After the Survey Corps entered the Rose Wall from the Trost District, they have been stationed in their own camp.

Because this is the camp of the Garrison Corps, their activities are actually severely restricted.

The relationship between the Garrison Corps and the Survey Corps is not very good.

More than three years ago, the relationship between the two corps was very bad, mainly because at that time not only did ordinary people think that it was meaningless for the Survey Corps to conduct investigations outside the wall, but it would also implicate them.

After all, every time the Survey Corps wanted to leave the wall, the Garrison Corps needed to do a giant dispersal operation.

Some of the giants outside the wall must be dispersed, otherwise they would pose a great threat to the Survey Corps' travel!

And such operations are very dangerous for the Garrison Corps. They also paid a huge price in casualties in such operations, which made the Garrison Corps very dislike the Survey Corps. If it were not for the rigid regulations of their commander Pixis, they would definitely not help the Survey Corps to carry out the expulsion operation!

However, the situation changed slightly three years later, because the Maria Wall was breached, causing the situation of the entire human kingdom to become very serious in an instant. After the Maria Wall was breached, the garrison paid a huge price. They lost a lot of troops, and the giants were now approaching the Rose Wall. If Rose was breached before, then they would have no way to retreat!

Although there is a Sina Wall behind the Rose Wall, the Sina Wall is actually the station of the Military Police Corps, and the garrison will not be allowed to enter here. So once the Rose Wall is breached, they may be like the humans behind the Maria Wall who lost their homes before, and be ordered by the Supreme Command to launch a suicidal crusade against the giants!

Such a thing is no different from sending themselves to death. Therefore, at this time, they only have the Rose Wall as a barrier!

Therefore, the garrison also placed hope on the Survey Corps' investigation outside the wall. They hope that the Survey Corps can succeed and find a way to deal with the giants, so that their fate can be rewritten!

Therefore, three years later, the Garrison Corps' attitude towards the Survey Corps was slightly better, but the two sides had different positions and camps, and it was absolutely impossible to completely eliminate the gap! What's more, the scale of the Survey Corps was much smaller than that of the Garrison Corps, and it was almost impossible for the two sides to be on an equal footing!

At this time, the Garrison Corps, which was supervised by the Military Police, also launched surveillance outside the Survey Corps' camp, paying close attention to the Survey Corps' every move.

"Really, we can’t even go out? We’ve been trapped in the camp for so many days!"

Several soldiers wanted to go out, but they were stopped by the military police. They were not allowed to leave, so everyone was dissatisfied and complained a few words.

Everyone in Levi’s class was preparing to go for a walk in the city at this time. Elder’s home seemed to be here, so they planned to go to his house to take a look.

However, after seeing this situation, everyone knew that their hopes might be dashed. With this posture of the military police, they probably wouldn’t let them leave!

"Are these guys treating us as enemies? They are actually keeping us under surveillance! This is too much!"

Oluo is a chatterbox, and his personality is quite rebellious. After all, he is still relatively young this year, only 18 years old, not very old, so he is still in the rebellious period of adolescence.

"I just can't do it. Do they really dare to stop us? I'm going to go out and see what they can do to us!"

Oluo was so angry that he thought about why he fought desperately outside the wall. Wasn't it for the future of all mankind?

But after returning, not only was he not treated as a hero, but he was also monitored! What's the difference between this treatment and that of prisoners in prison?

"Senior Oluou, don't be impulsive!"

Lin Quan tried to hold him back, but it was too late, the guy had already rushed up.

The others all smiled bitterly, and Petra said helplessly:"Let's go, let's follow and take a look. If we don't take good care of this guy, he will definitely cause trouble for us!"

Elder nodded in agreement. Today they went out to visit his home. If something happened on the way, it would be difficult for him to explain.

So several people followed.

""Hey, you guys, why are you stopping us from going out?"

After Oruo walked over, he was surrounded by the Military Police!

The Military Police had muskets, and the Survey Corps' main weapons were cold weapons. They also had a small number of muskets, but they couldn't carry them with them. So when facing the other party's black muzzle, Oruo just pushed the other party and didn't do any other excessive actions, because the Military Police was notoriously unreasonable!

"We are just following the orders from above. We hope you will cooperate with us!"

The man from the Military Police Corps looked cold and looked at Auluo and the others coldly, then said something with disdain.

His expression clearly showed the discrimination and disdain of the upper class towards the lower class, so this expression instantly irritated Lin Quan and the others, and the hot-tempered Auluo was no exception!

"Orders? Haha, does your boss only order you to do things against your own people? Your military police are well-equipped, and the soldiers are the best in each corps. The garrison is behind the Xina city wall in the core. It is usually known as the most powerful of the three corps. It sounds awesome!"

The man did not seem to hear that Oruo's words were ironic. Instead, he said smugly:"Of course, the military police are much stronger than you miscellaneous soldiers!"

"Haha, then why don't you have the courage to fight the giants outside the wall? You are so impressive hiding behind three walls!"

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