When night falls, the giants usually quiet down at night and will not be as active as during the day.

But Captain Erwin still has some difficulty in calming down.

After this battle, the outer wall investigation plan is basically difficult to carry out!

The Survey Corps suffered a casualty rate of nearly 30%, with more than 40 soldiers killed and more than 30 injured. These wounded soldiers could not continue to fight, and they had to be taken care of by people. Moreover, the casualties were basically peripheral combat sequence personnel, which greatly affected the combat effectiveness of their team.

But this is not what he cares about most. What makes Captain Erwin uneasy is the wisdom and strategy shown by the giants in the daytime battle!

They seemed to have suddenly become enlightened and could even use tactics. It seemed that they knew that they would rest in this forest and arranged people from four directions to block them!

Such a situation is simply unimaginable. The giants have never behaved so surprisingly before. This is the first time!

Moreover, during the battle with Lin Quan, the behavior of the two abnormal species also made Erwin feel very uneasy. The abnormal species themselves are difficult to deal with. If they are allowed to have the ability to think and know how to use their strengths and powers, then even if the Survey Corps is a well-trained soldier, they will probably pay a very heavy price in front of them, just like the left wing array during the day.


The lack of intelligence makes them know very little about the giants, and this disadvantage of lack of intelligence makes it difficult for them to move forward!

Captain Erwin glanced at the captured giant on the ground in the distance. Perhaps it is a safe choice to withdraw the troops, take this giant, and then let as many people as possible study it with Hanji to obtain more valuable information. After all, the current situation is too different from what they expected!

Captain Erwin closed his notebook, recorded what happened today, and wrote the time and his signature.

Even as the leader of the Survey Corps, he still had to face the threat of the Titans, which meant that he himself was not absolutely safe. If he had any accident, he hoped that others would be able to find useful information in this notebook when collecting his body. This thing might be of great use to all of humanity.

After the Beast Titan left, naturally no other Titans approached at night, so they were relatively safe that night!

The next morning, the Survey Corps packed up their things early, gave up their previous plans, took the bodies of the dead and the wounded, as well as the Titan they had captured, and began to return to the city!

"Mikasa, is your arm okay?"

Lin Quan rode closer to the carriage. Mikasa's left arm was injured, which had a certain impact on riding, so Sister Pei arranged for her to sit in the carriage.

Lin Quan and other people from Levi's team were guarding the carriage at this time, protecting the convoy and the supplies on the convoy, including the ugly giant. Speaking of which, the value of this giant is also very high.

"It's okay, the wound doesn't hurt anymore, thank you for your concern!"

Mikasa moved her left arm slightly. As long as the movement was not too big, it would not be a big problem. However, if she wanted to fully recover, she would probably need some rest. Fortunately, her right hand was not injured, otherwise it would have a huge impact on her daily life!

"You are welcome. This is some dried meat I brought with me when I went out. I saved it from the last hunting trip. I had planned to eat it outside during this investigation outside the wall, but I didn’t expect the operation to end so quickly, so I didn’t finish it. I’ll give you some to help you pass the time on the road!"

Lin Quan smiled and handed her a bag of roasted and dried dried meat!

"No, thank you.……"

Mikasa was just about to thank Lin Quan, but she found that he had already ridden away on his horse. Mikasa looked down at the dried meat and smiled slightly. This thing clearly hadn’t been touched. He even said it was some leftovers. Maybe he was worried that she wouldn’t accept it, so he said that on purpose!

Although she complained about Lin Quan in her heart, she felt more of a warm feeling. This feeling was very different from the feeling when she was with Allen, although she couldn’t tell what kind of feeling it was!

Lin Quan left the carriage and went towards Sister Pei and the others. Before he got close, he heard a quarrel between them. Lin Quan was very curious and leaned over to listen.

"Tsk, I don't remember, but there were probably about a dozen?"

Oluo turned his head away, pretending not to care, but he couldn't help but want to come back to eavesdrop, which showed that he didn't look as indifferent as he acted, in fact, he still cared a lot.

"Is that so? In that case, we can only use an unknown number to record your record this time. Oruo, you have to think about it. If you report such statistics, your number of subjugation will not change!"Sister Pei held a small notebook in her hand, writing and drawing on it, and I don't know what she was recording.

Her words made Oruo furious. No record? How can that be possible!

If it were in the past, the record of subjugating 39 giants would have been very dazzling, but now, after Lin Quan joined in, the number of giants he killed soared rapidly. Before the melee in the huge forest broke out, he had already won the record of 4 giants (actually 5, Lin Quan also killed one when training the legion). If his record remained the same, Oruo was worried that it would not be long before Lin Quan's record would surpass his own! This was something he could not accept anyway!

So he had to confess honestly:"Okay, actually it was 6!"

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