"Hmm? In that case, let me count!"

Petra started counting on her fingers!

One, two, three, four!

Two, two, three, four!

Three, two, three, four!

One more time.……

"Well, you have killed a total of 18 Titans. Counting your previous achievements, the total number of Titans you have killed during this survey is 22. Lin Quan, congratulations, you have become the second person in the Survey Corps with statistical data!"

Sister Pei smiled and recorded his achievements in her notebook, then closed the notebook. The number of Titans killed by Levi's team has been determined, and the results can be reported!

""Hmm? What second person?"

Lin Quan asked curiously. He already knew something vaguely, but he was still not sure if what he thought was correct!

"This is the ranking of the number of Titans killed within our Survey Corps! Currently, the first place is Oro, who has killed 45 Titans. The second place was originally the captain of the Sanmao team, who had killed 21 Titans. However, his result has been surpassed by you. Your result is 22 Titans, which makes you the second person in our Survey Corps! Congratulations, do you want to ask us seniors to share your joy?"

Sister Pei blinked and actually took the initiative to hit Lin Quan's Qiu Feng!

""Hey, sister Pei, stop joking. If I only invite you, that's fine. But if everyone comes together, that's not good. I can't afford it!"

Petra laughed,"Then I dare not go, otherwise they will laugh at me for being a pedophile!"

Lin Quan's face was full of black lines. Pedophile? I'm not a child, damn it!

"Why is there no data for the captain?"

Lin Quan was quite curious about the captain's data. He seemed to have asked this question once before when he first entered Levi's class, but he still felt very curious this time and couldn't help asking again, wanting to know more!

"That's because it's too difficult to count the data of the captain! Haha!"

Sister Pei smiled softly, and the others also did their own things and dispersed. If a group of people gathered together for too long, it would not be good, after all, they all had their own defense range!

"Hmm? It's too difficult to count, what does that mean?"

Lin Quan was very curious. According to Sister Pei's statistical method, he could find witnesses, compare the giant's wounds, and then ask the subjects themselves. If these three aspects were checked, it shouldn't be difficult to find out, right?

"Because his data is too amazing, his fighting style is completely different from that of ordinary people, and the wounds on the giants are of different sizes, so it is impossible to count them!"

Lin Quan nodded. This is one reason, but the real reason should be more than that!

He continued to look at Petra curiously.

Seeing that he was still unwilling to give up, Sister Petra could only sigh and said,"You know, every time our Survey Corps goes out, we will suffer heavy losses, and many battles may be lost.

At that time, even the bodies of the soldiers cannot be collected, let alone counting the results of the battle.

Therefore, the captain asked us not to count his data.

His data is difficult to count, and even if it is counted, it may not be a good thing for the whole group, because his fighter plane is too amazing, and others will become dependent on him.


Pei Jie's last two sentences shocked Lin Quan's heart!

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not unreasonable. The captain is so strong that others are used to trusting him. In desperate situations, they also place their hopes on him. In many cases, the captain will not disappoint their expectations, but the expectations of so many people are also a huge pressure for the captain, and he can't meet everyone's expectations!

And if these people in the city develop a habit of not relying on their own strength on the battlefield, but expecting others to help them and rescue them, then it is definitely not a good thing for them!

"Okay, I understand. Thank you, Sister Pei!"

Lin Quan nodded. It seems that the pressure on the Corps Captain is much greater than he imagined!

Those who only saw the Corps Captain's handsome fighting moves and wonderful performances, but did not see the pressure on the Corps Captain, just like him before, turned their expectations into pressure and put it on the Corps Captain!

It seems that he has to grow up quickly, so that he can absorb some of the firepower and even help the Corps Captain share some of the pressure!

"Haha, it’s okay. I’m very optimistic about you. You have such an outstanding record at such a young age. I think even the captain will look at you with admiration in his heart!"

Lin Quan’s performance in the past two days has been witnessed by everyone. Yesterday, he went to rescue the left wing corps. In the eyes of everyone, it was no different from going to die, but he did it. Not only did he rescue those people, but he also returned safely. This strength amazed everyone. In this melee in the woods, the number of giants he killed was far more than others, once again proving his strength!

It can be said that from the moment he left the city, Lin Quan continued to use his performance to conquer those who were skeptical of them, the new recruits

, at the beginning! Many people don’t understand why the two of them were assigned to Levi’s class. Even the people in Levi’s class were a little puzzled at first, because they They are just new recruits. New recruits have no fighting power!

This fixed impression has been labeled on the new recruits, and each batch of new recruits has not disappointed them. Their performance is indeed not as good as that of veterans. Their fighting power is very low. They basically can't play any role, and they will also be a burden to the entire corps! But

Captain Levi still brought these two new recruits into the Levi class. At first, this decision was very unwise, but now it seems that this decision is very wise!

Whether it is Lin Quan or Mikasa, the strength and potential they have shown are extremely rare or even never seen among the new recruits in recent years, especially Lin Quan. Petra has a feeling in her heart that Lin Quan's strength may surpass Captain Levi in the future!

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