Petra nodded and smiled,"That's about right. It matches the number of eyewitnesses I got from other people, and I've checked the giant's wounds, which basically confirms that what they said is accurate!" The record of defeating six giants is actually a very good result. After all, the entire Survey Corps has more than 200 soldiers, and they killed more than 70 giants in one battle. He alone accounted for nearly one-tenth of the number, which is a very terrifying number! Oruo

's strength is indeed very strong. Although he is not as good as the captain or Lin Quan, this guy is famous for his boldness and recklessness in fighting, and he is very good at capturing the weaknesses of the giants, and can always find very good opportunities to launch a fatal blow!

For this reason, when the captain is away, the tactical core of Levi's class is actually Oruo, and the command core is Petra. Therefore, he has the largest number of subjugations, and the others are auxiliary with a high number of subjugations.

""Thirty-nine plus the six this time, Oluo, congratulations on defending your first place!"

Sister Pei said with a smile, and then wrote a new number behind Oluo's name in her notebook!

Oluo was slightly relieved when he heard her news. Fortunately, it was still a small number. As long as he could defend the first place, he would be fine. But he was still very concerned about other people's results, especially Lin Quan's. This guy was fighting outside the city for the first time. He had at least four heads, including two strange ones. If such a battle continued for a few more times, this guy would probably surpass himself!

"Hehe, you are worthy of being Oruo. You are probably the first person in our entire Survey Corps, except for Captain Levi, to subjugate more than 40 Titans! Congratulations, it's such a good thing, shouldn't we commemorate it, for example, treat us a meal, have a drink or something?"

Elder came over to hit Oruo, but Oruo was unmoved. That little salary was not enough for him to support his family when he returned home. He didn't dare to spend money on eating and drinking outside!

"What about the second place? Who is the second place?"

In the past, the second place has always been Captain Sanmao!

Sanmao's strength is second only to Captain Levi in the Corps, but he himself is not keen on conquering Titans, and he is not in the special operations team, so his record is not as good as Oro's.

However, the number of assists in conquering Titans by Captain Sanmao is the highest in the Corps' statistics, 128 times!

This number means that in the battles he participated in, more than a hundred Titans died in front of him. Because the number is too large, I am afraid that no one can break it.

"Well, let me see, Captain Sanmao defeated three Titans this time, Captain Levi defeated 12, Mikasa defeated 5, and Lin Quan defeated 21... Hmm? 21, is this number correct?" Petra herself doubted the authenticity of this number, and at this time, not only she, but also Oruo, Elder and others were shocked!

"21 heads! Is that the data from a battle?"

The taciturn Genta was the first to ask. The others were a little scared and speechless, but he was the first to react!

"This, this has not been confirmed yet. We need to ask him in person to confirm it. Hey, Lin Quan, you are here. It's just right. I have something to ask you!"

Sister Pei looked around for a while and saw Lin Quan at once, so she waved and called him over.

In fact, Lin Quan had heard their conversation just now. 21 heads?

Are there so many? Lin Quan himself couldn't remember, but he had the impression that he did kill a lot.

It seemed that he stopped only after he cut 7 swords in one breath.

The giants on the left wing were basically dealt with by him and Mikasa, and after changing the swords, Lin Quan went to the back to help the garrison troops over there deal with the giants over there, so he didn't count the specific numbers, but if you count carefully, there may not be more than 20 heads, but there should be 17 or 18 heads.!

"What's the matter, Sister Pei?

Lin Quan rode over and asked.

"How many giants did you kill in the battle in the giant forest?"

Sister Pei has confirmed that Lin Quan killed four giants before this battle, so she only needs to confirm the number of giants killed in this battle!

""Well, I haven't counted them in detail, but there should be about eighteen or nineteen!"

Lin Quan touched his head and said with a smile.

He was very curious. What was the point of collecting this data? If the number of conquests was large, would there be any special rewards?

Would there be a lot of small money as rewards?

He could be considered a complete pauper in this world. He was not even penniless, because he was in debt. The money for buying the ring was paid by the sergeant, but this was a love token or even a wedding ring. The money for this kind of thing must be returned to the sergeant. Otherwise, if the sergeant fell in love with someone and asked to buy a ring for marriage, and he had no money when he took out his pocket, then Lin Quan would be guilty!

"Eighteen or nineteen? When you kill giants, do you like to use double swords to make V-shaped cuts?"

Sister Pei has investigated the bodies of giants before. She remembers that the wounds on the back of the neck of some giants were very unique and very deep, and they were chopped with two swords. Most people chop with one sword, and the other hand is responsible for maintaining the balance of the body. It is difficult for someone to pull out both hands!

And she thinks that there should not be many people in the entire Survey Corps who can use both hands to chop, probably no more than five people!

But she knows the characteristics of those people. The wounds on the giants are not like this. Only this wound is very unique, so she wrote it down. She had some doubts that it was Lin Quan, so she asked him about it at this time.

"Yes, that's right, my left hand is not strong enough, so I used the pressure knife method to chop, and the shape of the wound seems to be V-shaped!"

Lin Quan touched his chin, thought for a while, and then nodded!

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