitedly:"Ronan, after reading the letter you gave them, those nobles all agreed to temporarily give us the land to use."

Looking at Ronan's calm expression, Petra was suddenly moved and extremely curious. What exactly did Ronan write in the letter that forced those nobles who were usually arrogant to agree to the proposal of handing over the land to them for cultivation.

Hanji came back to his senses, and besides being excited, he was also extremely puzzled:"Little Ronan.......Ronan, how did you do it?"

"In fact, it is very simple. These nobles care about two things the most. One is the preservation of family property, and the other is reputation. As long as we start from these two points, this matter will be handled very smoothly......"Ronan smiled.

Petra nodded thoughtfully, her blank eyes revealing her confused state.

Hanji, on the other hand, said bluntly:"Speak human language!"


Seeing Hanji's expression that said if she didn't tell him, he would do something to her, Ronan shook his head speechlessly and said,"I got the news that the royal government will soon abolish its policy and directly requisition these wastelands for unified cultivation."

This was the news that Grisha got by chance when he was treating a minister. The nobles could confirm its authenticity with a simple investigation and had to agree to Ronan's plan.

Seeing that Petra and the others were still a little confused, Ronan said bluntly,"To put it simply, if you lend it to us now, those lands will not be considered wastelands, and the royal government will have no reason to requisition them. Once requisitioned, these lands will no longer belong to these nobles." After a pause

, giving the two people time to understand, Ronan continued,"Instead of giving the government a bargain and then having nothing left in the future, it is better to lend it to us temporarily and take it back after the storm has passed. The nobles are not stupid and will definitely choose the plan that is most beneficial to them."

"Do we really have to give the land back in the future?" Hanji asked.

Hearing this, Ronan looked at her like a fool and said nothing.

Needless to say, Hanji understood.

The land issue was resolved, the relevant personnel and materials had been assembled, and Ronan's potato planting business officially began.

PS: There will be another update in the evening!

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