"Hey, Lin Quan, stay away from my Krista! Don’t let me see you approach her again!"

Ymir just went to make soup for Krista, preparing for Krista to replenish her nutrition, but when she came back, she saw that her seat had been occupied by someone, and this guy seemed to be trying to get close to Krista, which made her very angry!

Krista is her, Ymir's, angel, and she will never allow anyone else to approach her!

""Your Krista? You are a woman, are you sure you are not mistaken?"

Lin Quan looked at her playfully, his eyes full of smiles!

Krista's face instantly turned red, and she waved her hands quickly, trying to explain that this was not the case. She seemed to be afraid that Lin Quan would misunderstand the relationship between her and Ymir!

"Humph, what's wrong with being a woman! Can't women be together?"

Ymir came to the training corps to become a new soldier just for Krista. Her purpose was to protect Krista, so she would never allow���Others easily approached Krista's!

"Really? That's a coincidence!"

Lin Quan stood up and said with a smile:"I also like Krista and want her to be my woman. Since you have the same idea, let's solve it with force!"

The fight between the two has attracted the attention of almost everyone in the cafeteria. At this time, everyone heard Lin Quan's words and knew that he had invited Ymir to a duel, so they all gathered around curiously, wanting to see who is more powerful between the two of them!

"As you wish, don't blame me for beating you to the ground!"

Ymir is still very confident in her own strength, so she is not afraid of fighting with the opponent at this time!

And this is for the safety of Krista, so she absolutely cannot fail!

"You, you guys don't go, don't fight, just be nice, can't we just be friends?"

Krista almost cried, she didn't want to see someone get hurt for her, someone fight for her!

"Don't worry, little angel, I will be back soon, just wait for me!"

Lin Quan smiled slightly, and took the lead in leaving the cafeteria and came to the open space outside!

Ymir didn't say much and followed him out!

Everyone ran out and watched. Obviously, they were all very curious about such a battle!

"These guys are really hopeless. They just finished training and they came out to cause trouble without even eating!"

On the second floor, the instructors frowned after seeing this scene. They originally planned to go down to take a look, but after hesitating for a while, they finally did not go out. If they want to make trouble, let them make trouble. As long as no one is killed and no major damage is caused, it will generally be fine. They can just watch from above. If the situation changes, it will not be too late to stop it!

"Allen, what should we do? Should we organize them?"

Armin looked at the two people outside with some worry. Although this incident happened right under their noses, they were still a little confused in their hearts. They didn't know why these guys would fight for no reason!

"No, they are all very strong, especially Lin Quan. Not only is his strength hard to see through, but his personality is also very strange. The same is true for Ymir. Let's just wait and see what happens!"

Alan shook his head. There is no benefit in intervening in the affairs of these two people, because both of them are very strong. If they insist on a duel, no one else can stop them!

Mikasa didn't say anything, but her eyes were always fixed on Lin Quan!

She really wanted to know how strong this guy was. Was he really much stronger than herself, or was he just about the same as herself!

""What's wrong? Don't you want to make a move? If you don't make a move, you can't beat me!"

Lin Quan stood there casually and hooked his finger at Ymir, signaling her to come over and attack!

Ymir is very tall and has a good physical fitness. With the help of the power of the giant, her combat power is slightly higher than that of ordinary people! However, in front of Lin Quan, Ymir is not good enough. With his current strength, there are only two people who will make him feel difficult in a fight, one is Mikasa, and the other is Ani!

Before Lin Quan further improves his strength, it may not be easy to easily defeat these two opponents!

However, Ymir is not within the scope of these two people. It is still very simple for Lin Quan to defeat her!

"You asked for this. If you lose, then leave Krista and stop bothering her!"

Ymir roared and rushed towards Lin Quan. She was very fast and had plenty of energy. She didn't look like someone who had just completed a 15-kilometer armed cross-country training!

Lin Quan nodded slightly. She was indeed quite strong, a little stronger than he had imagined. However, if that was the case, it would obviously not be enough!

After seeing the opponent's moves and intentions clearly, Lin Quan moved. He reacted in an instant. He stepped back half a step with his left foot, slightly tilted his body, and gently stretched out his left hand to grab Ymir's fist. Then he pulled forward and stretched out his right foot at the same time. He exerted a little force on the opponent's leg and kicked back. The force from front and back acted on Ymir's body, and Ymir's center of gravity was instantly destroyed by him!

Then with a plop, Ymir fell to the ground!

Lin Quan smiled slightly, patted his body lightly with his hands, then stepped aside, looked at her, and asked,"How about it, do you want to fight again?"

Everyone only saw Ymir rushing over aggressively, and Lin Quan didn't seem to make too many moves before he was knocked down by the other party. The process was so fast that everyone had no time to react!

""Amazing! This guy is really amazing!"

Mark couldn't help but applaud! Jean gritted his teeth. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that Lin Quan's performance was far beyond his expectations!

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