"It doesn’t count, come again, this doesn’t count!"

Although Ymir fell heavily, she didn’t admit in her heart that Lin Quan was stronger than her. She just thought that it was just a trick played by Lin Quan, and she was not fully prepared, so she was fooled. This time, as long as she was seriously prepared, there would be basically no problem!

"Oh? Still not giving up? Then keep going!"

Lin Quan was originally ready to go back. After all, they were classmates. It would not be good to beat the other party too badly. He could see from the previous move that Ymir had good strength, but lacked skills and was not vigilant enough, similar to Alan. When facing experienced veterans, they would suffer!

"It's your turn to attack this time. If you can hit me, I lose!"

Ymir thought about it and didn't take the initiative to attack Lin Quan. She didn't know why she couldn't stand steadily after being tripped and fallen by Lin Quan just now. So it would be unwise to attack blindly before finding a countermeasure!

"Oh? Have you found the key to the problem?"

Lin Quan smiled. He had figured out the other party's purpose. But if the other party thought he could only defend, then he was totally wrong!

Lin Quan moved, so fast that it made people's scalps numb. It seemed that even the eyes could not keep up with his speed!

""So fast!"

Mikasa and Ani exclaimed in their hearts at the same time!

Mikasa is good at speed and strength, while Ani is good at skills. Lin Quan's performance in strength, speed and skills is very outstanding, which made them feel a huge shock. This guy's ability seems to be very comprehensive and very difficult to deal with!

After Lin Quan's speed increased, Ymir only saw a residual image in front of her. She couldn't see Lin Quan's real movements at all, and she was knocked to the ground by Lin Quan again!

And this time, Mikasa and Ani saw his movements clearly!

He was very fast and rushed behind Ymir. He just lightly hit the back of Ymir's knee, and Ymir's body couldn't support it and knelt forward!

"Well, it took longer than I thought. I wonder if the food will be cold when we get back!"

Lin Quan reached out and pulled Ymir up, then stretched his body, pushed aside the stunned crowd, and walked towards the cafeteria!

Behind him, a group of onlookers were still in shock and could not recover!

"This guy, is he really...really that scary?"

Reiner, Bertolt and the others were sweating. Lin Quan was only twelve years old, but he was already so strong. If he was allowed to train here for three years and mastered all kinds of combat skills, wouldn't he be even stronger?

The two looked at each other and lost confidence. It seemed that the task assigned to them before they left would not be completed in a short time, especially with such a huge obstacle like Lin Quan!

"Oh my god, big sister, you are too fast, you ate it all?"

Lin Quan rubbed his forehead, speechless!

When he was dueling with Ymir outside just now, Sasha didn't go out. She saw many people leaving food on the table, and was attracted by the food. Before everyone came to their senses, she quickly finished most of the bread!

Lin Quan's bread was not spared, and it had been eaten by Sasha at this time!

But fortunately, Krista's was still there!

These breads of hers were obviously not provided by this camp, but Lin Quan exchanged them from the system himself!

He couldn't bear to eat them, so he took them all out to pick up girls. If Sasha ate them, it would be a tragedy!

""Yeah, I heard you say that the bread is not tasty, so I helped you solve it!"

Sasha said as if it was a matter of course, not feeling that she had done anything wrong!

Seeing her like this, Lin Quan really didn’t know how to criticize her. After thinking for a long time, he felt that he couldn’t criticize her anymore, so he could only give up!

"Brother Lin Quan, I still have some bread here, why don’t you take it and eat it!"

Krista was comforting the injured Ymir at this time. Seeing that Lin Quan’s plate was empty, she took out the bread that Lin Quan had given her before!

Lin Quan waved his hand,"Forget it, I won’t eat it anymore, you guys eat slowly!"

After that, he stood up and left. It was just a piece of bread. At worst, he could go to the system to exchange it. It was not a big deal! But after training today, he was a little tired. He ran more than 30,000 meters in the morning and 15,000 meters in the afternoon. It was an armed cross-country race. Even Lin Quan’s physique was a little bit overwhelmed!

He returned to his dormitory, took a quick shower, and then took some dried fish from the system, and then prepared to start practicing!

The system has a set of meditation practice methods. If you use this method to practice, you can absorb the essence of heaven and earth from the world to help yourself repair the damage to your body. If you practice at a high level, you don’t even need to eat and rest. You can directly use the practice method to satisfy the body’s needs. The need for energy!

This is a very useful ability. After all, in the battle with the giants, many times they are killed by the giants because they are exhausted. Human power is limited, and the giants are not only powerful, but also can quickly repair their bodies. They are obviously more powerful!

If you want to defeat them, you need to make yourself stronger!

With a creak, the door opened, and Armin walked in with a towel on his body. He slept opposite Lin Quan, and Allen was on the lower bunk of Armin.

Armin saw Lin Quan meditating, opened his mouth, as if he wanted to talk to him, but swallowed it when he reached his mouth. I don’t know why, it seems that he is a little afraid of Lin Quan. After all, Lin Quan behaves very mysteriously and his strength is very strong!

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