""Well, my name is Armin, please give me your guidance in the future!"

But after hesitating for a while, seeing Lin Quan stopped and looked at him, Armin's face turned red, and he could only bite the bullet and say hello to Lin Quan!

Lin Quan smiled slightly and waved to him:"My name is Lin Quan, I will be your comrade after graduation!"

Lin Quan's smile instantly let Armin down his guard. This guy's smile looked harmless, and he didn't look like a bad guy at all!

"OK, OK, no problem, we will help each other in the future!"

Armin saw Lin Quan reaching out his hand and immediately shook hands with him!

If you make one more friend like this, you will have more guarantees in the future, which is a very beneficial thing!

Although Armin doesn't know Lin Quan very well, they still need to stay together for three years. During these three years, they have plenty of opportunities to slowly deepen their understanding. In short, let's take the first step first!


"Well, yes, the strength of this new student is indeed beyond our expectations. He is outstanding among this batch of students in terms of consciousness, fighting ability, physical strength, speed, physical fitness, etc. He is even stronger than any of the many students we have taught before. If he is trained, he may become like Levi or even surpass Levi!"

""Haha, is that so? That would be the best. In that case, we should conduct three-dimensional maneuver training in advance. I want to carry out the special training plan as early as possible. Do you understand?"

The officer in the green cloak picked up the coffee cup, took a sip of coffee, and instructed his subordinates!

"Yes, we understand!"

Lin Quan didn't know that because of his outstanding performance, the three-dimensional mobile training plan of the entire 104th Training Corps was advanced by a full half a year!

As soon as this news was announced, there were naturally several different reactions among the trainees. Some people were very happy, thinking that they could conduct three-dimensional mobile training in advance so that they could leave this hell earlier. In their opinion, this training corps was just like hell! Among them

, many people were determined to join the military police to change their destiny!

Among the three walls, Maria was located on the outside, Rose Wall was in the middle, and the innermost It is the Sina Wall, and those behind the Sina Wall are basically nobles and relatives of the king. If civilians want to get in, they can only become a member of the gendarmerie, which is also the only way for civilians to complete promotion! However

, if you want to join the gendarmerie, it is not that simple. The number of places in the gendarmerie is limited. Their total number is less than 5,000. With special relationships, a large number of people join the gendarmerie every year, and the remaining places are reserved for these recruits. If you want to join the gendarmerie, you must be in the top ten of the current training corps!

This requirement is not so easy to meet!

"This thing looks quite sophisticated, but a little heavy!"

Lin Quan had been very interested in the three-dimensional maneuvering device in this world before. Now, after learning the theoretical knowledge of this thing, they finally put it on!

And it is different from what you see on TV. This thing looks very cool on TV, and it seems very cool to wear it, but after wearing it himself, Lin Quan felt that this thing was not as fun as before!

First of all, if you want to achieve three-dimensional maneuverability, you must learn all the theoretical knowledge well. This is a very boring thing, because it involves many subjects, including mathematics, physics, etc.!

The three-dimensional maneuvering device is not omnipotent.

It can play a big role in cities or places with dense buildings, but if If it is used in an open area, the effect of this thing will be greatly reduced.

For example, if the Survey Corps encounters an attack by a giant in the wild, they need to take a huge risk to kill the opponent directly, because the three-dimensional mobile device in the wild cannot be easily activated unless the giant is used as a fulcrum.

In that case, if you are not careful and fail to operate it well, you will be caught by the giant and die!

The main reason why the Survey Corps has a high loss rate is that the wild is too dangerous and it is not conducive to their operations.

The mortality rate of the new recruits in the Survey Corps exceeds 50%.

The main reason is that these new recruits will appear to be more inexperienced when facing such a situation for the first time, and it will be more difficult for them to survive!

"Listen carefully, the training you are going to do now is balance training.

Only after you have mastered this step can you proceed to the next stage of adaptive training and combat training.

Everyone who cannot pass the balance training will be eliminated.

At that time, people from the garrison corps will come to pick you up and participate in the reclamation.

That may be a good thing for you.

At least after you go out, you don’t have to fight the giants with weapons.

So, if you want to give up, this time is your last chance!


The instructor looked at each of them very seriously. Although he did not curse at anyone this time, his momentum and tone made everyone understand what he meant!

But those who have come this far will naturally not retreat so easily!

Leaving the training corps to participate in reclamation, what a joke?

How is that possible!

It sounds nice to say that you are going to participate in reclamation, but in fact you are just going to be a refugee!

Not only is your personal safety not guaranteed, but even the most basic needs of food and drink cannot be guaranteed!

Although their training here is very hard, at least their own safety can be guaranteed, and they don’t have to worry about food and drink. The most important thing is that they still have hope and dignity here. If they perform well, they may be able to join the gendarmerie. Even if they don’t perform well, as long as they graduate successfully, they can still join the garrison corps!

That is much better than going out as a refugee!

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